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200mg harmine FB Options
#1 Posted : 9/3/2021 3:57:10 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I've been swimming around in the Nexus for hours and hours but I want to share personal experience that seems to differ slightly than what I've read as I've been testing different harmalas and ROA with and without DMT.

Currently I'm 2.7 hours into 200mg harmine FB experience, and I'm surprised how strongly it's hitting me considering harmine is generally reported to work best at higher dosage than full spectrum or harmaline. It is possible that it is in fact something other than 90+% harmine, as this was purchased (I'm frustrated trying to filter the rue seed soup for my own extract, but that's coming).

For reference, yesterday I took 185mg of full spectrum HCl via capsule and yes I felt it but not like I am now. I realize that 185mg HCL has less harmala mass when compared to 185mg FB. With the capsule, it just crept up on me gradually and felt good throughout. Recently I've been taking 1000mg D-Limonene when taking harmalas as it does seem to help.

Today the harmine FB was added to 50mL of warm water with 1g sodium bicarbonate and down the hatch.

The first 90 minutes I didn't feel anything good, was more of a slight headache and annoyed it was taking so long lol. But after that, I've been feeling hint of buzz/body vibration and pleasant frame of mind, and slight but noticeable reduction in motor control/coordination vis a vis high.

Part of what I'm trying to convey is that I was overly confident that this dose was going to have considerably milder effects than actual results... lesson learned.

I've also been smoking harmala FB, via harmala-only enhanced leaf, and changa. So far, my experiences (maybe 15 total smoking vs oral harmalas) have consistently impressed me with a better experience with oral harmalas.

Again, this is just my personal experience report here, but IME the changa via bong can be a little unpredictable. Get it too hot, burn the DMT and and getting mostly harmalas. Get it warm enough to vaporize DMT but not warm enough for harmalas, IDK it must be partly lack of experience but even when I do feel like I got a nice proportion in a hit, the smoked harmalas don't last as long as taking them orally AND I tend to get in a funky spot with DMT that's ok but not my favorite unless I lead it with oral harmalas.

My favorite so far is to feel the harmalas kicked in and warming me up with a pre-glow before putting delicious changa blend in GVG (1:4:1 DMT:leaf:FS harmala FB). I start off making the changa as 1:1:1 with damiana/dalmation sage/passion flower/eucalyptus and I took 400mg of this cured changa and added 400mg of blue lotus/damiana/mullein/chamomile/lavender/spearmint/rasberry leaf. In the bong its meh. In the GVG it's absolutely heavenly taste (see pic). The harmalas are likely wasted in the changa with GVG, but it's what I have and results are splendid after oral harmalas.

For example, last night I lit up the GVG 4+ hours after consuming the 185mg FS harmala HCl. Peak harmala mind alterations had mostly dissipated but a warm glow was still there. I did not weigh the changa but I estimate 70-80mg of this went in the GVG which would only be 12-13mg DMT. I took single full hit, held it in as long as I could, let the singing bowl sing for a moment, laid back, and the onset was euphoric with gentle wave after gentle wave as I welcomed it in. Like stepping foot in enchanted forest instead of sustaining 10+Gs strapped onto a rocket. It was more than I was expecting for that small amount (was expecting to have to load more).

I was tired and the effects went on and on and wtih CEVs and morphed into actual dreaming/sleeping. I woke up at 4:05AM (only 4 hours of sleep) and felt amazing, stayed awake and wrote a long thoughtful, well accepted note to someone that's been on my mind.

YMMV - but for me, oral harmalas then changa in GVG FTW
artificer attached the following image(s):
smooth.JPG (192kb) downloaded 131 time(s).
An affinity to entheogens that bring me to full submission,
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#2 Posted : 9/3/2021 10:46:20 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Something I failed to mention: I did the changa in GVG after oral harmalas 4 times now, and it has been a consistent pleasurable experience. The last time I was especially tired and slept shortly after one small dose, but the other times I've spent 1-3 hours wading deeper and deeper.

I'm excited about this method as it's more navigable and I intend to explore it farther. I wish I knew a Shaman and one that was willing to teach how to really "get in there" for a specific purpose (looking at past/future or healing someone, etc), but since I don't, I feel satisfied that I'm onto something here that, with enough experience, might allow me to find my own way there.

Something I haven't done yet, but working my way toward, is to have a session where I go in slowly, steering the ship to a destination, and then let 'r rip and hope the ship gets propelled generally where I was seeking. No matter what, the life in there has their own agenda to show me what they want to show me, but I feel like this approach is letting me develop rapport with them. Chances are that theory will get blown out of the water at some point Shocked Laughing

It's all amazing stuff, it's just so intriguing what Terrence says of the Shamans - how dey do dat?
An affinity to entheogens that bring me to full submission,
A thriving esoteric greenhouse, I do envision
#3 Posted : 9/13/2021 5:20:23 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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artificer wrote:
Today the harmine FB was added to 50mL of warm water with 1g sodium bicarbonate and down the hatch.

What's the reason for using sodium bicarbonate? I add harmine FB and citric acid to room temperature water for my oral harmine dosage.

I know what you mean regarding a low dose of harmine having some effectiveness. I've found 100-200 mg harmine FB to be an enjoyable mild dosage (nice body high, quieting of the mind, some auditory hallucinations). Sometimes I'll add a small amount of DMT (40 mg) or a microdose of shrooms (0.3 grams) if I want to kick up the experience with some CEV. This is what I'm using each weekend to knock off the rust from the prior week. After the the trip recedes enough I can get up and meditate a while. The rest of the day I notice myself being very mindful.
#4 Posted : 9/13/2021 3:05:22 PM


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Yea 200mg would floor me for many hours. I'm sensitive to harmalas but for some that's definitely a solid dose. Even that amount of DMT can be a heavy trip for some, especially on harmalas. Around 15mg dmt can be a breakthrough dose on harmalas for some people

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#5 Posted : 9/19/2021 3:14:43 AM

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What's the reason for using sodium bicarbonate? I add harmine FB and citric acid to room temperature water for my oral harmine dosage.

This is a method to administer FB harmalas that I read about here, but I just spent 20 minutes looking for it to no avail. I have tried 150mg harmine FB in capsule and it may have taken a little longer to kick in but the effects seemed about 3/4 of the 200mg harmine and sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water. At least baking soda helps settle the stomach lol.

I know what you mean regarding a low dose of harmine having some effectiveness. I've found 100-200 mg harmine FB to be an enjoyable mild dosage (nice body high, quieting of the mind, some auditory hallucinations). Sometimes I'll add a small amount of DMT (40 mg) or a microdose of shrooms (0.3 grams) if I want to kick up the experience with some CEV. This is what I'm using each weekend to knock off the rust from the prior week. After the the trip recedes enough I can get up and meditate a while. The rest of the day I notice myself being very mindful.

I've never done pharma but in near future I see myself taking 150mg harmine and 40mg of DMT in a capsule (or maybe DMT in little capsule inside of bigger capsule with the harmine?)

Yea 200mg would floor me for many hours. I'm sensitive to harmalas but for some that's definitely a solid dose. Even that amount of DMT can be a heavy trip for some, especially on harmalas. Around 15mg dmt can be a breakthrough dose on harmalas for some people

The part I was surprised about is how strong the effects were from standalone harmine FB compared to full spectrum harmala (roughly equal parts harmine and harmaline). Harmine is purported to require more than harmaline for similar effects.

After oral dose of harmalas, I could see breakthrough with 15-20mg pure dmt vaped properly, but I also kinda like vaping the changa and really stretching things out, giving me more of a chance to observe and explore.

I may be beating this message to death, but oral harmalas IME do so much more than "potentiate" DMT. This likely varies person to person but for me the cognitive effects of harmalas set a nice stage for embarking on a powerful trip like DMT. Even if harmalas didn't have MAOI qualities, I personally would value harmalas in conjunction with DMT anyway.
An affinity to entheogens that bring me to full submission,
A thriving esoteric greenhouse, I do envision
#6 Posted : 9/19/2021 4:12:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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artificer wrote:
I've never done pharma but in near future I see myself taking 150mg harmine and 40mg of DMT in a capsule (or maybe DMT in little capsule inside of bigger capsule with the harmine?)

I've dosed the DMT at the same time as the harmine, 15 minutes after the harmine, and with an extra 70 mg harmine at +1.5 hours after the initial harmine (to first enjoy the effects of the harmine on its own). The DMT after 15 minutes seems to be more consistent than dosing at the same time as the harmine.

...oral harmalas IME do so much more than "potentiate" DMT. This likely varies person to person but for me the cognitive effects of harmalas set a nice stage for embarking on a powerful trip like DMT. Even if harmalas didn't have MAOI qualities, I personally would value harmalas in conjunction with DMT anyway.

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