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Journal: 50 Sublingual | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | DMT Ayahuasca journeys over a years time Options
#121 Posted : 8/13/2021 11:30:34 PM

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The liftmode THH came with a lab report.

This concerns me
Cadmium <0.010 ppm
Mercury <0.003 ppm
Lead <0.397 ppm
Arsenic <0.077 ppm
Testing date 11/24/2020
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#122 Posted : 8/14/2021 12:17:05 AM

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skoobysnax wrote:
This concerns me
Cadmium <0.010 ppm
Mercury <0.003 ppm
Lead <0.397 ppm
Arsenic <0.077 ppm

What is the concern? Those levels are very low. According to this site which developed a standard for heavy metal contamination, the Liftmode THH would qualify for the following outstanding ratings:

Cadmium A+++
Mercury A+++
Lead B
Arsenic A+++

Only lead is a concern, and it's still pretty good under these strict standards.

Note the guy who runs this site, Mike Adams "The Health Ranger" is (IMO) a total far right conspiracy theorist naturalist nutcase. If Liftmode THH is A+++ on his list for all heavy metals except a "B" for lead, I feel the heavy metals amounts are of no concern.
#123 Posted : 8/14/2021 2:51:04 AM

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shroombee wrote:
Note the guy who runs this site, Mike Adams "The Health Ranger" is (IMO) a total far right conspiracy theorist naturalist nutcase.

Laughing I'm dead

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
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#124 Posted : 8/15/2021 12:58:18 AM

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ava69 wrote:
So it looks like the concensus so far is two votes cast for the China made THH glowing green/yellow (starway & voidmatrix) and one vote cast for the China made THH glowing blue (like it should) under blacklight at 6'o clock (GLTASN). Yes, harmine also glows blue, but let's not complicate all this.

Im not voteing .. [FOR]..the ..green/ yellow..color of LM THH!

It may be ok...but im the type of person who goes by the book..

If it should glow blue.. and it doesnt...to me thats a bit suspicious...

I dont want to cause others to dis trust the product...it just sits in my closet not being used..

I think i would trust rue tea better..because its natural and does contain some THH!

AVA69...I have a question about the | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |...

In a recent post you gave a recepy for just mixing halmallas..THH...| High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | all together for an oral trip because you said you got tired of the sublingual stinging...

It apears that the | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | need not be pressed into a spoon..if your taking it orally?

So can i just mix | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | into some rue tea...just mixing is ok?

Im interested in the claim that | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | can make other drugs more absorbable?

Is this true?

I wonder if | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | mixed with some supliments ..[orally]..can make the supliment more effective?

there are lots of dream supliments on my mind that i ocasionally use...

there is... Galantamine...Huperzene A...[Vinpocetine]. and many other great Nutropics...

Or does this improvement using | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |...only happen with certain classes of drugs?

#125 Posted : 8/15/2021 1:01:13 AM

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here is what i found on | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |..

How does cyclodextrin improve solubility of drugs?
Cyclodextrins and their derivatives, by forming guest- host complexes, encapsulate an insoluble drug and increase its aqueous solubility. The cyclodextrin carries the drug through the aqueous solution and the complex dissociates upon reach- ing the site of action. ...

#126 Posted : 8/16/2021 1:58:31 PM

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NO THH in Rue??

found this below on syrian rue...

The seeds of “Syrian rue.” ... Peganum harmala contains β-carbolines such as harmaline, harmine, harmalol, harmol, tetrahydroharmine, and the quinazoline derivatives vasicinone and deoxyvasicinone (Hemmateenejad, Abbaspour, Maghami, Miri, & Panjehshahin, 2006; Zhao et al., 2011).

#127 Posted : 8/23/2021 5:24:10 PM

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quote....Suppose you took 180mg harmine fb (2.0mg/kg is a strong activating dose) + 150mg THH fb + 90mg | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | DMT (630mg plain | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | complexed to 90mg freebase DMT first made on a spoon then added to tea mix) all mixed into 1oz hot water tea Ayahuasca for your 1st dose like I love to do, only I use more THH, usually 250mg like I did last night.......

I really dont have anything that i trust as being ...clean pure ThH... ...

[[except for the lift mode stuff... im not shure of]].

But im curious...In the dosages you posted above... ...

How would you [reduce..or ..adjust]...the dosage above?...

if you just wanted to get your feet wet and test the waters..

[for maybe a one and a half hour trip?]...if one has never tryed the oral route yet? [cut the ingrediants in half??/]

also could this work with rue actives only?... and ..[spice prepared in a spoon with | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |] in advance as you stated above?

im already aware that rue and spice in proper doses can work... but the idea of naseua did not sound good...
#128 Posted : 8/23/2021 11:23:40 PM

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starway7 wrote:
How would you [reduce..or ..adjust]...the dosage above?...

if you just wanted to get your feet wet and test the waters..

[for maybe a one and a half hour trip?]...if one has never tryed the oral route yet? [cut the ingrediants in half??/]

First try oral harmine alone, increasing dosages on different days until you get mild psychedelic effects like auditory hallucinations or a little CEV. Try 100 mg, then 150 mg, then 200 mg. By 200 mg you should definitely notice effects. I get effects at 100 mg. Effects will be relatively mild compared to DMT, mescaline, shrooms, etc. But you want to get to the "it's definitely active" stage. At this point we can assume you probably have MAO inhibition in the gut (this is of course necessary for oral DMT to be active and not broken down by MAO enzymes).

Once you have found the amount of harmine where you get psychedelic effects, try adding a little THH and see how that affects things. Maybe 50 mg, then 100 mg.

Finally add in the DMT. Start with 30 mg and increase from there. I would add the DMT with 50 mg harmine, about 30-60 minutes after taking the first dosage of harmine. Although I've also taken the DMT at the same time as the harmine and it does work, I think the 30+ minute delay ensures the MAO enzymes have been deactivated. I think I've noticed more consistent CEV with the delay, but haven't done enough tests to be sure.

If you have harmine and THH freebase, dissolve in water with some citric acid or lemon juice.

As always when trying new combinations, start low with your dosage and increase slowly.

Note this is my experience with oral pharmahuasca, not sublingual and not modifying anything with | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |.

#129 Posted : 8/24/2021 12:57:26 AM

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shroombee wrote:
starway7 wrote:
How would you [reduce..or ..adjust]...the dosage above?...

if you just wanted to get your feet wet and test the waters..

[for maybe a one and a half hour trip?]...if one has never tryed the oral route yet? [cut the ingrediants in half??/]

First try oral harmine alone, increasing dosages on different days until you get mild psychedelic effects like auditory hallucinations or a little CEV. Try 100 mg, then 150 mg, then 200 mg. By 200 mg you should definitely notice effects. I get effects at 100 mg. Effects will be relatively mild compared to DMT, mescaline, shrooms, etc. But you want to get to the "it's definitely active" stage. At this point we can assume you probably have MAO inhibition in the gut (this is of course necessary for oral DMT to be active and not broken down by MAO enzymes).

Once you have found the amount of harmine where you get psychedelic effects, try adding a little THH and see how that affects things. Maybe 50 mg, then 100 mg.

Finally add in the DMT. Start with 30 mg and increase from there. I would add the DMT with 50 mg harmine, about 30-60 minutes after taking the first dosage of harmine. Although I've also taken the DMT at the same time as the harmine and it does work, I think the 30+ minute delay ensures the MAO enzymes have been deactivated. I think I've noticed more consistent CEV with the delay, but haven't done enough tests to be sure.

If you have harmine and THH freebase, dissolve in water with some citric acid or lemon juice.

As always when trying new combinations, start low with your dosage and increase slowly.

Note this is my experience with oral pharmahuasca, not sublingual and not modifying anything with | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |.

thanks for your advice ..shroombee..

Ive always just brewed some rue tea...then vaped some spice ..and usually wasnt let down...

I guess you call it...[a vapauasca experiance]

Ive never yet had success with oral spice...ive heard oral is really a lighter experiance than when you vape the spice? but longer...[but chances of naseua are higher]/?

I dont have any extracted harmine right now... just full spectrum rue ..as in rue tea...

i could extract it from the rue seed..or order some already extracted,,,

Im drying out my 5 grams of rue tea in hopes of scraping it into a powder to put in capsules...and prevent any real naseua ...

im still interested in the answer to my | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | question...?


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#130 Posted : 8/24/2021 1:26:26 AM

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starway7 wrote:
Im drying out my 5 grams of rue tea in hopes of scraping it into a powder to put in capsules...and prevent any real naseua ...

I think the nausea comes from too much harmalas? Perhaps mostly from the harmaline?

In which case that's why I suggested using pure harmine and increasing dosage incrementally to get to the psychoactive level without discomfort. Harmine is active for me at 100 mg and I've used 180 mg with no nausea. I haven't tried higher amounts yet.
#131 Posted : 8/24/2021 8:43:21 AM
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shroombee wrote:
starway7 wrote:
Im drying out my 5 grams of rue tea in hopes of scraping it into a powder to put in capsules...and prevent any real naseua ...

I think the nausea comes from too much harmalas? Perhaps mostly from the harmaline?

I would agree with this. Evaporating the water will not make the product any cleaner or prevent nausea. Harmaline is the main cause of it in my experience. 200mg of harmine should be smooth sailing, but even 50mg of harmaline can make me rocket vomit.

Of course you will get the benefit of not having to taste it, so if that's your source of nausea I'm sure it can be helpful.
#132 Posted : 8/24/2021 1:57:33 PM

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BongQuixote wrote:
shroombee wrote:
starway7 wrote:
Im drying out my 5 grams of rue tea in hopes of scraping it into a powder to put in capsules...and prevent any real naseua ...

I think the nausea comes from too much harmalas? Perhaps mostly from the harmaline?

I would agree with this. Evaporating the water will not make the product any cleaner or prevent nausea. Harmaline is the main cause of it in my experience. 200mg of harmine should be smooth sailing, but even 50mg of harmaline can make me rocket vomit.

Of course you will get the benefit of not having to taste it, so if that's your source of nausea I'm sure it can be helpful.

full spectrum Rue tea usually doesnt give me any naseua if i stay within a.. 1 to 3 gram limit on the seed..

Also keeping the the seed material [OUT] of the tea is a big plus! in keeping away naseua...
[this fact can be found if you research past nexus posts as far back as 2012 when i first joined nexus...as ...starway6..

Also... i filtered my tea 5 times through a coffie filter and my putting the actives only into capsuls...[minus the seed material] is my way of cleaning it as good as posible before i ingest it... without the taste of santans armpits..

I have done crude extractions of rue seed before ..but i had to use lye...in the process..

I figure i dont have to worry about ingesting any trace chemicals..[i may have not washed out] if i dont use them to start with..

keep it ..[all natural at a safe dose].... and protect your health at same time...

Rue can be toxic at high doses!...at low doses its usually safe....
#133 Posted : 8/24/2021 4:13:39 PM

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Hey all. I think I have time to get back at this.

I will be skipping fb harmalas and opting instead for 3g rue tea 30-45 minutes prior to sublingual administration of 35mg for DMT. I am starting over my experimentation with this method. I don't think enough was being absorbed sublingually in prior attempts. In this trial, i intend on drying out the membrane underneath my tongue just before administering the complexed DMT. Hoping to have more effect from this dosage with this method than with previous attempts.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#134 Posted : 8/24/2021 5:06:27 PM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
Hey all. I think I have time to get back at this.

I will be skipping fb harmalas and opting instead for 3g rue tea 30-45 minutes prior to sublingual administration of 35mg for DMT. I am starting over my experimentation with this method. I don't think enough was being absorbed sublingually in prior attempts. In this trial, i intend on drying out the membrane underneath my tongue just before administering the complexed DMT. Hoping to have more effect from this dosage with this method than with previous attempts.

One love

i hope the sublingual attempt works!....[but if the ..[sublingal attempt doesnt work]... and instead you vape 45 minutes after the tea..you should get a powerfull experiance....

I would keep a loaded pipe nearby... incase the sublingual spice fails....

#135 Posted : 8/24/2021 6:20:24 PM

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starway7 wrote:
Voidmatrix wrote:
Hey all. I think I have time to get back at this.

I will be skipping fb harmalas and opting instead for 3g rue tea 30-45 minutes prior to sublingual administration of 35mg for DMT. I am starting over my experimentation with this method. I don't think enough was being absorbed sublingually in prior attempts. In this trial, i intend on drying out the membrane underneath my tongue just before administering the complexed DMT. Hoping to have more effect from this dosage with this method than with previous attempts.

One love

i hope the sublingual attempt works!....[but if the ..[sublingal attempt doesnt work]... and instead you vape 45 minutes after the tea..you should get a powerfull experiance....

I would keep a loaded pipe nearby... incase the sublingual spice fails....

Thank you kindly my friend.
I think I'll keep a bowl of some "new" changa packed in case there's no effect.

Also, Starway7, I'm picking up some everclear after work today and will be freezing some rue seeds for our experiment. Just been super busy with a 5 day intensive, three mimosa extractions going, two caapi extractions going, plus general life stuff...

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#136 Posted : 8/25/2021 1:14:04 AM

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shroombee wrote:
starway7 wrote:
Im drying out my 5 grams of rue tea in hopes of scraping it into a powder to put in capsules...and prevent any real naseua ...

I think the nausea comes from too much harmalas? Perhaps mostly from the harmaline?

In which case that's why I suggested using pure harmine and increasing dosage incrementally to get to the psychoactive level without discomfort. Harmine is active for me at 100 mg and I've used 180 mg with no nausea. I haven't tried higher amounts yet.

after 48hours of drying the rue tea feels dry to touch... but the stuff refuses to dry enough to turn into a powder?? atleast in two days...

I scrape up what i can and im getting a ..[very sticky!].. resin .. that i roll into maoi pellets between my fingers..

maybe it takes a whole week to dry the rue tea resin?

Im thinking that these little pellets may vaporize ok in a pipe?
#137 Posted : 8/25/2021 1:40:40 AM

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So I am not sure if this method is for me.

I complexed 35mg FB DMT with 280mg 2-Hydroxy | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | after drinking 3g roasted rue tea. While trying to hold it under my tongue, my salivation got out of control about 7 minutes in, so I just swallowed it.

That said, it has been a very mild, yet peaceful, experience. Very little going on visually, but a definite body high and a sense of inner peace. Can't have any qualms about that.

Ava69, thank you for all of the diligent research and work you have put in to sharing this method with us all. It's phenomenal and impressive.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#138 Posted : 8/25/2021 3:06:34 AM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
I complexed 35mg FB DMT with 280mg 2-Hydroxy | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | after drinking 3g roasted rue tea. While trying to hold it under my tongue, my salivation got out of control about 7 minutes in, so I just swallowed it.

That said, it has been a very mild, yet peaceful, experience. Very little going on visually, but a definite body high and a sense of inner peace. Can't have any qualms about that.

How much harmalas are in 3g rue tea? Would that normally be enough for full MAO inhibition?

I like the body high and sense of inner peace while lying down. I use those effects to get out of my head, and after getting up I try meditating for an hour in the afterglow. Trying to use this as a regular spiritual practice.

Sometimes I get little visuals, then the next time there's plenty. Haven't figured out why yet.
#139 Posted : 8/25/2021 3:22:08 AM

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shroombee wrote:
Voidmatrix wrote:
I complexed 35mg FB DMT with 280mg 2-Hydroxy | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | after drinking 3g roasted rue tea. While trying to hold it under my tongue, my salivation got out of control about 7 minutes in, so I just swallowed it.

That said, it has been a very mild, yet peaceful, experience. Very little going on visually, but a definite body high and a sense of inner peace. Can't have any qualms about that.

How much harmalas are in 3g rue tea? Would that normally be enough for full MAO inhibition?

I like the body high and sense of inner peace while lying down. I use those effects to get out of my head, and after getting up I try meditating for an hour in the afterglow. Trying to use this as a regular spiritual practice.

Sometimes I get little visuals, then the next time there's plenty. Haven't figured out why yet.

That's a great question, and I do not know the answer. What I do know is, this one time, when I wasn't paying attention, I drank 3g roasted rue tea after work, and about an hour later decided I wanted to blast off, not considering the rue tea I drank... I accidentally broke-through... (I say "accidentally" because I am presently not breaking through on purpose (only sub-break-throughs), and it was only 15mg Shocked ).

Do you take roughly the same dose (35mg)? If so, and if you don't mind me asking, what's your weight? I'm trying to guage how much to try next time, and know body weight can play a factor in effective dosing. Sometimes the spice just does want it wants (with respect to uncertainty about why one experience can have barely any visuals and another at the same dose a great deal), all other considerations aside Big grin .

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#140 Posted : 8/25/2021 5:03:34 AM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
Do you take roughly the same dose (35mg)? If so, and if you don't mind me asking, what's your weight? I'm trying to guage how much to try next time, and know body weight can play a factor in effective dosing. Sometimes the spice just does want it wants (with respect to uncertainty about why one experience can have barely any visuals and another at the same dose a great deal), all other considerations aside Big grin .

I'm a lean 138 lbs (~63 kg). The last several weeks I've been experimenting with oral pharmahuasca. On an empty stomach, 100 mg harmine FB with 30 mg DMT FB will give me a nice body high and sometimes solid CEV for 30-45 minutes. No mind warping effects but a little more thinking activity than normal (positive thoughts though). I feel there is an enhanced mindfulness with this particular dosage. So I use these effects to practice quieting my mind (like meditation). And once the visuals are done and the body high has relaxed enough so that I feel like getting out of bed, I meditate for an hour in the remaining afterglow.

Sometimes the combo doesn't give much CEV and I just enjoy mostly a body high. I appreciate this light pharmahuasca experience as something I can enjoy weekly without having to worry I'll get in over my head.

If you can extract or obtain it, try 100 mg harmine without DMT to first dial in that part of the combination. Increase in 30-50 mg increments until you're definitely getting psychedelic effects (some auditory hallucinations, a little CEV, body high). Then add in the DMT starting with 30 mg. You might also try the DMT 30 minutes after the harmine to ensure the MAO inhibition has taken effect. Recently I tried 110 mg harmine and 90 minutes later added 40 mg DMT jimjam plus an extra 70 mg harmine. Nice visuals which lasted 90-120 minutes. Again, I'm using this to meditate in the afterglow so I'm not looking for a mind warping experience. That'll come later. Laughing

Note I haven't tried ava69's oral DMT with | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | yet. I don't have any DMT freebase at the moment.
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