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The direct e-mesh thread. Options
#661 Posted : 2/2/2021 4:24:18 PM

Yūgen "a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe ... and the sad beauty of human suffering"

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Good morning fam,

I am currently using an Aegis Solo with Wotofo Profile, 200 ss316 mesh roll, and I cut mine a few mm shorter because of the build space in the RDA. Settings are SS-TC, 205 degrees, 35w, 105 TCR as preset by device. I also have a lot of experience working with vapes and mesh.

My fiance had a breakthrough on 40mg and I connected with source energy on 50mg so I know this thing works when it works. My issue is consistency and I am wondering if anyone can shed some light on what the cause may be.

Second attempt at a breakthough since setting up this device, and after my 50mg "omg maybe I over did it moment", I did not breathe properly before hand like I usually do and assumed this to be the reason that I didn't get as deep as I wanted because my inhale was shallow and I couldn't hold it very long.

Last night her and I both did low doses just to have a little fun, third time using this device. Her visuals were so intense that she could not keep her eyes open the whole time and was a little overwhelmed at first but clearly vaped enough in one hit while mine produced body high and very mild visuals. I measured 20mg for both of us.

I am going to attempt a breakthrough when I get home this evening with 40mg, but I figured I would ask here before I do. What would be the reason that two doses back to back would be so inconsistent in the delivery? I did not take the RDA off the mod between the doses so I know it wasn't due to resistance lock or not having the settings right because I have been using the standard settings that several others have posted and it has worked like a charm prior to my last two experiences.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#662 Posted : 2/3/2021 1:10:17 AM

Yūgen "a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe ... and the sad beauty of human suffering"

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Update: Vaped a 40mg dose, no taste, no burning sensation, clean vape, mild visuals. My partner is going to vape a small dose because she really likes the afterglow and I expect she will have decent visuals. I smoked a small dose on some dry herb Sunday morning and had such intense visuals that I sat down for a moment and just took it all in. I really have no idea what is happening. I cannot tell if it is the delivery method or not for sure because it works like a dream for her but not for me these last two attempts. All I can do process, experiment, and take notes. I will report back again after she takes her hit and maybe I will sprinkle some on some dry herb and see if I get a different experience.

Update 2: She vaped 10mg and was instantly in the tunnel. I am going to make a new post to discuss this more elsewhere because this is beginning to feel like more than a technical issue with delivery and more of a metaphysical issue.

Update 3: Device is working perfectly. Thanks for reading, but my issue was not a technical one. Also thanks for this thread and for all of you who have been experimenting with this method. It has been a game changer for me.
#663 Posted : 2/6/2021 9:00:22 PM

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E-mesh inconsistency fixed!!

Hey everyone. I wanted to share with you all what I discovered recently.

I have been having issues for the past few days where my e-mesh mod was heating VERY inconsistently. Sometimes it would barely melt the spice even at high temperatures, other times even at the lowest temperature setting it would burn bright orange. I tried cleaning it, replacing the mesh, fully charging the battery, but nothing worked. Then as I was cleaning off some brown residue from the center area of the white area underneath the mesh I noticed a small indentation. The perfect size for the tiny flathead screwdriver I had been using to tighten the clamps that hold the mesh in place. So I removed the mesh, inserted the screwdriver and gave it probably three full rotations clockwise. Put the mesh back in place and VOILA! The system now fires accurately and consistently at the specified temperature.

The RDA I am using is a Wotofo Profile (1.5 I think), but I would bet that many of the similar RDAs have this same screw.
Hopefully this will help some of you who have been having problem with your vape being hit or miss.

#664 Posted : 2/6/2021 11:41:32 PM
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This thread is amazing. Thank you all for your contributions, tips and work that you’ve put in. I just bought my first mod (Aegis Solo), RDA (wotofo) and SS mesh roll. Going to experiment with the method when they arrive.

Meanwhile, I have a question. I see that most use everclear or 96% ethanol for dissolving the DMT for the dripping procedure. As it is hard to obtain in my part of the world, I wonder if it is possible to use isopropyl alcohol, acetone or naphta for this purpose (99%+ pure of course)?

Edit: saw in another post that acetone should be fine if it has a high level of purity. Any thoughts om naphta and IPA?
#665 Posted : 2/7/2021 4:48:27 PM

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PsychonautCX wrote:
__the__alchemist__ wrote:
megapineapple wrote:
__the__alchemist__ wrote:
some one wrote:
__the__alchemist__ wrote:
I'm struggling with dialling in my MOD settings, wondering if anyone can give me some advise. I'm running the Aegis Solo Mod, original VV mesh RDA and SS316L mesh. TCR mode, 200°C manual TCR 110 with 35W limit for a 4cm long SS316 mesh. On my last attempt only light psilocybin visuals and after inspecting the RDA I noticed a good portion of the spice melted through the mesh and obviously wasn't vaporized. I've tried SS mode and with zero luck as well. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Smile

Too bad to hear..

Maybe take the mesh out and place it back in again.
Make sure it doesn't touch on bottom inside floor of the rda when tightening it in place.

Does the resistance measure around 0.25 ohm at room temp and did you lock the resistance?

Maybe try inhaling a bit slower (not too slow though).

Otherwise try increasing the Watt limit to 60 W.

Good luck and let us know

Hey some one, thanks for the response

- I made sure the mesh isn't touching the bottom of the RDA.

- My resistance is 0.27 ohm and I was assuming the MOD locked in the resistance?

Just tried another attempt inhaling slower with no luck and will increase to 60watt on my next attempt

when I do the glow the test, the mesh pulses bright for a second or two only to dim below any type of glow and then stabilizes at the dim glow. Is the bright glow pulse normal?

Hi, ive been having similar issues, i found Minty Love video on YT - DMT Direct Emesh Vaping Simplified - actually mentions going down to a lower wattage 14-16W in his comments.

My mesh glowed red hot even though it was meant to be controlling, it clearly wasnt. I lowered the wattage to 14W instead and the glowing stopped but would seem to vape a test amount ok. I will attempt tomorrow properly.

I'll keep you posted. I think going higher in Watts will not help, the initial use of the mesh seemed to control temperature at first hut then stopped for some reason,i i suspected my unit maybe faulty but if limiting the Wattage then it may do the trick just as well.

He also has an unlisted video in the comments, near the middle in the section - MOD BOX SETTINGS - link at the bottom. showing how it should react i just saw. Gotta love Minty!

Hey Megapineapple, Ive also found MintyLove's e-mesh video extremely helpful but unfortunately I've still yet to dial in my settings. I'm going to try wattage mode next weekend, hoping I can figure this out.

How did your attempt go?

Try changing the temperature from 200°C (Celsius) to 300°-350°F (Fahrenheit).
While You are in TC-SS Mode hold the up button until you reach the max (it should max out at 315° CELSIUS) let go and press up again. It will wrap around to 200° FAHRENHEIT. Then you can press up a few more times to get to 300°-350°F range. .

The most important thing that I think people are overlooking when trying to get their settings right is that these box mods do BOTH Fahrenheit AND Celsius. Many people don’t realize that they are setting their box to 200°C which is what is causing it to burn brightly, and burn the spice. If you set it in the 300°F (which is equal to around 149°C) range it will only glow very very dimly in a dark room close to the results from 13 to 14 Watts.

Morning PsychonautCX,
I actually put down the e-mesh after a couple more failed attempts and decided to make some Changa with great results. I've been wanting to test out my e-mesh again and will take your advice and try switching from celsius to Fahrenheit and will let you know how it goes...

appreciate the reply,
enjoy your day 🤓
"everything is the manifestation of the complexification of information"

Dr. Andrew R. Gallimore
#666 Posted : 2/8/2021 5:01:11 AM

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__the__alchemist__ wrote:

Morning PsychonautCX,
I actually put down the e-mesh after a couple more failed attempts and decided to make some Changa with great results. I've been wanting to test out my e-mesh again and will take your advice and try switching from celsius to Fahrenheit and will let you know how it goes...

appreciate the reply,
enjoy your day 🤓

Sounds good, let us know how it goes. Congrats on the changa. Quick question, has it been freebase or furmarate that has been going into the e-mesh previously?

OH, and make sure to check out my other post a few above this one about fixing the e-mesh inconsistencies. For me tightening that tiny screw in the middle of my RDA fixed all of my inconsistencies.
#667 Posted : 2/9/2021 2:14:39 AM

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I've had about 5 experiences with the e-mesh so far with doses ranging from 10-40mg without breakthrough. They were by no means underwhelming, but I plan to increase the dosage to 45-50mg. With higher doses, it becomes increasingly difficult to load the mesh without melting half the spice.
#668 Posted : 2/9/2021 3:17:41 AM

The White Haired Cat

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Huge shoutout to Minty_Love!

Not only for the video instruction and introduction to direct e mesh but for going into further conversation with me over on reddit about the device and giving tips and going out of his way for helping me! If you can't seem to find anyone here to help you I recommended asking him for help too!
Grass Grows When The Tiny Cat is Dreaming

Phangz wrote:

"this is your height on dmt.."
#669 Posted : 2/9/2021 1:49:00 PM

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PsychonautCX wrote:
__the__alchemist__ wrote:

Morning PsychonautCX,
I actually put down the e-mesh after a couple more failed attempts and decided to make some Changa with great results. I've been wanting to test out my e-mesh again and will take your advice and try switching from celsius to Fahrenheit and will let you know how it goes...

appreciate the reply,
enjoy your day 🤓

Sounds good, let us know how it goes. Congrats on the changa. Quick question, has it been freebase or furmarate that has been going into the e-mesh previously?

OH, and make sure to check out my other post a few above this one about fixing the e-mesh inconsistencies. For me tightening that tiny screw in the middle of my RDA fixed all of my inconsistencies.

Morning PsychonautCX,
I'm using freebase with my e-mesh. I've also noticed that tiny screw in the middle of the RDA you mentioned is a bit loose.... hoping that fixes inconsistencies.

I should also mention, when using the Vandy Vape SS316L 150mesh roll with the VV original RDA my mesh would dimly glow between 9-11 watts but when using the pre-cut mesh that comes with the VV RDA, the mesh would dimly glow between 12-14 watts. I believe the difference in watts is because the pre-cut is 200mesh...
"everything is the manifestation of the complexification of information"

Dr. Andrew R. Gallimore
#670 Posted : 2/12/2021 1:11:44 PM

Yūgen "a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe ... and the sad beauty of human suffering"

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Hello again,

So I have had some ups and downs lately with the e mesh method. I have both versions of the Wotofo Profile. I prefer the 1.5 as it has a little more space. Originally set this up with 3cm sheet of 200 mesh from Vandy Vape, ss316 of course, 35w, 204c as is the common settings shared by many, and smaller dose were brilliant. I had noticed some extra heat on one trip so I lowered the temp to 190 and felt like I dialed it into perfection as a 20mg hit sent me to the waiting room where my favorite entity was showing off by flicking the walls and making everything flip and spin with every flick. So that was pretty intense.

The next time I tried 30mg, and it was ALMOST a breakthough. Tiny machine elves everywhere cheering me on as I was blasting through the tunnel, but not QUITE a breakthrough. It felt as though I had the settings perfect and just a touch more would have sent me into the dreamscapes.

The next trip, everything set the same, 35mg, and there was definite spitback. It was as if a third of the spice ended up splashing into the tube.

The spitback at this point is my main concern. The spice is not burning and I dont even mind taking an extra hit if it doesnt vape it all. I just want to figure out how to stop the splatter. That's where I lose my dose. Others seem to be using 200 mesh with no issues, so I doubt that it is the mesh itself. I am wondering if it's the inhale technique.

Any input would be appreciated. Current settings are 180c, 35w (may drop it to 30 to see if it's the initial ramp up that is popping my spice), tc-ss mode. Low doses are no problem what-so-ever. It's 30+ that tends to pop and spit and lose my spice.

Thanks in advance. Oh and I have also tightened all the screws up. Nothing is even slightly loose.

UPDATE: 30w and 190c seems to be the sweet spot for my particular build.

FINAL UPDATE: Back up to 204c and 35w in TC-SS mode. The key for me is prefiring by holding the button for 1 second before beginning my inhale. Not sure what the deal is with that but it works. My theory is that as soon as the power is pushed to the mesh, it causes the spice to pop like hot grease and if I am inhaling at the time, it will suck up melted spice that has not yet begun to evaporate. Anyone struggling with getting their device to work, give this a try. The prefire made all the difference for me. I even took the plunge two nights ago and had my first breakthrough on 35mg.

Here is my trip report if you are interested: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=96341
#671 Posted : 2/24/2021 6:55:05 AM

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Hello all,

Sharing my experiences using the e-mesh method with jimjam DMT acetate produced using q21q21's lime/limonene/vinegar tek... Caveat, I am inexperienced in vaping DMT. Only done it a handful of times using a GVG. Trying the e-mesh method is a step into finding a vaping method that is easier so I can do more DMT journeys.

This is my kit:

- Geek Vape Aegis Solo;
- Wotofo Profile v1.5 RDA;
- Vandy Vape 0.9 ohm 150 mesh SS316L;
- Lingketech 810 glass drip tip purchased on Amazon;

This is the same kit that Minty Love uses in his youtube videos, except for the Wotofo (he uses a Vandy Vape RDA) and drip tip. BTW, he has a new troubleshooting video as of Feb 18, 2021 which is useful.

Most of my jimjam is in the form of a liquid DMT acetate tincture, as per the tek. I put a drop on the mesh and the drop mostly stays on the mesh without leaking through. My first test was waiting for the drop to dry, then trying to get a good hit off it. I didn't get much - just a relaxed peaceful feeling but didn't even get any CEV.

Then tried pulsing the mesh while adding the drop to try and boil off the liquid and not have to wait for the drop to dry. After pulse drying the drop to a goo, I vaped and got basically nothing. Maybe I burned the DMT. Thumbs down Told you I was a newbie at this. Confused

Okay so final experiment... I had some old goo on a razor blade that I got from doing the potency test in the tek: 10 drops on glass, evaporate in an oven, then weigh it. This goo is still potent after 3 months sitting in a drawer. I've been using this goo to vape about 12 mg per hit in the GVG and coincidentally that's the approximate amount of solids in each drop of tincture after evaporation. I added 12 mg of goo to the mesh. Using TCR mode ramping from 160C up to 200C, I didn't get the goo to vaporize. So I went to wattage mode and dialed in 15 watts. Okay so that worked. Same type of beginner's trip as the GVG but more convenient with not having to futz with a torch and the GVG. Thumbs up

I like the e-mesh method. So next I'm going to clean up the jimjam so I can play with white crystals. I have two 5ml bottles of tincture which I estimate to be about 2 grams of impure goo per bottle if I evaporated it all down (based on weight of a drop, weight of the liquid in the bottle, amount of product per drop). This was from a total of 200 grams MHRB.

I assume I can directly base the tincture with lime to make a paste, warm the system, pull with warm heptane, pour off the heptane, reduce volume of heptane, freeze precipitate. Right? Re-x with 200 proof ethanol if I'm concerned about heptane trapped in the crystals.

And in the future I will use the gordo tek with lime and heptane to make white DMT freebase. I don't believe I can easily get clean naphtha in my state. I do have a few gallons of limonene.

#672 Posted : 2/24/2021 1:40:49 PM


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Yeah, I think free base is the way to go. Acetate will need a higher temp to break down, plus it will produce other unwanted stuff. Where the hits harsh?

The convenience of drops for loading the mesh is a big deal for me: loose xtals end up everywhere because I'm a klutz when it comes to loading. Hand made mesh modifications to increase the xtal landing area have worked for me sometimes, but intermittently caused uneven current flow and heating issues compared to the narrow electrical current strip these devices are designed for. You may have seen people's promising 96% ethanol results for DMT free base, so that could be a path (I can't get it in my state though). Acetone could be an alternative drop carrier, but I haven't tested that for DMT (it does work for salvinorin though).
💚🌵💚 Mescaline CIELO TEK 💚🌵💚
💚🌳💚DMT salt e-juice HIELO TEK💚🌳💚
💚🍃💚 Salvinorin Chilled Acetone with IPA and Naphtha re-X TEK💚🍃💚
#673 Posted : 2/24/2021 6:08:39 PM

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Loveall wrote:
Yeah, I think free base is the way to go. Acetate will need a higher temp to break down, plus it will produce other unwanted stuff. Where the hits harsh?

I would say they're harsh, whether from the e-mesh or the GVG. I have to inhale slowly otherwise I'll cough and I don't think I can hold a big hit. So far that's been okay because I'm exploring DMT patiently. I used to smoke weed daily but quit 4 years ago. I thought the harshness/coughing was just me being too sensitive. I guess white freebase DMT vaped properly is smooth?

You may have seen people's promising 96% ethanol results for DMT free base, so that could be a path (I can't get it in my state though).

I thought I couldn't get it either until I came across this map. (BTW, this online shop is expensive for ethanol. I'm ordering from a much cheaper site.) Or perhaps you can use these molecular sieve beads with a lower proof ethanol?
#674 Posted : 2/24/2021 7:23:38 PM


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Free base on the mesh is not harsh. I think you will notice a big improvement over acetate along with consistent low temp vaporization.

Molecular sieves are usually used to dry the last bit of water. I wouldn't use it for drying 75% ethanol.

Thanks for the map, it has more green states than I was aware of Thumbs up
💚🌵💚 Mescaline CIELO TEK 💚🌵💚
💚🌳💚DMT salt e-juice HIELO TEK💚🌳💚
💚🍃💚 Salvinorin Chilled Acetone with IPA and Naphtha re-X TEK💚🍃💚
#675 Posted : 3/2/2021 9:41:37 PM

Yūgen "a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe ... and the sad beauty of human suffering"

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How often do y'all change your mesh? I know you can get a lot of use out of it, but would love to hear what others in this thread are doing. Also, do you clean your mesh at all, or just replace it whenever it's time?

EDIT: So after a couple more disappointing experiences and thinking I was shut out, I decided to take apart my RDA, clean it, replace the squonk screw with a solid screw, tighten everything down super tight, rebuild my mesh platform (this time with an even shorter piece of mesh resulting in a cleaner build with fewer bends and lower platform so it isn't as close to the top). Once again, perfect hit, hot, nearly flavorless, smooth, and instantly I heard the shepherd's call, felt the vibration, and a moment later I was hovering in the waiting room with my entity standing next to me, showing me things and reassuring me that it wasn't about me. Every time I have issues with my rig, I immediately think it's a shut-out and feel rejection triggers from old wounds. Long story short, I have had some inconsistencies with my set-up but I keep making improvements and it just gets better and better. This last trip was 23mg and felt like I almost broke through when I wasn't intending to so it's working quite well again.


Aegis Solo
Profile RDA 1.5
810 long glass drip tip
#200 SS-316L (Vandy Vape roll)

The mesh bed is made with 2.5cm of mesh and there is not much bend to it at all. The legs come almost straight up and bend into a perfectly flat top that sits just above the bottom row of airflow holes and I close off the top airflow holes.
SS-TC mode

I always prefire for one second and then inhale slow.
#676 Posted : 3/13/2021 3:12:31 AM

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Thanks so much for the development of this method to all involved. Learning about e-mesh is part of what inspired me to finally try DMT. Thanks to mintylove for his video.

I got an Aegis Solo, profile 1.5,ss316L 150 mesh, and a semi-long drip tip with a piece of tubing taped to it to extend even more.

For my very first try at a DMT trip I set it at ~200 degrees and vaped, held, and vaped and held, etc. and only got some very mild visuals. I was very unimpressed, then later I realized my mod was in Fahrenheit and I should have set it closer to 400 degrees.
Anyway, I've only done it 4 times so far but I'm quite impressed with the method, I really couldn't see myself using an oil burner and having to take three hits or whatever, one and done seems so nice, perhaps I have spoiled myself starting out with what seems like the ultimate method. My 4 tries so far were 15mg, 20mg, 25mg, 33mg(with syrian rue as well).

My first three tries were okay, kind of cool, kind of whatever, but my 33mg experience was absolutely amazing, I get the DMT love now, I am in!
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#677 Posted : 3/13/2021 10:17:59 PM

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I discovered that the squonk hole of my profile 1.5 is being filled with DMT. I am using 150 mesh which is supposed to be fine, but unlike people's advice about having the mesh flat I had a dip in my mesh in the center that I thought would be good at holding the DMT and would also give a little more surface area to the mesh. It turns out this was a mistake and it was allowing the DMT to melt down to the lowest point, accumulate and drip through the mesh before it all had vaporized.
Now I am wondering how much DMT I have avoided when I thought I was taking certain doses. I may need to take my time to re-discover my reaction to specific dosages and work my way back up now that I have the mesh flat to where it hopefully won't collect and drip off the mesh anymore.
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#678 Posted : 3/14/2021 2:45:42 PM

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I am noticing that when I melt the spice, it will run down the sides and drip onto the flat surface of the RDA where it builds up forming resin. I too wonder how much spice I have been losing during the experiences and how accurate the dosage was. Is this something that can only be solved by adding more DMT or using a finer mesh? Is it a matter of raising/lowering the melting temperature? (Currently using 100 micron 304SS)
#679 Posted : 3/14/2021 4:06:23 PM

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dmt_awehhaea wrote:
I am noticing that when I melt the spice, it will run down the sides and drip onto the flat surface of the RDA where it builds up forming resin. I too wonder how much spice I have been losing during the experiences and how accurate the dosage was. Is this something that can only be solved by adding more DMT or using a finer mesh? Is it a matter of raising/lowering the melting temperature? (Currently using 100 micron 304SS)

This method produced by Loveall seems like it could help your situation: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...mp;m=1058569#post1058569
#680 Posted : 3/14/2021 11:15:22 PM

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Thanks Woolmer, that looks very interesting. I had seen LampEyeLittle's design before but wasn't aware of Loveall's penny method. I think I'll be getting some bulk mesh so that I can give them both a try and maybe start experimenting with some of my own ideas as well.
Things have turned a deeper shade of blue

Why you should NOT take DMT
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