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Salvinorin e-mesh results 🌱💧💨🧘‍♂️ Options
#1 Posted : 1/27/2021 5:37:40 AM


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I vaporized extracted salvia using the e-mesh method and it worked great.


- Extraction: 85g of dried home grown leaves extracted with chilled acetone in a quart mason jar (3 times shaking for 60s). This was dried, and the residue re-Xed in boiling IPA with added naphtha to help xtals form (yield was 2.1mg per gram of leaf). More details here. This kind of extract is expected to be ~80% salvinorin a (the active compound). From this extract, a small sample was re-X ed resulting in 20mg of xtalline powder with no visible traces of green color (see 1st picture).

- Carrier solution: Acetone was chosen as a carrier since salvinorin solubility is ~23mg/ml. Both 3ml syringes and 3ml amber dropper bottles were tested with blank acetone and the amber bottle selected because it had no plastic smell or smoke generated on the e-mesh (unlike the syringe). The plastic part of the dropper was left in acetone for several days with no degradation observed. Drops weight was measured to be ~18mg by dropping 10 drops on a mg scale. The 20mg of extract where dissolved in 1.5g of acetone to give a ~250ug of extract per drop (~210 mg of which should be salvinorin a).

- e-mesh testing: Loaded one drop on the mesh and let it evaporate. The resulting white residue formed a square on the mesh (see second picture), same shape as the salvia divinorum stem 🌱. Visual tests showed everything vaporized at low temp (first signs of smoke starting at a setting of ~160C, with 180C being effective and resulting in a quick puff of white smoke with no more smoke being produced subsequently through max temp settings). Note: not sure how accurate the 180C setting is (it is from a mod using 105 TCR with a SS mesh), but the point is that vaporization was effortless, low temp, and complete.

- The trip: I loaded a drop on the mesh 💧, evaporated the acetone to dryness to give the same white square seen with the previous temp testing. I hit the mod set at 180C inhaling for about 15s 💨. I never tasted any smoke at all. A few seconds after exhaling I started wondering, is it going to work? Then I heard my heartbeat pounding and the sound opened up the space I was in, as if stretching it into static vibration modes. It was very odd, but OK I thought, this is salvia just roll with it it LOL. The dose was low (~1/5 of what is considered a strong trip). I floated for a bit in this stretched out space and that was kind of nice, the floating was more like passing through waves and being stretched a little going through them. The trip was very short, I was coming back down after a couple minutes. Overall good stuff 🙂

I was surprised, how low the e-mesh temp setting needed to be. At the 180C setting the mesh barely glows red at all in the dark, so it is not very hot. So much for a butane torch and high temps needed 🤷‍♂️. I believe this low temp is closest to Brennendes Wasser's data, but it could even be lower on the mesh and I did not see any residue left behind at all. The 3ml amber bottle is tiny (smaller than my thumb) and has 80 low doses (~210ug) or ~16 strong doses (each ~1mg of salvinorin a). At this rate it will last me for 20 years if the solution is that stable 😁. I imagine the acetone can also be made almost saturated which would be ~ 500ug per 18mg drop. This saturation is a safety feature too as white crust will form before a single drop can catch you with a surprisingly strong trip if an acetone evaporation leak is an issue.

If anyone tries this out (or has already done something like this) would be interesting to know what they find/found.

Loveall attached the following image(s):
IMG_20210120_150454943.jpg (1,914kb) downloaded 349 time(s).
IMG_20210120_181945565.jpg (2,900kb) downloaded 343 time(s).
💚🌵💚 Mescaline CIELO TEK 💚🌵💚
💚🌳💚DMT salt e-juice HIELO TEK💚🌳💚
💚🍃💚 Salvinorin Chilled Acetone with IPA and Naphtha re-X TEK💚🍃💚

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
Brennendes Wasser
#2 Posted : 1/28/2021 8:35:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow thats really cool!

I guess this will open quite some new possibilities, as otherwise non-Changa-like Salvia Administration was always a bit laborious / mysterious.

Your value is even a little lower as you said, but yours is nicely layered across this mesh evenly in a thin layer, so that even should boost evaporation further. Maybe this helps to vaporize it even below its actual vaporization point or my value is even higher, as it did not spread salvia in a minimum layer on that hot surface - as it didnt melt it just stayed like that small pile all the time.

But if you like I could add this values for vaporization and Aceton solubility to that Salvia data sheet? That could be used nicely!
#3 Posted : 1/28/2021 8:52:24 PM


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Sure, add it - it's simply what I saw. I just don't know how well the mod is reporting/controlling the temperature. It is designed to be immersed in e-liqid (surrounded by thermal mass), so perhaps when using the plain mesh to vaporize a thin layer of material it overshoots a little since it has a resistance change feedback with (I assume) a time lag. It reports 180C instantly so I can imagine there is some overshoot, but not sure.

In the end, the puff of smoke generated is concentrated and smooth (tasteless). Reminds me of those old cameras that generated a puff of smoke when using magnesium powder flash. Good stuff.
💚🌵💚 Mescaline CIELO TEK 💚🌵💚
💚🌳💚DMT salt e-juice HIELO TEK💚🌳💚
💚🍃💚 Salvinorin Chilled Acetone with IPA and Naphtha re-X TEK💚🍃💚
Brennendes Wasser
#4 Posted : 1/29/2021 9:55:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I have no clue about these electric things, but I now read on the internet the temperature value is more like a standard for yourself and should not be taken too seriously regarding the actual amount Confused
Maybe that s a reason why it may appear low, but still this means that vaporization should be definetly effective far below 300 °C Thumbs up Thumbs up

Here is a picture of my Salvinorin ... looks quite crap compared to your wonderful crystals Love
Also they are quite grey. But still I did that re-x step for at least 5 times - same method - no green colour in IPA. Did you add the Naphtha slowly to induce crystalization? Because I just got voluminous soft particles crashing out all the time ...
#5 Posted : 1/30/2021 12:16:57 AM


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Brennendes Wasser wrote:
I have no clue about these electric things, but I now read on the internet the temperature value is more like a standard for yourself and should not be taken too seriously regarding the actual amount Confused
Maybe that s a reason why it may appear low, but still this means that vaporization should be definetly effective far below 300 °C Thumbs up Thumbs up

Here is a picture of my Salvinorin ... looks quite crap compared to your wonderful crystals Love
Also they are quite grey. But still I did that re-x step for at least 5 times - same method - no green colour in IPA. Did you add the Naphtha slowly to induce crystalization? Because I just got voluminous soft particles crashing out all the time ...

I didn't add the napthata slowly. It takes a while for the xtals to form when I do it. They slowly grow on the walls and bottom of the container. I also looked at my notes again and I recovered the xtals by dissolving in acetone, letting that evap slowly in a shallow pan, and scraping (seems to make bigger xtals).

How cold was your acetone during initial extraction? I measured mine a -15C straight fromnthe freezer.
💚🌵💚 Mescaline CIELO TEK 💚🌵💚
💚🌳💚DMT salt e-juice HIELO TEK💚🌳💚
💚🍃💚 Salvinorin Chilled Acetone with IPA and Naphtha re-X TEK💚🍃💚
Brennendes Wasser
#6 Posted : 1/30/2021 12:33:43 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Well I didnt measure T, but it was left there long enough to be at freezer temp and that should be also like -20.

So I guess that principle should have been the same. I hope that s rather cosmetic, but real crystals are of course quite an eye candy Big grin
#7 Posted : 1/30/2021 12:49:42 AM


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Maybe you can dissolve in acetone, put that in the freezer and see if anything crashes. Then decant and let evap.
💚🌵💚 Mescaline CIELO TEK 💚🌵💚
💚🌳💚DMT salt e-juice HIELO TEK💚🌳💚
💚🍃💚 Salvinorin Chilled Acetone with IPA and Naphtha re-X TEK💚🍃💚
#8 Posted : 10/29/2022 5:54:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Working on an extraction now and will be testing this next week. Very excited! I think this may become my method of choice once I get it to work. Thank you!
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