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amor_fati's Nontoxic Approach to the Extraction of DMT Options
#21 Posted : 1/14/2010 5:51:56 AM

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Haha yeah he meant more like a simmer than a boil, like in a regular A/B. (Sometimes the telepathic thoughts get mistranslated)

He thinks he'll probably try to get this tek right with Mimosa first then try to work something out with Chacruna.
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#22 Posted : 1/14/2010 6:09:39 AM

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logos2012 wrote:
Haha yeah he meant more like a simmer than a boil, like in a regular A/B. (Sometimes the telepathic thoughts get mistranslated)

Well, it's not the temperature that SWIM was so much concerned about, as the amount of vinegar used. As in, SWIM doesn't know how it can be done three times without decanting (which obviously wouldn't be desirable, as actives will be lost with the solution). Perhaps SWIM meant heating 'til dry, then adding more? SWIM prefers to keep his sealed, since he doesn't enjoy the smell of vinegar so much and wouldn't want to have to add more either.

He thinks he'll probably try to get this tek right with Mimosa first then try to work something out with Chacruna.

SWIM anxiously awaits the results! He hopes it's found to be as enjoyable as SWIM found it.
#23 Posted : 1/14/2010 11:47:02 AM

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amor_fati wrote:

Well, it's not the temperature that SWIM was so much concerned about, as the amount of vinegar used. As in, SWIM doesn't know how it can be done three times without decanting (which obviously wouldn't be desirable, as actives will be lost with the solution). Perhaps SWIM meant heating 'til dry, then adding more? SWIM prefers to keep his sealed, since he doesn't enjoy the smell of vinegar so much and wouldn't want to have to add more either.

He meant doing heating with vinegar and water as in some A/B extractions. Then filtering the solution from the bulk, then repeating 2 times. Defatting. Then reducing the solution (by heating) to a small amount. Then mixing it in with the lime and d-limo.

The green entity has actually not done many A/B's. Mostly STB.

It seems that a few have tried Jorkest's D-limo tek with Chacruna with not much success so it probably isn't a good idea to try it with lime till someone gets it down solid with a d-limo tek first.
All posts are from higher vibrational alien entities. These entities are not physically real to your understanding and do not exist in this dimension, therefore accounts of all posts did not take place in reality.
#24 Posted : 1/14/2010 3:32:34 PM

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Certainly that would work, though SWIM personally wouldn't bother with decanting, reducing and all that.
#25 Posted : 1/15/2010 7:18:53 AM

Cosmic Dragon

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amor_fati, may I make a few suggestions to benefit the ease of producing dmt. Why even use the THP? Not only is that a hassle to make the thing, but the step seems difficult and unnecessary(waiting for the limo to filter through). SWIM simply uses a large HDPE gallon jug with the top cut off. The basified bark, water and d-limo all sits in that. This is mixed with a metal spoon and the limo siphoned off with a turkey baster. Very easy for SWIM. Plus, isn't it easier to get already pulverized bark, why even bother with that step. Though if one can't get the bark pulverized then of course that step is helpful. Also, FASIPA might be suggested along with the FASW step, so others can use both if they desire. I really like the cleaning step for fumurate, just water, haha, so simple, no acetone needed.

May I also suggest, if one isn't interested in the fumurate form of dmt, you point out they don't need to do that clean up step but instead can move directly to the freebase step.

Also, since we are on the freebase thing here and I know you posted a few responses in my recent thread, I'd like to comment on that. I would suggest you think about adding to your WIKI page the STEL tek for those who don't want just dmt freebase but want changa or enhanced leaf as an end product. Just an idea, it's your page though. This tek, hopefully(not been accurately tested), is an easy way to skip a few steps and insure no loss of dmt. Hurray!! Smile

That's all, hope I could help. I'm glad you got a non-toxic WIKI page that is simple and yields well. Plus it is the latest and greatest tek information. Smile

Much Love and Gratitude
#26 Posted : 1/15/2010 8:16:27 AM

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damiana wrote:
amor_fati, may I make a few suggestions to benefit the ease of producing dmt. Why even use the THP? Not only is that a hassle to make the thing, but the step seems difficult and unnecessary(waiting for the limo to filter through). SWIM simply uses a large HDPE gallon jug with the top cut off. The basified bark, water and d-limo all sits in that. This is mixed with a metal spoon and the limo siphoned off with a turkey baster. Very easy for SWIM. Plus, isn't it easier to get already pulverized bark, why even bother with that step. Though if one can't get the bark pulverized then of course that step is helpful. Also, FASIPA might be suggested along with the FASW step, so others can use both if they desire. I really like the cleaning step for fumurate, just water, haha, so simple, no acetone needed.

SWIM's decanted and siphoned long enough to know that he hates it, IPA would render the tek toxic (not to mention make it more difficult to recycle and reuse his limonene) and SWIM's first experience with FASIPA turned out requiring water to wash the product out of the container anyway (SWIM's got a food dehydrator, so he has no problem evaporating water), and SWIM hasn't found any decent, affordable, stateside vendors of powdered MHRB. The cleaning step is nothing new, it's bufoman's modestly proposed method. THPs are absolutely not difficult to build, especially when the messiness of the alternatives are considered.

May I also suggest, if one isn't interested in the fumurate form of dmt, you point out they don't need to do that clean up step but instead can move directly to the freebase step.

SWIM would hope that people could conclude this on their own, as SWIY has done. Besides, it wouldn't be SWIM's approach to do so, since he prefers keeping as much fumarate on hand as possible and be able to convert to freebase an hour prior to launch if he pleases.

Also, since we are on the freebase thing here and I know you posted a few responses in my recent thread, I'd like to comment on that. I would suggest you think about adding to your WIKI page the STEL tek for those who don't want just dmt freebase but want changa or enhanced leaf as an end product. Just an idea, it's your page though. This tek, hopefully(not been accurately tested), is an easy way to skip a few steps and insure no loss of dmt. Hurray!! Smile

Author a full and tested tek, and SWIM or anyone else may transcribe it to the wiki. The handbook is being designed to be able to guide from any choice of extraction to any choice of crystallization to any choice of purification to any choice of administration, and it will make it clear how these stages correlate with one another. SWIM's approaches are just that, his approaches, and they work incredibly well for him. He's just trying impart the culmination of his quest for maximized efficiency. Perhaps a bit of tweaking would be beneficial, but otherwise, SWIM's pretty well set and can now focus more-so on imparting his experience.

That's all, hope I could help. I'm glad you got a non-toxic WIKI page that is simple and yields well. Plus it is the latest and greatest tek information. Smile

Well, SWIM's certainly reaping the fruits and having a blast. To think of how much crap SWIM's collected over the years (all manner of jars, bottles, tubing, chemicals) and that he can now retire the vast majority of it without apprehension, so that he can finally narrow his kit and his expenditures without hampering experimentation...it's incredibly cathartic (word of the day, apparently Rolling eyes ).

SWIM's descending into a trend of austerity here, and he's sorry for that, but damiana, you would perhaps benefit from a bit more research of the Nexus in general. A good deal of foundation has already been laid, and SWIY would benefit greatly from thorough exploration of such groundwork. Practically none of SWIM's ideas are original and are simply the result of SWIM channeling the vast body research available on the Nexus through the experience resulting from that.
#27 Posted : 1/15/2010 8:30:29 AM

Cosmic Dragon

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Well said, I understand, thanks for the response.

I knew right away your tek was put together from Nexus info(you thanked others at the end of the page), and I'm glad you put that information together as it suits you, that was all I was saying.

I think I will author and put together my own tek with pictures from yours and others information. Maybe if it is easy enough others can transcribe it to the WIKI page for me. I don't know how that works. Again thank you for your input.

#28 Posted : 1/15/2010 8:38:25 AM

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Not very well said...I had to edit the post a bit...it probably doesn't matter anyway.

Sorry, a bit drunk and tired.
#29 Posted : 1/15/2010 8:45:23 AM

Cosmic Dragon

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Haha, all good, no worries, thank you anyway. Always much appreciated.
#30 Posted : 1/15/2010 4:46:07 PM

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Dimitrius, could you remove the content of that response, open a thread in suppliers (unless there already is one), and link to it? And perhaps SWIM'll check them out and discuss it over there.

It should also be said that SWIM likes the idea of this tek being readily compatible with the cultivation and harvest of MHRB, which of course most readily provides whole bark.
#31 Posted : 1/20/2010 11:44:44 AM

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Does the blue entity need to let the bark sit with the lime and bit of water for a while or does he just add the d-limonene right in there after and blend?
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#32 Posted : 1/20/2010 3:35:59 PM

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logos2012 wrote:
Does the blue entity need to let the bark sit with the lime and bit of water for a while or does he just add the d-limonene right in there after and blend?

SWIM never really allowed waiting periods, except while the limo was draining out of THP.
Touche Guevara
#33 Posted : 1/20/2010 7:12:39 PM
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Amor, can you please provide a little insight as to how limonene can be recycled / reused?

Thank you. This is a very interesting and informative thread.
#34 Posted : 1/20/2010 7:55:44 PM

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Touche Guevara wrote:
Amor, can you please provide a little insight as to how limonene can be recycled / reused?

Thank you. This is a very interesting and informative thread.

Well, primarily, it can be reused on the same extraction if a pull doesn't seem to have been a full pull. Secondly, it could be reused on subsequent extractions, though it will likely gradually become less and less effective. Thirdly, limonene should never be thrown out if one can help it, as its very expensive and can potentially be distilled to be reused more effectively.

Hope that answers your question. Thanks for the props!
#35 Posted : 2/7/2010 9:58:24 PM

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so swim decided to try a limetek over the weekend. 250g pp bark, 200g lime. vinegar soak was done in a quart jar w/ hot water bath. added lime, used whisk and added enough water to make it all wet, possibly a bit too wet.--oops
poured in some limonene and it dissapeared.
added a bunch more, and just a very small layer on top.
into thp, heaps more limonene, but nothing came out!
put it back into a jug, and managed to siphon approx 30% of the limonene added off the top.

should the lime bark have been mixed moist, then completely dried before limonene pulls??

swims foaf decided to add koh spiked water in an effort to force the rest of the limonene to the top. this didn't work so well as u probably know.
so the slurry is seperating into ugly layers in the jug. how about heptane, would this likely get more out?
#36 Posted : 2/7/2010 10:17:37 PM

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^Yikes. SWIM would guess that if SWIY can whisk it, it's way too wet. When SWIM adds limonene, it sits right on top until SWIM stirs it around, which he has to do with a fairly sturdy mixing device, like a metal spoon. When SWIM stirs it around, it looks a bit like magic sand. SWIM could also imagine that a strong base would totally destroy this process, so the whole thing would have to be converted to a standard STB if KOH or NaOH were added--meaning to add a whole lot of water in order to release the limonene.
#37 Posted : 2/7/2010 10:42:06 PM

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well swim says it did sit on top until it was stirred in, but would not percolate thru thp.

SWIM would also imagine that a strong base would totally destroy this process, so the whole thing would have to be converted to a standard STB if KOH or NaOH were added--meaning to add a whole lot of water in order to release the limonene.

^this was swims only other idea short of dehydrating the whole mass and starting over. Rolling eyes

oh well, swim still likes the idea of limtek, just needs to be a bit more careful next time.
#38 Posted : 2/7/2010 11:02:02 PM

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biopsylo wrote:
well swim says it did sit on top until it was stirred in, but would not percolate thru thp.

Hmm, maybe SWIM takes it for granted that he had to develop a bit of a technique in stirring to get the limonene to pass through. He doesn't quite know how to explain what he does except to say that he sometimes lifts the mass off of the cotton a bit with a spoon and sometimes drills a hole in the mass. Just develop a feel for it and do what has to be done to get it through. One idea is to modify THP slightly with some sort of plunging device to turn it into a sort of aeropress.
#39 Posted : 2/7/2010 11:37:51 PM

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One idea is to modify THP slightly with some sort of plunging device to turn it into a sort of aeropress.

ahh, yes swim was thinking of several ideas along these lines--plunger in piston, centrifuge, vacuum, etc. but didnt have the materials at hand.

does swiy rinse the lime/bark to get the held limonene out, or is it just discarded. or what % is typically not recovered with standard thp?
#40 Posted : 2/8/2010 12:49:16 AM

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biopsylo wrote:
ahh, yes swim was thinking of several ideas along these lines--plunger in piston, centrifuge, vacuum, etc. but didnt have the materials at hand.

Cut the bottom off a large IPA bottle so that the height from the bottom to the cut is slightly less than the amount of space between the bark mix and the cut of the THP bottle. Tie a section of cotton cloth around the piece that was cut (this should help to get a seal, but double up if necessary) and use a device to press it down as a plunger. Hopefully most of the limonene will be pressed out the bottom of the THP, but any that gets atop the plunge should be filtered and ready to collect

does swiy rinse the lime/bark to get the held limonene out, or is it just discarded. or what % is typically not recovered with standard thp?

The bark can be made to release practically all the solvent with adequate stirring, but SWIM never measured since he never had cause to. Multiple flushes with the collected limonene will probably help, as well.
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