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A Japanese fisherman loves to fish...... Options
#1 Posted : 1/11/2010 12:42:35 PM

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"A Japanese fisherman loves to fish. He sells just enough fish to pay for his bills; and enjoys a happy

family life since his fishing does not take up all his time. A business man comes along, shakes his head and suggests

that the fisherman buys a boat, hires men and fishes in deeper waters. That way, he advises, the fisherman can catch

more fish, make more money, and in turn buy more boats and hire even more men!

The fisherman asks, "for what reason would I do such a thing?" The businessman smiles and says that once he has

established a thriving business, he has then the option to sell it so that he can live a more leisurely life; perhaps

spend more time with his family and hobbies. The fisherman smiles and says – "I already have that now…why would I waste

time walking in circles only to come back to where I am now?"

"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi

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#2 Posted : 1/11/2010 2:03:32 PM

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Dream of the Fisherman's Wife - possibly tryptamine activated Smile


I am a leaf on the the wind, watch how I soar!
#3 Posted : 1/11/2010 2:05:53 PM

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Fable wrote:

AAAhghhhhh!! Shocked

I was expecting a story....or something. Not that! lol.

"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#4 Posted : 1/11/2010 2:21:01 PM

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Dimitrius wrote:
Fable wrote:

AAAhghhhhh!! Shocked

I was expecting a story....or something. Not that! lol.



“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#5 Posted : 1/13/2010 7:47:17 PM

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haha, thats messed up Fable. Razz
The Tea Party wrote:
We exist in a world where the fear of Illusion is real
And we cling to the past to deny and confuse the ideal

DMTripper wrote:
Bliss of ignorance -> pain of knowledge -> integrate -> bliss of knowledge.

SWIM and ElusiveMind are fictional characters and everything they say is fictional
#6 Posted : 1/14/2010 4:32:51 AM

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Dimitrius wrote:

"A Japanese fisherman loves to fish. He sells just enough fish to pay for his bills; and enjoys a happy

family life since his fishing does not take up all his time. A business man comes along, shakes his head and suggests

that the fisherman buys a boat, hires men and fishes in deeper waters. That way, he advises, the fisherman can catch

more fish, make more money, and in turn buy more boats and hire even more men!

The fisherman asks, "for what reason would I do such a thing?" The businessman smiles and says that once he has

established a thriving business, he has then the option to sell it so that he can live a more leisurely life; perhaps

spend more time with his family and hobbies. The fisherman smiles and says – "I already have that now…why would I waste

time walking in circles only to come back to where I am now?"

The Japanese man is very wise. Going fishing will have that effect on one, he knows you need no fancy boat and you may not catch the biggest fish, the real fisherman knows of solitude and communication with nature and respect for the fish he catches and respect for life in general.

I used to fish nearly every day in the summer it is some of the best psychotherapy a man can find. Just as hunting can be it is not about the desire to kill it is about life. I know most see hamburger in the grocery store and that is exactly ALL they see something to eat they have become distant to what life is really about. A delicate beautiful dance between life and death.

Nothing wrong with being a vegetarian but here in North America you would be dead in the first winter without access to the grocery store. The plants are DEAD here 5months out of the year so back in the day it was eat meat or die in the cold that was a simple fact of life. The animals were more than friends then, they were family members to be respected and cherished they were bringers of life and were worshiped as such. I have no trouble with true relegion of nature its the ignorance or man that chaps my hide.

People always talk about loving nature and going back to the land but most are still frying burgers from the grocery store and missing out on some of the biggest lessons life has to offer.


#7 Posted : 1/17/2010 1:15:08 AM

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It was a cool evening in ancient China. Chuang Tzu's friend went looking for him at the local inn. He found Chuang Tzu sitting at a table, sipping his drink in a contemplative mood.

"There you are!" Chuang Tzu's friend greeted him. "I thought by now you would be telling everybody another one of your stories. Why so quiet?"

"There is a question on my mind," said Chuang Tzu, "a question about existence."

"I see. Would you like me to leave you alone to your thoughts?"

"No, let me share it with you. Perhaps you can provide me with your perspective."

"My perspective is of little value, but I would be glad to listen." He pulled up a chair.

"I was out for a stroll late in the afternoon," said Chuang Tzu. "I went to one of my favorite spots under a tree. I sat there, thinking about the meaning of life. It was so warm and pleasant that I soon relaxed, dozed off, and drifted into a dream. In my dream, I found myself flying up above the field. I looked behind me and saw that I had wings. They were large and beautiful, and they fluttered rapidly. I had turned into a butterfly! It was such a feeling of freedom and joy, to be so carefree and fly around so lightly in any way I wished. Everything in this dream felt absolutely real in every way. Before long, I forgot that I was ever Chuang Tzu. I was simply the butterfly and nothing else."

"I've had dreams of flying myself, but never as a butterly," Chuang Tzu's friend said. "This dream sounds like a wonderful experience."

"It was, but like all things, it had to end sooner or later. Gradually, I woke up and realized that I was Chuang Tzu after all. This is what puzzles me."

"What is so puzzling about it? You had a nice dream, that's all there is to it."

"What if I am dreaming right now? This conversation I am having with you seems real in every way, but so did my dream. I thought I was Chuang Tzu who had a dream of being a butterfly. What if I am a butterfly who, at this very moment, is dreaming of being Chuang Tzu?"

"Well, I can tell you that you are actually Chuang Tzu, not a butterfly."

Chuang Tzu smiled: "You may simply be part of my dream, no more or less real than anything else. Thus, there is nothing you can do to help me identify the distinction between Chuang Tzu and the butterfly. This, my friend, is the essential question about the transformation of existence."

“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#8 Posted : 1/17/2010 1:18:59 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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haha, i just heard that same story last week from a friend of mine. Only difference was that it was a Mexican farmer, not a Japanese fisherman.

Its a great anecdote!
He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris

Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.
#9 Posted : 1/17/2010 2:07:17 AM

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Virola78 wrote:
It was a cool evening in ancient China. Chuang Tzu's friend went looking for him at the local inn. He found Chuang Tzu sitting at a table, sipping his drink in a contemplative mood.

"There you are!" Chuang Tzu's friend greeted him. "I thought by now you would be telling everybody another one of your stories. Why so quiet?"

"There is a question on my mind," said Chuang Tzu, "a question about existence."

"I see. Would you like me to leave you alone to your thoughts?"

"No, let me share it with you. Perhaps you can provide me with your perspective."

"My perspective is of little value, but I would be glad to listen." He pulled up a chair.

"I was out for a stroll late in the afternoon," said Chuang Tzu. "I went to one of my favorite spots under a tree. I sat there, thinking about the meaning of life. It was so warm and pleasant that I soon relaxed, dozed off, and drifted into a dream. In my dream, I found myself flying up above the field. I looked behind me and saw that I had wings. They were large and beautiful, and they fluttered rapidly. I had turned into a butterfly! It was such a feeling of freedom and joy, to be so carefree and fly around so lightly in any way I wished. Everything in this dream felt absolutely real in every way. Before long, I forgot that I was ever Chuang Tzu. I was simply the butterfly and nothing else."

"I've had dreams of flying myself, but never as a butterly," Chuang Tzu's friend said. "This dream sounds like a wonderful experience."

"It was, but like all things, it had to end sooner or later. Gradually, I woke up and realized that I was Chuang Tzu after all. This is what puzzles me."

"What is so puzzling about it? You had a nice dream, that's all there is to it."

"What if I am dreaming right now? This conversation I am having with you seems real in every way, but so did my dream. I thought I was Chuang Tzu who had a dream of being a butterfly. What if I am a butterfly who, at this very moment, is dreaming of being Chuang Tzu?"

"Well, I can tell you that you are actually Chuang Tzu, not a butterfly."

Chuang Tzu smiled: "You may simply be part of my dream, no more or less real than anything else. Thus, there is nothing you can do to help me identify the distinction between Chuang Tzu and the butterfly. This, my friend, is the essential question about the transformation of existence."

haha, i love that!
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#10 Posted : 1/17/2010 2:53:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Fable wrote:
Dream of the Fisherman's Wife - possibly tryptamine activated Smile


OK Fable - since you shared this, I can't resist sharing another. This one explains morning wood, and wet dreams. Hope I don't offend anyone... EDIT: Sorry for being totally off topic. I love the fisherman story!
idtravlr attached the following image(s):
BedFairies.gif (73kb) downloaded 35 time(s).
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#11 Posted : 1/17/2010 3:14:48 AM

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idtravlr wrote:
Fable wrote:
Dream of the Fisherman's Wife - possibly tryptamine activated Smile


OK Fable - since you shared this, I can't resist sharing another. This one explains morning wood, and wet dreams. Hope I don't offend anyone... EDIT: Sorry for being totally off topic. I love the fisherman story!


i'm not returning to this thread if it's going this direction. seriously...lol.

i've got enough of that running through my head as a male in his mid-20's!!!
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#12 Posted : 1/17/2010 3:39:58 AM

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Liesure time is the mother of invention
You lock the door, and throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me
#13 Posted : 1/17/2010 4:26:16 AM

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idtravlr wrote:

Hope I don't offend anyone... EDIT: Sorry for being totally off topic. I love the fisherman story!

not offended....in the slightest.

it's just....well, artwork and visual images often somatically 'strike' me in the body.....and well, let's just say that's not what i needed at that moment. caused a sudden shift in the direction of my mind. had to dismiss the image rather quickly, to keep the ship from steering off course...you know, lol.

please, let's not make this the "repeatedly catch Dimitrius off guard" thread. because i WILL keep looking. i can't help it. curious by nature. especially with my own thread.


"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
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