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2020 Bufotenine Extraction TEK + Analytical Data Options
Brennendes Wasser
#1 Posted : 3/10/2020 2:35:10 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Chemical expert

Posts: 823
Joined: 23-Sep-2017
Last visit: 05-Feb-2024

Extraction of Bufotenine (5-OH-DMT) from Anadenanthera colubrina

It seems this TEK could be made shorter, but might require some validation. But you might still try the shorter route, which will directly give Bufotenine Benzoate, which is not combusting like Freebase Bufotenin and therefore much better to smoke. Check here.

This TEK will produce pure Bufotenine from Anadenanthera colubrina seeds, using a minimal amount of steps and non-toxic chemicals. This TEK was developed based on all the 37 pages of the other 2 sticky threads and combining the most useful methods, but it adds some tweaks and new ways and therefore will finally lead to a solid, crystaline product. In 3 steps all compounds with lower polarity will be removed, then all fats will be divided from alkaloids, then all more polar alkaloids will be removed to give pure Bufotenine.
In the end there is a section of a GC/NMR-Analysis to prove purity and validate the effectivity of that TEK.
The first post is in detail with pictures and the second post is a short version. If any pictures are offline, you can download them at the end of the post with a .RAR file.

For general information about Bufotenin click here.

For a chemical look into the harsh Bufotenin smoke and how to make it more pleasant click here.

What do you need?

- 100 g of Anadenanthera colubrina seeds ("Vilca", "Cebil" )
1 Seed ~ 180 mg, 100 g ~ 555 seeds
- 1200 ml dry Acetone
(put 50 g of anhydrous MgSO4 or Na2SO4 into Acetone and let it sit 1 night)
- 1000 ml Naphtha
(preferred: Hexane/Heptane isomers, "C6-C7-Alkanes", boiling Range 60 - 80 °C)
- 100 ml Xylene (if you want to evade Xylene you can use the Ethyl Acetate-Naphtha-Mix. See solubility table for how much solvent to use then)
- 400 ml of FASA, Fumaric Acid can be replaced with Citric Acid from a Grocery or Benzoic Acid (for Benzoic you must evaporate Aceton down to < 50 ml before adding the BASA = benzoic acid saturated Aceton)
(prepared from your 1200 ml dry Acetone, according to this source 0,92 g Fumaric Acids dissolves in 100 ml at 20 °C and 1,7 g at 50 °C)
- 1 package of soda/Na2CO3

- Cheap kitchen grinding machine like this - a coffe grinder may also work

- do this in a country where this is legal

- Yield ~ 1-3 %

1. Preparation of the seeds

Prepare your dry Acetone + FASA before starting this TEK to save time. Lay out 100 g of your seeds in a pan and turn the pan on the hottest setting. After the first seed pops open, turn the heat down to the lowest setting where you still notice more seeds popping. This is the sound of pressure building up and breaking apart the seeds, while volatile components leave the seeds. The smell is like tasty caramelized nuts, but dont forget to turn the heat to the lowest possible setting, or it will smell burned and all Alkaloids get destroyed. When you dont hear any more seeds popping, this step is completed.
This defat step will remove ~ 6 % of unwanted compounds aka. fats and/or water.

Important: If fumes visibly arise then you already know that it is too high, as the release of those contaminations wont form visible fumes.

Important: place a cover on your pan, but dont close it completely or else the heat will quickly rise up inside of your pan and still destroy your seeds on the lowest heat (depending on your stove, again)

Picture of the seeds before (left) and after (right) cracking at low heat.

2. Freebasing the Alkaloids

Now place your popped seeds in the milling machine and create a fine dust. Then add 25 g of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3, but not NaHCO3 which is too weak) aka. Soda (1:4 to original seed weight) and mix both to a homogeneous powder. Now add water to the dry mass until you reach a dough-like consistency. While doing this a strong freebase-smell will develop.
Optimal ratio: 1,5 ml : 1 g original seed weight, which means 150 ml on 100 g Seeds.

Important: If you use Hydroxides like Lime (Ca(OH)2) or Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) it may destroy the Bufotenine at high pH ranges from 12 onwards due to the irreversible oxidation of the 5-OH-Group to an Enone. Carbonate can only raise the pH to ~ 11 and should be used without exceptions.

Picture of the grinded seeds (left) and the mixture with Na2CO3 (right).

Let this mixture sit for 60 minutes and mix it from time to time. Afterwards the mixture needs to be dried. Either put it in the oven at 75 °C and turn on maximum ventilation or lay it out in a pan, turn heat on a LOW setting and use a fan from the side - this is much faster than the oven method. But heavily check temperature to not destroy any actives. Fumes should not arise, these indicate decomposition. The paste will shrink in size and form blocks. Crack them up to increase surface area and accelerate water removal. At the end use the milling machine again to form a fine powder again - greatly improves the extraction step!

Important: Note the weight of your dry mixture so you know at the next step when you have removed all the water.

Picture of the seed paste (left) and the seed paste while drying in a pan (right).

3. Defatting the Alkaloids with Naphtha

This step is used to remove all the unwanted alkaloids aka fats that are less polar than Bufotenine. Place your freebased seed/soda mix in a container and add 150 ml of Naphtha. Boil the mixture at 60-65 °C for 5 minutes in the Naphtha while preferably stirring - no need to be exact with temperature, just make sure that it is boiling. Wait for the seed powder to sediment down to the bottom, also shake the vial gently to make the paste form a solid packed layer. If the layer is very dense you can decant the Naphtha without spilling over any seed paste. Repeat 3x, better be safe, Naphtha is cheap and this step is essential.
This defat step will remove ~ 8 % of unwanted compounds aka. fats.

In theory this step would contain all the DMT or 5-MeO-DMT from the seeds. By applying FASA to the Naphtha no clouding can be observed. It seems either it evaporated at step 1 or there is indeed nearly none of these in the seeds. You may check yourself.

Important: As you may not fully prevent spilling over seed material you may filter the Naphtha through a sneeze tissue while decanting.

Picture of the seed mixture while defatting with Naphtha (left). Clearly watch the dense package of the seeds, which will not spill over. Shake the vial smoothly to achieve this density. Picture of the setup to recover spilled over material (right).

Important: After this step the seed powder is basically the same as the traditional Yopo / Cebil / Vilca Snuff used by south american shamans for their visionary effects. I strongly recommend NOT using them as a snuff if you used an electric milling machine, as this produces particles ranging down to extremely fine dust which WILL also get dragged into your lungs when insufflating. As they are not soluble in your lungs it may cause the same unhealthy effects like any other fine dust sources.

4. Extracting the Alkaloids with Acetone

Now the target Alkaloids are extracted from the freebased seed powder. Place them in the same container from step 3 again and pour 300 ml (to 100 g seeds) of your dry Acetone on the powder. Boil the seeds at ~ 60 °C for 10 minutes in the Acetone while preferably stirring - no need to be exact with temperature, just make sure that it is boiling. Wait for the seed powder to sediment down to the bottom, decant the Acetone and repeat 2x times with fresh solvent.
Again, shake the vial gently before decanting, this will solidity the mass and make life much easier.
This extraction step dissolves 8 % of alkaloids and fats from the seeds (Bufotenine will be ~ 1-2 % of these).

Important: Close the container while heating, but dont let pressure build up. You may use cling film and a rubber band to prevent air (and therefore water) to get inside of your dried acetone. Huge water take-up would reduce the yield later on.

Picture of the seed mixture while extracting with Acetone. You can see the solid material settled down for easy decanting.

Now to separate the Alkaloids from the other fats FASA will be added to the solution. (If you have Benzoic Acid by Hand you can also just use this.) By assuming that the Alkaloid content of the seeds is around 1-4 % (reports of 13 % just sound unrealistic) you can expect 3 g of Fumaric Acid to be more than enough to fully precipitate every last Alkaloid. Add 300 ml from the 400 ml of FASA to your combined Acetone extracts.
This precipitation method will separate 3,75 g of Alkaloid Fumarates from the Acetone Extract, which equals equals ~ 2,4 - 2,9 % of Alkaloids extracted, depending on being Mono- or Disalt Fumarates. (Bufotenine will be ~ 1-2 % of these)

GIF showing the addition of FASA to the Acetone Extracts.

Important: Even though the clouding is very intense it takes many hours for full phase separation and crystalization of the Alkaloid-Fumarates. So close the container and let the solution sit over night (at the stage of being fumarate salts the alkaloids have a very long shelf life just like any other fumarate alkaloids). Pay attention that even after full crystalization the solution will not turn clear, so dont wait for this moment. To be safe, decant it and keep the liquid to check if more precipitation is forming while proceeding the next steps with the Fumarate-crystals.

Important: Fumaric Acid + Acetone can be replaced by Citric Acid + Acetone, as Citric Acid can be bought from any grocery. Instead it will form a blob then, which looks like this and will settle down immediately instead of having to wait. But it will contain a lot of Acetone, which will slowly drip out. Wait for 2 h while tilting the blob in a closed vessle, so Acetone can rinse out, while no water can stick to the Alkaloid-Citrates - they are quite hygroscopic in contrast to Fumarates.

Picture of the Alkaloid Fumarates after 10 h of precipitation (left) and in close-up (right). Looking nice Love The big cucumber strucure is a stirring bar, in case you wondered.

Important: Dont rinse the Alkaloid Fumarates with Acetone. This will break up the crystals partially and you cant decant the Acetone without loosing too many material. Still, it is not even needed for purity.

5. Extracting Bufotenine from the Alkaloid mixture

Dissolve your Alkaloid-Fumarates in 25 ml of hot water. Discard what does not dissolve. Then create a solution of soda/Na2CO3 in 25 ml hot water, use a ratio of 0,5:1 Na2CO3:Alkaloid-Fumarates. You should not use excessive Na2CO3, as Bufotenine may dissolve in water if you used too much Na2CO3. Decant to get rid of any non-dissolved soda. Slowly pour the Alkaloid-Fumarate solution into the soda solution. You should use a vial for the soda solution that you can use for heating in the next step.
You will recognize brown clouds of freebase Alkaloids form and settle to the bottom after a few seconds. Upon stirring they form a big clumpy ball.

GIF of the addition of Alkaloid Fumarates into saturated Na2CO3-solution. At the end you can see the brown freebase clump that is rolled in circles through the glass vial.

Now the Alkaloids of the seeds are reverted back to their Freebase form and can be extracted with an unpolar solvent. Decant the water, all the Alkaloids are present in the brown sticky blob. Dont worry if the water is still light tan, it still does not contain any Bufotenine. Pour 25 ml of Xylene into the vessel and boil it while stirring strongly (T = 140 °C). Take care to be in a well-ventilated area. If you dont want to use Xylene, use the next mixture down at the solubility table, which would be a 1:3 Ethyl Acetate:Naphtha heated to 70 °C and use portions like 100 ml per pull, as solubility is much lower). At the moment of creating this TEK I still used that EA:Naphtha mix, so if not otherwise stated, pictures are generated from using those solvents. Still Bufotenin is much better as it is more selective and precipitates all your product at room temperature again. Now while stirring the blob will form a round ball. If the defat step was very thoroughly, then it should solidify to a hard ball after ~ 1 minute, if not it may stay sticky. This wont be a problem, if so just continue as normal. But if it solidifies you will need to stop stirring and crush it into fine dust. This is also a sign that Bufotenin migrates into the solvent. After 5 minutes of stirring, wait for the dust to sediment to the bottom, then decant into a new container. Repeat with fresh 25 ml Xylene until you have the feeling that the powder does not get less anymore - you may weigh the vessel after every Xylene pull for that. A brown or even black solid residue will be left at the end.

Solubility of Bufotenine / 5-OH-DMT in Xylene:

boiling Xylene (140 °C)
43 g/l = 4,3 g in 100 ml

Xylene in Freezer (-20 °C)
- 20 °C = 0,1 g/l = 10 mg in 100 ml

Important: Xylene is highly flamable, so handle with care. Also Bufotenin slowly degrades at 140 °C. It will still be worth to do the Xylene pull as material will be more pure, but a little bit of Bufotenin will also be destroyed meanwhile. Therefore dont extend this extraction step to 20 minutes of constant 140 °C or more.
Also if you dont like Xylene, it can be replaced with the Ethyl Acetate:Naphtha mix, but that also needs to be heaten up to 70 °C boiling temperature. Use exactly that ratio as it is just correct to not catch up too much unwanted actives, while still dissolving Bufotenin. Nevertheless it will not drop all Bufotenin when it freeze-precipitated, so instead you need to evaporate the solvent off at the end, which may give amorph instead of crystalline material. Still I also got crystals from this and never sticky oil if followed closely to the TEK. If using that mixture, also make sure to place a lid to the container to avoid too much evaporation, which would change the ratio of EA:Naphtha and hence the solubility.

Picture of the sticky Freebase Blob after decanting the water (left) and after crushing the solidified freebase blob to fine dust (right). Dont worry if it not solidifies, then the defat step may have not been 100 % efficient. Proceed as normal.

Now place all the collected solvent pulls in a fridge. If you used the EA:Naphtha mix then I suggest only combining the first few pulls as they will be the most saturated. Adding many less-saturated pulls to them will decrease the chance of recovering most of your material when doing a freeze-precipitation. After ~ 5 h you will see yellow to white either amorph or even crystaline solids on the bottom. Decant solvent and if using the EA:Naphtha mix you can evaporate the solvent too, to get another less-pure fraction.
Combined collected material = 1,13 g Freebase Bufotenine (1,13 % yield)

[later extraction: 2,6 g from 75 g Seeds = 3,4 % yield!]

Congratulations: You got yourself some solid pure freebase Bufotenine!

Picture of crystaline freebase Bufotenine, directly derived from the second pull of this TEK.

Picture of amorph freebase Bufotenine, directly derived from the first pull of this TEK.

Alternative Workup

You could also add FASA or Benzoic Acid and drop Bufotenine Fumarate as perfectly white crystals (next picture, left). These cant be vaporized, but you may use them for oral consumption. Regarding nasal administration it was reported that Fumarates are far less active, maybe due to the high polarity the bio availability is strongly reduced.

Also you may recrystalize the amorph Bufotenine. For this you should use Xylene and not Ethyl Acetate as mentioned in Literature. Using the latter one will turn the Bufotenin brown (next picture, right). So for recrystalization stick to the pictoral in Post #2. Also regarding solubility, also check post #2 or here.

Picture of Bufotenine Fumarate generated from the remaining 1:3 EA:Naphtha solvent mix (left) and recrystalized Bufotenine (right) derived from the tan amorph Bufotenine. You can clearly see a darkening and these crystals turn dark, the non-recrystallized does not. Using Xylene for re-x causes no coloration.

Analytic data to verify purity of the crude Bufotenine

Bufotenine derived from this TEK was measured by Gaschromatography and 1H-/13C-NMR. By intention a non-crystaline, amorph sample was used, as it was believed to have a lower purity than the crystaline fraction. Therefore this should help to verify if even the lowest purity outcome is already of good quality and to check if the crude products needs a workup at all if the TEK is conducted correctly. Actually it seems the person did forget to measure the 13C-NMR, maybe I will deploy it in future, when I get NMR-credentials again. Still, its pure Bufotenine for sure, which you will already see in the following data, so 13C-NMR would be rather cosmetic.

At first here is the predicted 1H-NMR of Bufotenine, this is used to get an idea about the magnitude of impurities in the sample measured below - simulated with Mestrenova 12.

Picture of the simulated 1H-NMR-spectra of Bufotenine - from Mestrenova 12.

You can see, it looks practically like DMT, with a big 2x Methyl-Signal on the right and the 2x 2-H signal of the aliphatic chain, along with 4 aromatic signals. This is the only difference to DMT: It shows 1 proton less, as its replaced by a -OH group. In a real spectra this group is invisible due to H-D-exchange in Methanol, as you can see down below and thats the reason why its basically the spectra of DMT with just 1 proton less. Also the NH is not visible due to this reason when measured in a polar-protic solvent, which is the case down below as Methanol was used.
Mestrenova 12 locates the big Methyl-signal very far to high ppm areas and then it hides one of the CH2-units ... Apparently this predicted shift is wrong, indeed its located just in the same area like DMT (see my signature for reference). Strange that it's simulated correctly for DMT and not for Bufotenine as their only difference in structure is very remote from those Methyl-groups, but anyways ... this is irrelevant for the analysis, but now you know why the Methyl-signal seems to be off when comparing simulation and measured sample, but actually the measured sample is correct. Thumbs up

Now here is the measured sample, sadly only 1H-NMR:

Picture of the 1H-NMR-spectra of amorph Bufotenine derived from this TEK. Measured in MeOD at 300 MHz.

Not much to say, all the signals are there (and the big Methyl signal is indeed like DMT of course, not like the wrong simulation). As it is measured in MeOD you can see 2 big solvent peaks. These are marked red, so you can just ignore them. Also there are traces of EA present. The only unidentified peaks are marked gray and these are just traces. In total their integral is just 0,30 and the peak fraction of Bufotenine derived from this number is 97,87 %. Now this does not automatically translate into a purity of 97,87 %, but I may say that still the purity is somewhere between 96 - 99 %. It will be completely pure by > 99,9 % upon 2x recrystallizations in boiling Xylene, as you can see here at the respective NMR at end of post.

Picture of the GC-Chromatogram of amorph Bufotenine derived from this TEK.


Now when taking a look at the GC-Chromatogram there is practically just 1 peak again. Besides that there is only 1 other peak. Therefore it's very likely that all the foreign peaks from the 1H-NMR are just 1 single other compound. Possibly it's the one that causes the tan coloration and its transfered into the final product as it will still have a very low solubility even in 1:3 EA:Naphtha, so it can't be avoided by that TEK. Still the GC integral is exceptionally high at 97,85 %, so there's nothing to worry.
Looking at these data it seems that even crude Bufotenine derived from this TEK without any additional workup / recrystalization is already practically pure enough for instant usage with 96 % + purity. Thumbs up

Now I guess Bufotenine is open for collaborative research. Love Twisted Evil

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
Brennendes Wasser
#2 Posted : 3/10/2020 2:36:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Chemical expert

Posts: 823
Joined: 23-Sep-2017
Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
TEK in short:

1. Place 100 g A. Colubrina Seeds in a pan, turn setting as high as needed for seeds to pop but still as low as possible

2. When no more seed popping is noticed place grind seeds to a fine dust

3. Add 25 % Na2CO3/soda compared to seed weight and mix homogeneously

4. Slowly spray water on the mixture until a doughy paste is formed - optimal Ratio = 1,5 ml : 1 g of initial Seed weight

5. Dry the paste with a fan and optionally low heat

6. When dry (check by comparing weight to end of step 3) defat with 3 x 150 ml boiling Naphtha, decant

7. Extract with 3 x 150 ml DRY Acetone, filter through a funnel with facial tissues

8. Add FASA that contains at least 3 g of Fumaric Acid slowly and under vigorously stirring

9. Let it rest for 12 h, then decant and watch if the Acetone precipitates more, also check if adding more FASA causes further clouding
let the Alkaloid-Fumarate crystals dry off any remaining Acetone

Alkaloid-Fumarate yield: 1,5 - 4 % to seed weight

10. Dissolve the Alkaloid-Fumarate crystals in 25 ml hot water. Slowly pour this into a solution of 1,85 g Na2CO3 (0,5:1 Na2CO3:Alkaloid-Fumarates) 25 ml water.

11. Extract the brown precipitating freebase Alkaloid blob with 25 ml portions of boiling Xylene. Do this until the freebase blob does not shrink anymore. Black powder will remain. Place them in a freezer for freeze-precipitation.
The freebase blob may solidify to a ball upon stirring within this process. Break it apart, if it becomes hard, to speed up extraction. If it remains a goo, still just proceed extracting.

12. Collect your precipitated freebase Bufotenine.

Bufotenine yield: 1-3 % to seed weight

Bufotenin recrystalization

The best solvent to form crystaline Bufotenin is Xylene. Actually it would be way too unpolar to ever dissolve Bufotenine. But according to 69ron the reason is as follows:
As you can heat Xylene above the melting point of Bufotenin, the latter suddenly becomes soluble while liquifying, while the more polar 2 % dark impurities will remain undissolved. This way you can create 100 % purity Bufotenin from 98 % purity Bufotenin retrieved by the former mixture. See the following pictoral:

1 = Break up crude Bufotenine chunks (if even solid)
2 = Heat in Xylene > 140 °C until only brown powder is leftover (see solubility table how much to use)
3 = transfer surfactant Xylene into new Jar and let it sit until surfactant is clear
4 = dry crystaline Bufotenine - much faster if you wash it with low-boiling Naphtha

Bufotenine solubility table:

Boiling = 43 g/l = 4,3 g in 100 ml
- 20 °C = 0,1 g/l = 100 mg in 100 ml
Xylene is the only non-mixture solvent to form crystals. The only downside:
Best solvent for recrystallization and also getting pure Bufotenin. Only works due to heating Bufotenin above the melting point, it liquifies and will mix in much higher amounts with the solvent. Same happens with DMT and Naphtha above the DMT melting point.

1:3 Ethyl Acetate:Naphtha (C6-C7)
Boiling = 7,6 g/l = 760 mg in 100 ml
20 °C = 3,6 g/1 l = 360 mg in 100 ml
- 20 °C = 3,5 g/1 l = 350 mg in 100 ml
Not as selective for Bufotenin and will still catch up to 2 % of unwanted Alkaloids. Also it lacks the effect of Xylene, because of that it will still hold much more at Freezer-Temperatures. Need to evaporate off quite a lot to not lose on product.

Ethyl Acetate
Boiling = 280 g/1 l = 28 g in 100 ml
20 °C = 72 g/1 l = 7,2 g in 100 ml
- 20 °C = 50 g/1 l = 5 g in 100 ml
For recrystalization (optional, not recommended).
Although mentioned in Literature for recrystallization, this is a bad solvent. It will also catch up the more polar impurities and not improve purity and also the overall solubility is very high. This means even if using total minimum amounts of Ethyl Acetate, you will still loose a lot of Bufotenin even after cooling to -20 °C. Afterwards addition of Naphtha does not seem to improve stuff. Better use Xylene.

Boiling = 42 g/L
- 20 °C = 9 g/L
Even though it may seem as a good extraction / re-x solvent, Bufotenine turns brown from 170 °C onwards. So everything that is not dissolved fast enough will stick to the glass as a brown solid. This remainder seems not to dissolve in acetic acid anymore, indicating that the brown coloration is derived from a decomposition reaction. Maybe it gets destroyed at the boiling temp of D-Limonene, so better not use it.

1:4 Acetone:Naphtha
This solvent system is used in all old TEKs. They dissolve everything in Acetone and drop contaminations by sequential addition of Naphtha. DONT use it for 2 reasons: A) The Alkaloid mix should never be fully dissolved in a polar solvent and halfly precipitated afterwards with a less polar solvent. It will not create the same purity as when extracting from a dry mass with a medium polar solvent mix (like 1:3 EA:Naphtha). B) The solvent mix 1:4 Acetone:Naphtha will not cause freeze-precipitation and you have to evaporate it. This way you will never get a crystaline product, this is the reason why all previous TEKs produced an oil. Also it catches up more contaminations and cant be used for liquid-liquid-extractoins in case something goes wrong, while 1:3 EA:Naphtha can be. The TEK is just finally successful based on the 1:3 EA:Naphtha mixture, so you should definetly take your time searching for Ethyl Acetate.Thumbs up

(Older info, cannot find original thread by 69ron)

69ron wrote:
Freebase Bufotenine Solubility
Acetone @ 20 C: soluble (5 g/100 ml)
Chloroform @ 20 C: soluble
Dichloromethane @ 20 C: soluble
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) @ 20 C: soluble (6 g/100 ml)
D-Limonene (Orange Oil) @ 20 C: insoluble
D-Limonene (Orange Oil) @ 176 C: soluble (more than 1.7 g/100 ml)
Ethanol @ 20 C: soluble
Ether @ 20 C: soluble
Ethyl acetate @ 20 C: soluble
Heptane @ 20 C: insoluble
Heptane with 40% MEK @ 20 C: soluble (0.53 g/100 ml)
Heptane with 50% MEK @ 20 C: soluble (1.22 g/100 ml)
IPA @ 20 C: soluble
MEK @ 20 C: soluble
Methanol @ 20 C: soluble
Naphtha @ 20 C: insoluble
Water @ 20 C: nearly insoluble in pure water (no acid or alkali added)
Xylene @ 20 C: nearly insoluble (less than 0.03 g/100 ml)
Xylene @ 144 C: soluble (1.5 g/100 ml)

General problems when facing Bufotenine:

It seems the OH-group is causing the Bufotenine to incorporate some unconvenient traits. It will always crash out as an oil when evaporating its solvent. Only 1:3 EA:Naphtha seems to dissolve it and then drop it with an amorph or even crystaline morphology upon cooling. Sadly the solubility is not further reduced from fridge temp to freezer temp. Using Acetone or any other solvent and evaporating it will just leave a thin dark layer, very unconvenient to handle.

Also when heating it up it turns black dusty and starts giving fumes from 150 °C onwards. It dissolves much worse in Acetone afterwards, indicating a degradation upon heating.

When recrystalling Bufotenine in pure Ethyl Acetate like mentioned by Ott and in other literature, one needs to use an extremely high concentration, otherwise it will not precipitate. On the other hand the solvent system of 1:3 EA:N shows a very low solubility overall and not a huge decrease when being cooled. It works perfectly to selectively dissolve Bufotenine, but maybe in far future a different mixture will be elaborated, that may dissolve Bufotenine the same way Naphtha is handled when using it with DMT.

Bufotenine Bio-Assay:

5 mg Bufotenine was vaporized completely with the portal version of the Spice Rotator. Low dosage just to check activity.

After onset of 15 seconds - just like DMT - body sensations started. After 20 seconds small visual alterations came up. Interestingly this increased until 1 minute after inhalation, so the onset during is quite longer than for DMT. Effects only lasted about 8 minutes, maybe more if using a higher dosage. Still eating 200 mg of FB Harmalas (or equipotent *HCl) is recommended for any Tryptamine as a great enhancer.

60 mg Bufotenine + 10 mg Harmalas were insufflated.

After onset of only 1 minute mushroom like effects start to come up. It was quite like a Psilocin experience, ROA with a slower uptake are moving the effects more to Mushrooms in general I may assume.

Will post a higher mg vape sooner.

Bufotenine dosage evaluated by Jonathan Ott - Threshold for psychoactive effects


General tipp: how to turn a sticky goo into dry solids

Often when a goo is collected at the end of any extraction (not only this but general) it may be due to solvent traces still trapped inside of your freebase. Even though organic solvents often evaporate really fast even at ambient temperature, they may be "stuck" inside of that oil and held back to even not fully evaporate after days.

To remove it cover your oily Bufotenine/whatever with a low boiling solvent, that does not dissolve the substance at any temperatures. This may be for example very-low boiling Naphtha (40 - 60 °C) in case of Bufotenine. Now boil it under vigorously stirring. This distributes the former trapped solvent between the freebase and the new solvent and therefore reduces the amount in your freebase oil by far. Then just decant it and let the low boiling solvent evaporate. This may turn sticky goos into a solid. If it is a goo due to impurities, then this may not help. But proceeding all the steps like in this TEK should most certainly yield Bufotenine with high purity that will easily solidify by itself.

General tipp: Extracting the lesser polar Bufotenine from the more polar Alkaloids

In both the 2 big sticky threads about Bufotenine it is mentioned to fully dissolve a crude extract in Acetone (with all the Bufotenine and all the more polar Impurities). Afterwards you shall add a certain amount of Naphtha to precipitate that impurities again, while keeping Bufotenine in solution.

This is actually not recommended, as while in theory the more polar Impurities dont dissolve in a solvent mix of a reduced polarity (like 1:4 Acetone:Naphtha) they will not fully crash out when adding the Naphtha afterwards and therefore the Bufotenine will never become pure. It is strongly recommended to extract directly with your solvent mix of reduced polarity on a dry substance, selectively dissolving Bufotenine. Also in case you have problems and need to extract from an aqueous layer, it wont be possible with 1:4 Acetone:Naphtha, as Acetone is partially soluble in water. With 1:3 EA:Naphtha you can do it.

Now some final words:

Bufotenine was believed to be inactive or unpleasent, because it was tested in pharmaceutical assays at prisoners during the 50s and 60s. Even though the traditional usage by south american shamans was known, it lasted until the late 90s when Jonathan Ott reported a study on the extraction and effects of Bufotenine with varying administration methods. Here you can read the article at research gate or the erowid source.
#3 Posted : 3/10/2020 3:28:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1285
Joined: 23-Jun-2018
Last visit: 22-Feb-2022
Awesome write up!! Thank you Wasser!!
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
#4 Posted : 3/13/2020 2:31:06 PM

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Wow dude... great post!

Waiting trip report of 20 mg vape !Big grin
#5 Posted : 3/15/2020 4:48:05 PM

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Thanks a lot for sharing all of your experiments, excellent thread!

I gotta go now but I'll come back to this thread soon.

Please do keep sharing any further experiments you make with this or other plants/substances, very appreciated!
#6 Posted : 3/15/2020 9:22:50 PM

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I not sure if it's ok to ask a question about sourcing seeds , so if not ok mods feel free to edit this post . I checked a few vendors for seeds . i priced seeds from several venders the best price from a vendor with a good rep was $10 for 100 seeds or $40 for 500 seeds . is this a reasonable price ?
#7 Posted : 3/16/2020 7:46:48 PM

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Thanks so much. A few years back I performed an extraction and obtained a crude product. I mixed it with dmt as per the instructions for bufojam changa but other than some vasoconstriction the effects I had were mainly from the dmt. I have always wanted to experience the bufotenine journey after reading Jamie's wild tales. This write up has fired me up again and i'm really looking forward to trying out the extraction. Please do keep us updated with your bioassays.
#8 Posted : 3/20/2020 11:17:10 PM

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no one chimmed in on my last post . guess i might guess and buy a few seeds. ...to uuuumm germinate heh
#9 Posted : 3/20/2020 11:24:59 PM

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Interesting info THHANKS

was there a link for mentioned Second #2 post with this for purification or re crystallization . or did i miss it DOH ?
#10 Posted : 4/28/2020 2:15:15 PM

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Thank you for sharing your skillz!!! This is great.
Brennendes Wasser
#11 Posted : 4/29/2020 6:27:35 PM

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#12 Posted : 5/7/2020 6:57:01 PM

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Thank you dyoode

I read some things about that substance but you made it a little more
comprehensive for me.

One day Cool

Thank you so much for your work
Psychedelic drugs don´t change you, they don´t change your character,
unless you want to be changed. They enable change. They can´t impose it.
Alexander Shulgin
#13 Posted : 5/7/2020 9:11:01 PM

White bear

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Holy mother! Big thanks, this is highly appreciated.

Great write up and a solid A for the work that went into all of this; I'm anxious to see future results from this TEK popping up soon enough! Love

#14 Posted : 5/14/2020 12:04:28 AM

The Cat

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Swim could have used this like 3 months ago as he managed to waste like 300 seeds.

He may try something like this next time. Thanks so much youre a hero.
"We get to the end and find out we missed the point. Life is a musical thing, and you were supposed to sing and dance while it was being played." - Alan Watts
Brennendes Wasser
#15 Posted : 6/2/2020 2:27:06 PM

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TEK is finally complete! Love Love Love

New analytics, new HD Pictures, shorter TEK, new Solubility table for Bufotenine.

Actually it was finalized just after the initial post, but I was still waiting for the Analytics department to be able to do some measurements - because there should be a proof that this TEK indeed works and produces pure Bufotenine. Apparently the person that measured it forgot to set the 13C-NMR-measurement, but it would have rather been cosmetic. Maybe I will add it in future myself.

If you read the *old* TEK you saw that the TEK split into 3 alternative routes after about half-way. This was due to the reason that I either did not knew if these possible ways would work and they were just hypothetical or that these should just be alternatives, used based on the personal preference of anyone that wants to try it. Now I finally tested everything out and chose the most efficient way, which was further cut down in length. Now only this single way is used for this TEK as it works perfectly and and I guess it makes more sense to just focus on 1 way, if this should be a general TEK that will work without any restrictions. Now the whole procedure uses the bare minimum amount of steps to achieve a pure Product.

Also now solubility data for Bufotenine in all relevant solvents / solvent systems for all common temperatures is added, for anyone trying to do either extraction or any other handling with it. See 2nd Post for this.

Hope it will provide help to anyone not to waste more A. colubrina seeds, but gather a product with great use.
#16 Posted : 6/2/2020 10:58:28 PM

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Excellent work!

Thank you very much for this great contribution Smile
#17 Posted : 6/4/2020 3:42:51 PM

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How does pure bufotenin compare to yopo or cebil?
I have only got some experience with yopo myself, but i realy like the stuff.
Brennendes Wasser
#18 Posted : 6/4/2020 5:52:21 PM

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I made Yopo Powder not too long ago and got more nausea than psychedelic visions, so it was not that pleasant : /

With Bufo I haven't tested much so far, 60 mg intranasal were already much in terms of material to ingest as my nose is not really trained for this Thumbs down So I did not go any higher ... more interested in oral ingestion then, which sadly always produced the least impressive effects compared to other ROA. But so far haven't eaten anything, maybe starting with 100 mg + 200 mg Harmalas. 100 mg DMT seems still okay so probably its not already too much for Bufo.
#19 Posted : 6/4/2020 6:25:16 PM

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I've heard bad things about oral ingestion. Very bad things.

About yopo i can say that i have experienced the most side effects when i smoked it, but i didn't smoke basified yopo because i feared it would be more damaging to the lungs.
The other method i used was taking it sublingually, wich ofcourse requires basifying, and i did not experience any serious side effects then.

I found yopo by itself not that interesting, but when i took it with shrooms or LSD, the effects where very impressive.

If you want deep visionary experiences with it, you probably need to dose higher, wich goes hand in hand with more nausea. But if you've taken another hallucinogen, you don't need to take that much, and then you can go realy deep with relatively tiny amounts.

Smoking is probably the most powefull ROA with bufo.
#20 Posted : 6/5/2020 10:56:48 PM

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Brennendes Wasser wrote:
I made Yopo Powder not too long ago and got more nausea than psychedelic visions, so it was not that pleasant : /

With Bufo I haven't tested much so far, 60 mg intranasal were already much in terms of material to ingest as my nose is not really trained for this Thumbs down So I did not go any higher ... more interested in oral ingestion then, which sadly always produced the least impressive effects compared to other ROA. But so far haven't eaten anything, maybe starting with 100 mg + 200 mg Harmalas. 100 mg DMT seems still okay so probably its not already too much for Bufo.

Please be careful and research this one. Ott's paper from 2001 seems informative (if, as always, rather wordy) on this matter. Attached below.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
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