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Harmala Extract with Buchner Funnel Options
#1 Posted : 11/14/2019 5:51:25 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Needing to do syrian rue seed extract, and have Buchner Funnel. Would that be good to use?? They say to plug funnel with cotton, which can not be done with that, since over a dozen holes. Could I just put down 3 or 4 layers of t-shirt??

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 11/14/2019 9:42:40 AM

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teks are guide lines - not rules Smile - do what works for you!
#3 Posted : 11/14/2019 5:01:30 PM

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I use a t shirt! Powder seeds in blender, acetic acid boil x3 and filter each one through a cotton shirt. Works for root bark too.
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
#4 Posted : 11/15/2019 9:41:57 AM
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For use by themselves (not with DMT) which is most enjoyable (best for depression) harmine alone, harmaline alone, or just extract together? From some searching it sounds like harmaline can make you edgier. Wondering if just straight harmine would be best for me.

I had been on prozac for 18 years, and gave up 2 months ago to experiment with DMT, which I still have not done, since not in great mood due to life problems. Last time I did shrooms was 1992 and was never big into halucinogenics. Did reasonable dose of acid twice, and shrooms maybe 6 times.

From reading about breakthroughs, feel like I should work my way up gradually, or maybe experiment with microdosing.
Homo Trypens
#5 Posted : 11/15/2019 11:35:33 PM

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I just looked up Prozac (Fluoxetine) on wikipedia. It is an SSRI with a rather long half-life, and Norfluoxetine even longer.

Some samples:
"Complete excretion of the drug may take several weeks"
"7 weeks after the discontinuation norfluoxetine is still detectable in the blood"

While I am not an expert on anything medical, my instinct would be to wait a few weeks longer before taking either Harmine or Harmaline (or any other MAOI). I would also start with really low dosages, because you'd rather have depressions than serotonin syndrome.

If you wanted to vape some spice while you wait for your previous medication to be flushed out your system, I don't think there's any contraindication for that. There's nothing wrong with starting low there either. I haven't had a breakthrough after a few dozen times of smoking changa. It still helps me and is a beautiful thing.

Be safe, and may the plant spirits help you find joy and stability!
#6 Posted : 11/17/2019 9:31:35 AM
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Thanks for replies!!!

Is 1000 grams too much to run in one batch?? The jug under the buchner most hold more than half gallon, and seems like tedious process. Would be nice to just do it once.
La Alquimista
#7 Posted : 11/19/2019 2:57:51 AM
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1kg is a large extraction even for experienced users. Expected yield from that could on person years or more. If this is your first extraction, start with 100g and practice on small amounts.

The Buchner funnel is great for use after first basing, when collected filtrate appears to completely dissolve in minimal amounts of acidified water and leaves no visible sediment after being left to sit for several days. Before then, for workup of crude seed brews and through first basing, there are many large particles in the fluid which will quickly clog the Buchner funnel. Start with extensive cotton ball plugged funnel filtering, work up to cotton sheets, then coffee filters in a funnel. It is well worth the time to avoid later struggle.
#8 Posted : 11/19/2019 3:16:04 AM
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I had bought 112 grams, but tek I looked at was for 200 grams, so ordered more and was cheap. Just thought I could save a week of time doing at once, and storing for long term. Seems like a lot of work.
La Alquimista
#9 Posted : 11/19/2019 3:39:14 AM
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1kg is a risk for first extraction. If you make a mistake and get no product you have used up 1kg of start material. Better to practice with small amounts. You will learn in first time. 100g can give 2-4g harmalas. Should last until you do another extraction.
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