Help me with my frogs mescaline tea? Options
#1 Posted : 7/20/2009 9:56:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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my frog is attempting to make a semi pure nausea free drink for a festie he is attending and would like to know if by following the below procedure a nice mescal tea can be created that lacks any significant body load.

despine thorns and peel skin, discard both (?)

discard white inner core

defat with high grade ethanol (?)

freeze cacti (?)

add citric acid saturated water and cook for 2-4 hours

filter cactus chunks through t-shirt

drink thick cactus juice



here are the questions I can't answer myself:

1. does the outer peel contain actives that should be extracted?
2a. would the alcohol defat be worth it? (in terms of removing nasties)
2b. would the alcohol defat remove any mescalines?
2c. if 80% ethanol was used to defat, would the 20% water remove any mescalines? (Before the water is acidified)
3. is freezing the cacti before acid cook necessary?

anything else thrown my way would be gobbled up with much haste, I am hungry for cacti consciousness.
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#2 Posted : 7/25/2009 8:10:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The ethanol would likely screw things up for that frog of yours...probably want to just skip that part and proceed as planned...

The outer peel shouldn't have much alkaloids stuck to it if one does a good job of removing it from the flesh leaving as little green behind as possible.

The freeze is not crucial but doesn't hurt...either way the frog should have good results, although some think the freeze/thaw process might help break certain molecular bonds of other molecules potentially holding onto the mescaline and not allowing it to go into solution as readily. Good luck
#3 Posted : 7/26/2009 6:08:05 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Strong vote for d-limonene tek!
#4 Posted : 7/26/2009 9:21:28 PM

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Agreed... performing an extraction is the best way to ensure accurate dosing independent of the particular specimen/vendor used...not to mention much less hassel to ingest!
#5 Posted : 7/27/2009 6:00:22 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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d-limonene is on it's way, but in the mean time this frog still needs to see what he can do with the materials available.

What about rubbing the pedro with sodium carb + (salt/epsom salt/magnesium sulfate) then washing away the base + salt with water... then pulling the pedro remains with citric acid saturated water?

are my assumptions correct that carb would help break up the sticky cactus pulp + the epsom salt would help dry the cacti, and the initial water wash would remove the base + sulfate?

or would this step not even be worth the trouble?
When Injustice Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty
#6 Posted : 7/27/2009 4:13:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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sodium bicarb. would help basify no doubt...but I'm unsure how well it would do in breaking up the pulp...also magnesium sulfate is a good drying agent but I don't know of it being used to dry entire cuttings in preparation to pulverize to a dry powder, usually it's used to absorb small amounts of water from non-polar solvents.

Washing with water will likely carry away some of the goodies as well even if in freebase form...again it might be best to wait for proper materials or adjust the procedure to get the most out of your efforts.
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