We are all slaves to our own juices - a vision of creation Options
#1 Posted : 6/17/2013 11:58:53 AM

eat your jungle oats

Posts: 387
Joined: 22-Mar-2012
Last visit: 20-Jun-2019
Location: "nowhere" exists
Weight: 70kg
Height: +/- 1.9m
Recent use: Diphenhydramine / Codeine (22 hours prior)
Last meal: small packet of corn chips at around 6 hours prior
Dose: approx 2.5 feet of San Pedro, around 4 inches thick and with 5 ribs - later divided with fellow psychonaut

The report:

I woke up dazed from my opiate sleep at around 3am (I had fallen asleep and missed my plans of meeting my bandmate at a gig)
I immediately got to work and began brewing the cactus, which had been prepared on thursday and freeze thawed 3 times by now.
I brewed this cactus for 10 hours, with 2 dashes of vinegar.

At around the 3pm mark the tea was filtered and the cactus strained, then reduced to exactly 300ml and split perfectly into two cups.

In contemplation I suggested to Z that I had some datura seeds to help with nausea. He said hes keen and so we each had 4 seeds and a cup of coffee.

By 5pm, my friend had gulped the entire 150ml down. I finished mine in 3 shots over a period of 45 minutes.
This was my second time drinking brew.

He let his load go after the 45 minute mark, unfortunately(as you will see later)from my side there was zero purge

The effects were rapid. We were sitting in my room listening to Motorhead when we noticed the effects. I decided to put on the white stripes and we conversed further, each note of every instrument having different textures were slotting into my body like spears. We came to the conclusion that Jack White stinks of style, and that he had no problem getting chicks. lol.
Later on We put on Mastodon (Leviathon album) which was PERFECT. I started feeling the thorns within myself. Started feeling like a San Pedro. The thorns were in my stomach.

We decided to walk to the shop as it was my mothers birthday, this was around 7:30pm.
When we got to the shop I realized just how intense the visuals were getting.

When I spun the card display around it appeared the cards were holograms, but upon inspecting them they were only plain images. The products on shelves would shimmer and cascade like a HI-FI display.
Got my mom some chocolates. walked back to my house.

This is where it gets strange.

About a block away from my house I saw a rock sliding towards me. I picked it up and it had a painting of a golden elephant on it. (I love elephants). So picked it up and took it home, slightly worried that someone would think my intentions with the rock were malicious but I HAD to have this rock it called out to me and was free for the taking as it was in the middle of the road (odd).
When we got to my house we fed my cat, and we had more coffee, sitting on the kitchen floor. My cats face was morphing, and his fur felt amazing. We watched him drink a glass of milk.

I started to have severe stomach pains and convinced myself that I had somehow poisoned myself, and that because Z had purged I was the only one in danger. He convinced me to take a shower and so I did. The water was on its hottest (I love boiling showers) but the water was fluctuating from hot to cold, to hot, to cold, and I realized that I couldn't stand, I kept falling over and my reflection in the tiles was warping while the tiles slid around.

I rushed back to the lounge wrapped in a blanket and sat down on the couch, this was around 5 hours since ingestion.
Everything was getting more and more intense. I felt forced to close my eyes but i was too afraid to let go.

I lost focus of what i was looking at and collapsed defeated to the living room floor.

Z was lying on the couch, he was having no ill effects at all, all the while my stomach was in extreme pain.

I saw myself as the cross section of a cactus with microscopic vision. I became stiff, stretching, until somebody came and burst my cell walls by cutting me loose.

I heard my mind crack open, much like the sound you get when separating the flesh from the cactus core.

I found myself alongside a river in a jungle, where gnomes were doing back flips out of each other's noses, and random feet flipped over into the water.

I was floating on this river, underneath a boardwalk with people walking above me.

I was in communication with Z telepathically, we both had our heads under separate blankets, and he started reading my thoughts.

I saw the woman's eyes who I had seen dying on Thursday after she got hit by a bus.

I died.

All of a sudden creator/whichever presented itself to me in space. I just knew. In the form of a yellow elephant. I totally understand the whole "Godhead" analogy now.

My eye aligned with the eye of this creator, in the form of an eclipse, and I saw how the universe was pushed out of its pupil, towards a giant spider which reminds me of Baal, the spider opened its legs and trapped the universe within its web, which is how the universe came to be suspended within space.

I witnessed man and woman, complete opposites in every way, spiraling in DNA patterns, I was in a place of fire and witnessed the evil of creation. Not the best way to put it as everything was one in the same

This is the best I can remember...

At about 3am, I heard someone at our front gate (we are having problems with criminals hanging around our house lately and watching us, luckily we have a huge dog to sleep inside while we are at work), and picked up my long winding staff.
Nobody was there, it was the cat eating food in the kitchen.

I retired back to my blanket on the floor, clutching the stick, and envisioned myself as an elder wrapped in robe.

In between 3am and 5am, I wrote a form of poem on the floor using a lighter as light source.

Reversed realities link
A crucifixion in space

-piercing through reeds-

I hear my mind crack open
Telepathian cartwheels
Feet jumbling to its flow
Drifting out blue to the machine
Like feathers on water
Everything serene

22 years
within my own eyes
I've been waiting blindly
Upon the souls of my spines

Within shedding the light
The darkness blurs grey
In exchange for new life
Another gives way

From 1 single eye the universe was born
Like a spider unfurling 8 legs
To rot in a web that once was its core
Freedom latched on and uplifted from source
Is something worth claim without fear of remorse

1 Consciousness.
Existence within void.
Where just 1 single tear
Reflects everything worth joy


Next time I wont be so afraid to let go.
With every great plan comes the pleasure of patience. Take a rest, and grab a suckle off the teat of life!

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#2 Posted : 6/17/2013 4:23:39 PM


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Wow! Sounds like one heck of a trip. Weird about the extreme stomach pain, but sounds like it went away once you broke through.
#3 Posted : 6/17/2013 6:42:16 PM


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Location: in the universe

edit : really beautiful poem
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#4 Posted : 6/18/2013 2:29:35 PM

eat your jungle oats

Posts: 387
Joined: 22-Mar-2012
Last visit: 20-Jun-2019
Location: "nowhere" exists
nicechrisman, I had no idea a 'breakthrough' was possible with san pedro tea Razz
But yes after I realised I was still alive I drank a glass of milk and my stomach was better.. I think its from lack of eating the night before for the codeine and also the fact I didn't purge, got the most of the vinegar in me ha

Jin, thank you Smile
With every great plan comes the pleasure of patience. Take a rest, and grab a suckle off the teat of life!
Use any name
#5 Posted : 6/18/2013 2:54:05 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: lost in transformation
I love the allegory of the elephant, and the spider with its web. And I like that you chose to pin creation as evil. That's the trouble though, with words when used in certain ways, sometimes the implicit can be forgotten. But like you say, one in the same.

Cool report.
#6 Posted : 6/18/2013 3:26:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 156
Joined: 25-Jul-2012
Last visit: 10-Oct-2023
This is an amazing account of your events. Very enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing! Smile
"We speak of Time and Mind, which do not easily yield to catagories. We separate past and future and find that Time is an amalgam of both. We separate good and evil and find that Mind is an amalgam of both. To understand, we must grasp the whole." -Isaac Asimov

"You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger." -Buddha

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain." -Paul Atreides, while being tested with the Gom Jabbar by the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam
#7 Posted : 6/19/2013 4:55:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great report sounds like you had some good san pedro. I like your poem alot too syncing up with your experience.Smile

--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
#8 Posted : 6/21/2013 10:52:46 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 43
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Last visit: 04-Jun-2024
shot guys,

I'm gonna see if i can experiment a bit with dosage so that I can try and achieve that level of effect and find out more or less how many mg that could have been

Truly an Amazing substance Pleased
#9 Posted : 6/21/2013 10:55:46 AM

eat your jungle oats

Posts: 387
Joined: 22-Mar-2012
Last visit: 20-Jun-2019
Location: "nowhere" exists
^ new function? how'd that happen?
With every great plan comes the pleasure of patience. Take a rest, and grab a suckle off the teat of life!
#10 Posted : 6/22/2013 12:10:50 AM


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welcome to the club

achuma is a fully immersive transcendental entheogen capable of infinite wisdom, only until you dive within its visionary experience do you fully appreciate its truth.

my heart is warmed by having you in the awareness,
welcome to the club

had my first breakthrough when i was 22 too
achuma puma
#11 Posted : 2/9/2014 7:35:46 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 43
Joined: 19-Jan-2008
Last visit: 04-Jun-2024
Wonderful account, and Poem, nice work.
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