Most Amazing Experience Options
#1 Posted : 6/21/2010 3:54:41 PM

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This Saturday I had the most amazing experience with DMT. I have been smoking for about a month and have still not broken through, even with a GGV, and I have also ingested about 165mg once earlier this week to test the dose, as I was going to take my next one at a public event. A music gathering on the first day of summer at Alex Grey's home on Saturday night.

I followed the advise on this forum about eating 2 grams of fresh ginger to avoid purging and it worked perfectly. Almost zero nausea and I even accidentally took the Syrian Rue twice(about 6 grams in Acai). Then I took 75mg of DMT.

This was by far the best most insightful dose for me. I think my previous experiences with DMT were there to prepare me for the life changing realization of how truly amazing everything really is. Being in a magical sounding and among so many beautiful friends and strangers was pure synergy for the experience. I have never had so much pleasure working through my issues before. I felt infinite love radiating from everything and everyone.

As a former atheist, I used to be a bit jealous of the certainties some followers have about their faiths, because I believed I could never have anything like that. But I was wrong. 75mg of DMT gave me that and so much more. My attitude was "I don't know and you don't know either". But I was wrong there too. I know enough now to realize that I am part of something infinite and beautiful. That there is amazing wonder out there, and that it embraces us if we seek and honor it's divine truths.

I no longer feel an urge to break through on smoking DMT anytime soon (that failure was stressing me out). The oral 75mg was a great tool that I think I am going to work with for a little while.

Thank you everyone who's shared technical and spiritual knowledge guided me to this wonderful place. With this forum and the awe inspiring visions and words of the artist I encountered on this path, I have been opened to the awesomeness of being all and one together. Life really is that beautiful.



Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/21/2010 4:29:49 PM

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Welcome, congrats and thanks for sharing. It's a great feeling as the eyes begin to slowly pry themselves open, no?

JBArk the recovering atheist
JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#3 Posted : 6/25/2010 2:46:09 AM

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Thank you Jbark and Fiashly,

The most amazing thing is that this wonderful feeling is still there. It's changed me and I've never been happier. If I had a choice between winning the lottery and never having the DMT experience, I would choose to have DMT in my life instead of wealth. It's a great honor to be able to tap into so much knowledge.

Love and Peace


#4 Posted : 6/25/2010 4:57:07 AM

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that's freakin awesome..... but how the heck do you take oral dmt with 6 freakin grams of Syrian Rue, and not be like.... cathardic or something. Did you have a place to lie down?

santos wrote:
Thank you Jbark and Fiashly,

The most amazing thing is that this wonderful feeling is still there. It's changed me and I've never been happier. If I had a choice between winning the lottery and never having the DMT experience, I would choose to have DMT in my life instead of wealth. It's a great honor to be able to tap into so much knowledge.

Ah yes, that ultra revitalized feeling. Welcome to your new life.
#5 Posted : 6/27/2010 11:51:27 PM

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did i pass, the acid test?

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