Mescaline Effects? Options
#1 Posted : 11/19/2009 11:17:10 PM
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Could anyone either direct me too, or explain the way a mesc trip is?

To better explain:

How long it takes to come on: 45 - 60 min
How long it takes to reach peak: ??
How long peak lasts : ??
How long to pretty much back to normal: ??

Not counting after effects, i can alwasy feel them for a day or so on any drug.
I have looked for this information with no success, i even looked on Erowid, though it didn't see to clear to me.
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!

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#2 Posted : 11/19/2009 11:24:37 PM

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First of all I'd like to say with mescaline, you don't worry about all that stuff, because it's so smooth you don't notice.

But I'd say it takes anywhere between 30 minutes to 1:30 to come on. The very peak lasts about 2 hours, but the way it comes on you may think you're peaking for a good 4-6 hours, then it wears off between 8-12 hours. I always feel GREAT the next day. It's definately the kindest of all psychedelics.

More than with any other chemical for anyone who asks, I always say even if you are curious in the slightest, just GO for it. Smile
#3 Posted : 11/19/2009 11:39:25 PM
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Thank you, that was the more detailed information i was seeking.

Sadly i do have to worry about it though, to a degree. I'm really uncofortable on any hallucinogen, thats actually why i choose mescaline. I took a small dose today and anxiety still tried to kick in, i didn't let it effect me too much, by trying to reason with myself. I took about 65mg at first, then 2 hours latter decided i could handle more and took another 40mg. I don't know why anxiety fucks with me so much, its funny in a way, because the effects i experienced today was like a light roll(X), and i had anxiety trying to mess with me, even though i can take 3(x) pills and be completely comfortable. New drugs just do that to me, and more so for hallucinogens.
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#4 Posted : 11/19/2009 11:48:38 PM

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that's quite strange.

for me mescaline is the best for anti-anxiety effects. I only really get that with tryptamines.
#5 Posted : 11/20/2009 12:02:21 AM
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Well, its probably that way for me because i already have a very serious anxiety disorder, its not anxiety from the drug at hand, just in my head, the doubt that i can't handle it, even though i know i can. I proved that when i meant to take two hits of acid, but did not know they where tripple droped sugger cubes, so of course it added up to six hits of acid, and i poped both of them in my mouth at the same time + sucked the hell out of them and finished them within 5 minutes.

I was very surprised when within 25 min. i was already seeing waves and distortions. within 2 hours it was so strong that i tried to close my eyes to break away from the visuals but saw the same shit in a picture frame floating off leaving gold glitter dust trails, at that point i decided to lay down and try to block it all out. When i closed my eyes i saw all these colorful lines coming from the left and right headed at each other, when they met they just started exploding with patterns changing at so fast of a rate i had to open my eyes to escape it, then shut them back to start it over, after a couple of times though, i triped so hard i don't remeber any of it until i opened my eyes eight hours latter, as the trip was finnally coming down.
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#6 Posted : 11/20/2009 12:09:41 AM

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Yeah large doses of acid scare the shit out of me. Whereas with mescaline it'd have to be a very very large dose. I've had up to 500mg's so far, I want to try higher, but no anxiety, or reason for anxiety came to my attention.
#7 Posted : 11/20/2009 12:09:41 AM


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Same thing happened to me Cheeto.

The cactus is very gentle, don't worry, just take it.

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#8 Posted : 11/20/2009 1:22:47 AM

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What setting would you recommend? Is an apt gonna be cool, or am I gonna be wishing the whole time I was out in the woods? or will I not even care?
#9 Posted : 11/20/2009 1:28:40 AM

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The only time I ever felt sketchy on mescaline is when I smoked weed..otherwise its always sooo smooth.

If you have anxiety I would jsut say do not smoke weed at all..lots of people say it's an anti anxiety medicine..but I dunno..not in my experience..lots of times I am fine on mushrooms, LSD, etc..until I smoke weed..even smoking before DMT has made me have real anxiety after the DMT starts to wear off, comming back from hyperspace. sometime I think cannabis can act as a deleriant.

I get anxiety too sometimes..but I have noticed that without weed I am wayy less anxious..

Also this will sound counter intuitive..but I get afraid of psychedelics alot of the time..before I dose etc..but forcing myself to just take real high doses of short tryptamines like smoked DMT and bufotenine, salvia etc has helped me to be more okay with letting go into the experience..may also help when dying in real life.
Long live the unwoke.
#10 Posted : 11/20/2009 1:31:32 AM

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lonewolf123 wrote:
What setting would you recommend? Is an apt gonna be cool, or am I gonna be wishing the whole time I was out in the woods? or will I not even care?

The first time I tried it I was stuck inside, alone, no money, no place to go etc.... probably one of my best experiences ever. It's nice to be out and about, as there is a very sociable aspect with this substance, but if you treat it like ayahuasca, the visions are truly amazing.

I remember looking at the marble etching pattern on my fire place and seeing thousands of pencil drawn faces flickering smiles at me in the same style as the video to A-ha's "take on me" Smile cheesey explanation, but it was so awesome and I'd never want to be anywhere else but in that moment... Damn, I could so go for some now.

If you do decide to go out half way through though, be prepared to end up in effortless conversation with folk Smile
#11 Posted : 11/20/2009 2:34:35 PM
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A few more questions.

What type of visuals would one expect to see on a light, medium and hard trip.

Do you see trails? Walls bowing in? Walls dripping, things shape shifting, rooms flashing colors, auditory hallucinations, patterns forming and changing?
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#12 Posted : 11/20/2009 2:39:00 PM
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"If you have anxiety I would jsut say do not smoke weed at all..lots of people say it's an anti anxiety medicine..but I dunno..not in my experience"

Yes i know exacly what you mean. Like i said i have an anxiety disorder, which also helped give me a social disorder/social phobia. I have noticed that i feel over four times worse in social situations if i've smoked any weed.
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#13 Posted : 11/20/2009 3:04:48 PM

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For myself, mescaline visuals are like no other.

At a threshold visual dose, everything seems to flutter about in a soothing manner, like reality is hovering ever so gently. If I look at a tile pattern it seems that the tiles are pouring their colours into the whiter tiles like they were transferring liquid. Up the dose a bit, usually nonsensical patterns will display a collage of inifinite ever changing beauty. If I look at a picture of a ship at sea, I shall see the wind in its sails and it's crew climbing ladders and throwing out ropes. Every site will tell a detailed story. Then as we get towards even higher doses I can only describe it as similar to an ayahuasca experience, but a lot more grounded with the best CEV's this side of DMT, but way more colourful all completely without that tryptamine run behind the couch feeling. I've never had more than 600mg's... but want to Smile
Touche Guevara
#14 Posted : 11/20/2009 4:02:15 PM
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I'd always heard that Hunter S. Thompson's bit from Fear & Loathing about mescaline taking 2-3 hours to really kick in was pretty accurate.
fractal rider
#15 Posted : 11/20/2009 4:07:22 PM

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for swim it takes 2 hours to really kick in and at the 3 hour is the climax of the experience it can be very strong depends on the dosage swim loves doing mescaline in a moutain landscapes love to see the horizon during the experience
om namah shivaya
#16 Posted : 11/20/2009 4:29:30 PM

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soulfood wrote:
For myself, mescaline visuals are like no other.

At a threshold visual dose, everything seems to flutter about in a soothing manner, like reality is hovering ever so gently. If I look at a tile pattern it seems that the tiles are pouring their colours into the whiter tiles like they were transferring liquid. Up the dose a bit, usually nonsensical patterns will display a collage of inifinite ever changing beauty. If I look at a picture of a ship at sea, I shall see the wind in its sails and it's crew climbing ladders and throwing out ropes. Every site will tell a detailed story. Then as we get towards even higher doses I can only describe it as similar to an ayahuasca experience, but a lot more grounded with the best CEV's this side of DMT, but way more colourful all completely without that tryptamine run behind the couch feeling. I've never had more than 600mg's... but want to Smile

yup, that's mescaline for SWIM; even looking at a blank white wall or ceiling will cause "little stories" to appear. Very beautiful stories actually.

SWIM says however you cannot beat doing mescaline in the forest!

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#17 Posted : 11/20/2009 4:38:11 PM

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What about in a social setting.
I have has small doses that are similar, but more natural feeling than MDMA.
I still have never had a large enough dose to obtain visulas or these little stories that you talk of, but when one does, is it ok in a social environment, or does one wish to be on your own????? IE is it very psychedelic on the mind?
Like, i read about people who take acid or mushrooms in a social setting, but i could never do that. I just like being with my own thoughts.
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#18 Posted : 11/20/2009 7:51:59 PM

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On higher doses of mesc, a social setting could get little hairy imo, even though the mindfuck isnt really present. Thats just swim though, and swims no expert. Smaller to medium doses would be great though, nice stimulation and euphoria. Higher doses swim likes to be home, and just immerse himself into it. The cevs are crazy, swim wasnt expecting them at all, very hard to describe, the oevs were more blurred and oozing.
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#19 Posted : 11/20/2009 10:30:37 PM

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What is SWIY's preferred dose? SWIM has only experienced the full spectrum extract a couple times and hasn't really reached what he would call a fully psychedelic dose yet, though he can definitely feel it.
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#20 Posted : 11/20/2009 11:40:08 PM

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125mg's and a good few beers is lovely social chocolate Smile
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