The Magic of Purging Options
#1 Posted : 5/22/2018 7:37:46 PM

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I’m really kind of fascinated by this, talking especially in the context of Ayahuasca/Pharmahuasca.

In the beginning of my “career” I would try to avoid purging, and be happy when I managed not to. Over the last 15 or so Pharma trips I really learned to embrace the purge.
It seems like the ultimate release, letting go. Surrender. It quite reliable removes fear and resistance for me, allowing the trip to become much smoother and deeper.
Often, the time after purging is the real beginning of the trip for me, with a friendly ”welcome home you idiot” side-note to it Smile

I had great trips without purging too – it may not be a requirement, but would think it’s almost always beneficial.

What are your thoughts on this?

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/22/2018 10:32:27 PM

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I stopped purging 9 years ago. Since then I've only purged once, and it was not even on Ayahuasca, but on Yopo taken a few hours after Ayahuasca. That was in 2013.

From what I remember from my purging years, working up to the purge wasn't easy as it involved surrender, but once through it, it was a great relief and made the rest of the journey smoother.
#3 Posted : 5/23/2018 12:06:17 AM
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For me personally, i do not care for the purging, i get no benefits from it, only relief. The only thing vomiting is good for, for me personally, is to relieve the gut-fucking or to help calm things down psychologically. I tend to hold the stuff down as long as possible but like clockwork i usually purge around an hour and a half to two hours into it. I much prefer for my body to digest the medicine normally and not cause nausea/vomiting. The nausea/vomiting is caused by the Harmalas, and occurs even with purified Harmalas if a high enough dosage is taken, DMT doesn't seem to cause me any gut stuff, and it hasn't caused me nausea or vomiting when consumed with Moclobemide instead of Harmalas. I've worked with the Harmalas a lot, taken them regularly (daily/near) daily for years and even daily in heavy dosages for 8 months straight. A reverse tolerance builds up with repeated use, so not only does the Harmalas get stronger from the same dosage, allowing you to back the dosage down bit by bit as you go along, but also the side-effects will go away so no more nausea or vomiting or diarrhea, the body load cleans up a lot and it feels a lot cleaner/lighter, and the motor function impairment goes away. If i consume the Harmalas here and there, i purge every time, if i consume them regularly for a bit, the purge goes away and stays away for the most part unless i get motion sickness or get too overwhelmed and then i voluntarily purge. Also the experience for me starts before the purge, if i purge, the experience tends to calm down, smooth out, or sometimes even causes me to come down from the experience if i purge too early. Purging is definitely not necessary, it's just a side-effect, i has it's usefulness, but i'd prefer not to have to put up with it, but i do accept it when it comes.
#4 Posted : 5/24/2018 9:45:00 AM

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I'm not talking so much about purging due to stomach upset caused by harmalas etc.

Last time the harmala hcl was actually very light on my stomach, and I had to get up and make myself purge, for 1-2minutes I couldn't do it. Drinking a full glass of water helped there. This was about 2 hours after dosing, so it didn't cause me to come down, since all the medicine was absorbed already.
#5 Posted : 5/24/2018 2:34:24 PM

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soul-explorer wrote:
I'm not talking so much about purging due to stomach upset caused by harmalas etc.

Last time the harmala hcl was actually very light on my stomach, and I had to get up and make myself purge, for 1-2minutes I couldn't do it. Drinking a full glass of water helped there. This was about 2 hours after dosing, so it didn't cause me to come down, since all the medicine was absorbed already.

I'm not certain that its healthy to make oneself purge. Purging is not like defecating where if you don't do it every 3 days you get constipated. In fact, purging can damage the esophagus if done too frequently as well as damage ones teeth enamel. Forcing the body to do something it doesn't want to do is not always a good thing.

On a somewhat related side note: I love cacti... never purge on cacti no matter how much I try. I realize many people do purge however. For me, I find no desire or want to experience that purge. I won't try to avoid it either should I one day purge, but so far that day has not occurred.
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#6 Posted : 5/25/2018 5:03:10 PM

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Wakinyan wrote:

I'm not certain that its healthy to make oneself purge. Purging is not like defecating where if you don't do it every 3 days you get constipated. In fact, purging can damage the esophagus if done too frequently as well as damage ones teeth enamel. Forcing the body to do something it doesn't want to do is not always a good thing.

What would be too frequent, is one single purge per week anywhere near critical?

Would stuff like drinking water before purging, taking antiacid help?
#7 Posted : 5/31/2018 2:47:24 PM

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I drinked 2grams of rue tea at least 6 times and..[so far].. NEVER purge....

The worst thing ive noticed is a little stomach crampy gas feeling ..

If i purge it must be comming out with a bowl movment...

I dont throw up very easily and dont like the taste of puke...

I even ate peruvianus and san pedro cactus dry powder mixed in pudding and never purged...
I just experianced a very small amount of naseua that didnt last long...

#8 Posted : 5/31/2018 7:03:25 PM
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You're not gonna vomit from 2 grams of Rue, 2 grams is a light/low dose of Rue. I don't even vomit from 3 grams, but around 4 to 4.5 grams i purge every time.
#9 Posted : 6/4/2018 3:37:30 PM

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Actually just had a beautiful Pharma experience without purging.

I still think purging can be of immense value in certain situations, but it can be kind of draining of energy and obviously not so great for the body.

It definitely unlocked a few things for me in previous trips, however I will focus more on getting there without the purge.
#10 Posted : 6/6/2018 10:54:45 PM

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Having dreamed Ayahuasca over some 55 plus times, I always try to avoid purging at all costs, that's just the way I am. Dont like to throw up (just like 69ron used to post the same) But that's just me. That's why I make sure all my stuff is super filtered thru cotton balls, etc, and that I don't use too much leaf. Those two things, not filtering the Ayahuasca, and using too much leaf or light are the two things that would always get me to throw up if I did not do them right.
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