Enhanced Leaf vs. Changa? Options
#1 Posted : 10/22/2017 8:03:14 PM

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Hello, newbie here.

I've been doing research, and something is unclear. Are Changa and Enhanced Leaf the same thing?

My understanding is that Changa is Ayahuasca (DMT + MAOI) plus an additional herb (Blue Lotus, Mullien, etc.). The Ayahuasca potentiates the additional herb.

So are Changa and Enhanced Leaf basically synonyms?

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#2 Posted : 10/22/2017 8:18:50 PM

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enhanced leaf: DMT + herb(doesn't contain MOAI)
changa: DMT + MAOI + herb(the herb could contain MAOI(like caapi leaf) but for better results if not using separate MAOI you make a 10x of it or something like that)

the MAOI potentiates/modulates the DMT trip

the main purpose of the herb is to protect the DMT from direct flame, so with changa or enhanced leaf unlike freebase DMT you can smoke it without worrying much about burning it..
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#3 Posted : 10/22/2017 8:54:36 PM
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I make really light-harmala'd changa, like 250-300mg per 1g dmt, just enough to potentiate, slow down the breakdown up in thy noggin just a bit, for me at that amount of harmalas used it seems to also extend that 'initial window' of having to get 'enough tokes', it extends it a pretty good deal for me, though I rarely do the several hit thing anymore [3-4+ hits], don't like the real slow buildup honestly, where with what I use I typically take 2 hits at the most, nice thick milky hits though. Also at that amount of harmalas used it doesn't seem to impart too much onto the dmt experience, at least from what I've experienced versus just freebase dmt.

Not really in line with the original post lol, but figured I'd say my 2c. I parrot this ratio alot, imho it's for good reason Big grin , I haven't actually changed my initial blend ratios/etc all these years, kept the same thing continually up until now.

Love changa talk Thumbs up
#4 Posted : 10/22/2017 9:43:32 PM

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Sakkadelic wrote:
enhanced leaf: DMT + herb(doesn't contain MOAI)
changa: DMT + MAOI + herb(the herb could contain MAOI(like caapi leaf) but for better results if not using separate MAOI you make a 10x of it or something like that)

the MAOI potentiates/modulates the DMT trip

Something I've been wondering about here.

I made a 20x caapi leaf - I put 20g of leaves in a solvent, let it ride for a month, poured off the solvent onto 1g of dry leaf, just following a tek from the nexus - wiki "Leaf Enhancement".

I've given it a go, several times. Just putting some in a bong, filling my lungs a couple times, then picking up my freebase-loaded GVG, and hitting nice sub-breakthrough levels.

But I can't say I noticed any real difference using the boosted caapi versus not using the boosted.

I have no explanation for why I didn't just make 10x, but I didn't. And so it made the dry leaf somewhat heavy and maybe saturated, so I didn't make 'official' changa by dissolving the spice into the boosted caapi.

Anyway, just wondering if any comments? Do I expect too much? Would I do something differently? More boosted caapi? Wait a bit before toking the spice? Toke the freebase before the caapi?

Thanks for any thoughts. And, well, thanks for everything.
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#5 Posted : 10/22/2017 11:04:09 PM

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other herbs can be used with dmt like... mint...passion flower...many many diferent flower tops and leaves that all have some kind of effect if burnt or vaped...

'[[Chamomile flowers\]].. make a relaxing tea sipped at bedtime.. and i assume those flower tops can
also be vaporized as well... and may have posibly a stronger effect on calming the [CNS] ...
central nervious system down...

In fact i was just considering infusing dmt tincture in some chamomile flowers...and trying to vape it not burn it it may make for a smoother trip?

Caapi is great reversable maoi but adding many other herbs can improve the trip too...
#6 Posted : 10/23/2017 1:58:35 PM

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Personally I like to keep the dmt separate from the leaf . You can have a little more control over the blend in the moment . Don't forget that mullein is a great element to have in the mix as well .
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#7 Posted : 10/24/2017 9:02:12 AM
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Felnik wrote:
Don't forget that mullein is a great element to have in the mix as well .

Love mullein, I had gotten quite a bit of that stuff years back when I first started making blends. Really soaks up the dmt/harmala solution nicely.
#8 Posted : 10/29/2017 8:18:35 AM

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What you chose depends on what you're actually looking for.

Enhanced leaf is pretty much like freebase, it's just less tricky to smoke it this way since you don't have to worry much about burning the crystals. It could be any herb or a combination of herbs that you feel comftorable with enhancing. It is preferable but not nessecery that the herb(s) contain very little or no psychoactive constituents on its own. Basicly any herbal tea with leafy structure will do the job just fine.

Changa on the other hand contains both DMT and MAOIs. The MAOIs can be within the herb blends or enhanced later too. People typically add herbs that modulate, potantiate, synergize or otherwise change the DMT experience. It's not unheard of that people add 5-MeO-DMT, bufotenin, burgamisia leaves/flowers or even iboga root bark to less impactfull but still significantly altering herbs such as passion flower, blue lotus, wild lettuce, african dream herb, mapacho and the list goes on. A changa blend can be as simple as containing only the DMT and caapi leaves or it could contain everything listed above and more.

Both are interesting experiences worth a shot but many find changa to be a better solution since it is a fuller, longer and more grounded experience. Also because of the MAOIs you don't have to worry about the tolerance. It is significantly different from the freebase experience or simple enhanced leaf so best try it out yourself and see what suits better your needs.

Another neat thing you can do with both is add it to your cannabis joints, but I haven't heard of many that enjoy this combo. It is a possibility anyways.
Running Bear
#9 Posted : 4/27/2018 8:46:34 PM

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If you extract your own dmt I would make both. Designing your own blend is a lot of fun and extremely rewarding. One of the blends I used was made out of 15x red cappi leaf and it took me to the same exact place as ayahuasca. It's extremely spiritual.
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#10 Posted : 4/29/2018 4:58:41 AM

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My new fav herbs to use are hops flower ground with mullein. 300-400mg harmalas to 1G DMT
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