Tripping w/Nemo Amicus & The DMT Art Moment Options
#1 Posted : 10/13/2009 6:36:02 PM

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Hello All,

My husband, Nemo Amicus, has just joined the Nexus and has decided to dive back into the psychedelic world. I am so pleased. I had been journeying for awhile and reporting experiences to him. I tried not to pressure. It took awhile, but now he is examining the magic and mysteries of spice as well as enjoying what he and many of his generation think of as a unique American (though invented in Switzerland) sacrament - LSD.

Last weekend Nemo and I took our first acid trip together since I freaked out in October, 1989 - almost 20 years ago minus just a few weeks. We had been doing some DMT experimentation, but in the afternoon he took one dose and I took two.

Separated by work, we wound up at Nemo's place this weekend where there are five cats. Two of the cats are calm and well-adjusted, having come to us as kittens from the local shelter. Three of the cats are anxious and exihibit PTSD symptoms - they came to us as ferals. The well-adjusted cats freaked out at our non-normal behavior and basically hid and kept a low profile. The feral kitties were psychedelic kitties, out, about and interacting as well as looking fabulous. I assume this is because the feral kitties had life experiences that involved rapid, radical change and that having us throw off a few paisleys for the first time in their lives was not a big deal. . .

This is in the DMT section, because the DMT tryp in the middle of the acid trip was the most profound experience for me.

We had a great time bonding together on LSD and remembering all the previous great, bizarre and silly acid-drenched moments from our histories. There came a moment when I knew I was peaking or damned close. I suggested/offered to Nemo Amicus the option of taking a hit or three of spice at this time. He thought it over, looked intrigued, but ultimately decided to see what the solo-acid experience had to offer him. After all it had been 20 years.

I asked him if he minded if I tried it and of course he did not, so I went for it.

WOW! What a fantastic combination! Not stackable in my mind the way consuming DMT during a psilocybin trip or on top of another DMT tryp is. Filled with intense and outrageous moments that had features of both: crisp clarity to lines, super-saturated (like there were no spaces between the molecules) colors, somewhat 2-D look to the objects in the room which were glowing with an intense, living light. Everything seeming silly and downright playful.

I have no real memory of the trance, though I know entities were blocking my access to what I think of as a "breakthrough" building. Nemo Amicus said I laughed a lot. I remember opening my eyes and being amazed at the raw, living, hallucinatory beauty to every inner-glowing object in the room. Nemo did say that the energy in the room was so high while I was in the trance that he litterly felt his experience deepen and like he was "taken along."

I looked around the room which was literally filled with Victorian style bric-a-brac and as well as modern items. Very busy and colorful. It made me realize how very impovershied visually my regular tripping environment is. So, impovershed visual environment for inner explorations and rich visual environments for social tripping. A no brainer, obviously, but made painfully evident to me nonetheless.

Neith, our long-haired feral cat who is white on her bottom (combo legs) and gray-tabby on top with gold highlights, jumped up onto the loveseat on top of a hand-crocheted blue and purple afghan in the shape and style of a stained-glass-window. She began to langorously curl up, trying to find a comfortable position. I was amazed at how incredibly beautiful she looked. She was glowing and every long strand of fur was sparkling. Her eyes were huge and friendly/curious. Her tabby markings helped to enhance the afghan design and vice-versa. She looked like what I can only describe as "living art."

I commented more than once on how beautiful she was at that moment. Then I noticed some light green pants I had carelessly discarded on the arm of the love seat. The pants were laying such that there were several wrinkles and folds in the leg that was draped over the arm of the love-seat. All of a sudden it looked like a huge, threatening (ready to jump and constrict) snake, that was about the thickness of my leg around. But, the emotional content of this hallucination was extremely funny and playful. I believe I said something like, "Oh God! Those pants look like a snake about to attack Neith. Look out kitty!" and started laughing.

Next up, Havanna makes an appearance. Havanna is a large, elegant, very handsome chocolate-brown feral kitty. Havanna walked across the room and someting fantastic happened. He began to shed exactly identical Havanna-cat copies of himself as he moved. These were not shadows or trails. These did not feel like a door to parallel universes was opening. He was just leaving copies behind himself. Then the copies began coming out of his sides and the sides of the copies behind himself he had already shed. Over a dozen Havanna cats were geometrically growing and would soon fill the room. I laughed and said, "God damn Havanna! How many of you are there?!?" He quickly re-resolved into a singular, handsome, brown cat.

There came a moment in the middle of this when I was looking around the room and said something like, "Wow - I really get the art thing."

My previous DMT fueled art revelation was to understand that part of the beauty and meaning of any piece of art (including a drawing by a five year old boy) was in the fact that the artist puts a piece of her or his soul/essence/self into their work. Fortunately, these resources are as infinite as every single particle within ourselves, so the artist is not drained by this tremendous donation, at least not permanently.

"Getting the art thing," was a revelation of how the DMT (and any) hallucinatory state can be tremendously inspiring to an artist. Of course I understood this in a theoretical way. Just look at Alex Grey's work, right? This was somethng else. If I had had a single artistic bone in my body that would have been the very moment to hand me my paintbrush, chisel, computer, or whatever medium.

I instantly understood the beauty and the root of the art of the South American ayahuasceros. Two-dimensional, super-bright, primary colors. Scenes of people, animals, plants and nature with lines, rays and curly-cues emerging (the inner light!). I have not yet taken aya, but I swear for at least a moment the scene in our living room turned into one of these works in my mind.

My words do not do the emotional impact of this any justice at all. It lingers with me. I write and write about it in my book/journal but am never satisfied. I call it "The DMT Art Moment." and am still profoundly touched by this vision of apogeic beauty.

The remainder of our trip was standard, wonderful stuff. Interacting, laughing, tripping on cats and candles and trancy music, hours of married fun and finally finished with a short TV watching session that resulted in much laughter due to how crappy it was.

Overall, a fantastic return to tripping with the man whom I love more than my Earth-bound life itself.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#2 Posted : 10/13/2009 7:30:17 PM

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Pandora I love these reports..keep up the good work!..both of you!
Long live the unwoke.
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