DARE removes marijuana from list of "gateway drugs" Options
#1 Posted : 3/2/2016 2:28:55 AM

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Another sign of the ever encroaching weed of reason into garden of ignorance:
For more three decades, cops would fear monger about the dangers of marijuana to children who had never even heard of it before. “One hit and your life is over,” they would say, instilling this false fear in America’s youth — luckily, most kids never bought it.

However, DARE no longer mentions marijuana in their fear propaganda, and kids are better for it.
Studies on drug use show that almost every single person, 99% of all illicit drug users have tried marijuana before they did any other drugs. This insubstantial fact is still used by reefer madness folks across the globe to bolster their claims that “marijuana is a gateway drug.”
But when one looks past the surface of this claim, it becomes downright silly. It just so happens that 99% of these so-called illicit drug users could have also tried coffee, soft drinks, candy, or milk before moving on to harsher substances.
DARE has conceded their loss and moved on. Of course, they didn’t make a press release saying so, but they only quietly removed marijuana from their list of gateway drugs. This is a victory for freedom and another step forward in the fight to end the failed and violent drug war.
The propaganda wall is crumbling in the war on drugs, and this cannot happen fast enough. Depriving tens of thousands of people of their freedom is not only poor judgement but it’s a crime against humanity — and should be treated as such.
Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world.

Full article here


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#2 Posted : 3/2/2016 12:43:32 PM
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Now if they would lay off psychedelics...

It's funny how they progran you to recognize drugs as a youth...

If you dig deep into the war on drugs, you will find the CIA and the DEA use drugs to raise large sums if untraceable cash, which they then funnel to foreign radical armies fighting the enemies of the first world...

During Viet nam we were allied with general pao and his anti communist rebel army, this army had no hard currency, but they did have heroin, so the cia started selling it fir them...

Same deal during Reagan's reign, only they were selling cocaine to fund contras in Nicaragua ...

The examples go on, I used to have a 3 page list of incidents involving the CIA selling drugs to fund rebels, only this way they can do it with out congressional approval, which they would never get, with out public scrutiny, and without the embarrassment of having to take accountability when these groups turn on you, the US armed al queada to fight the Soviets, and it eventually bit them in the ass...

Many may not agree with me, but DARE is a method of ensuring their product (illegal drugs) will have a future market...

The DEA and CIA are actually benefiting from these drugs being illegal, were these things legalized they would've lost their value as contraband...

Ok, I'll stop, because this always turns into an argument, it's just my personal view on drugs...


#3 Posted : 3/2/2016 2:44:14 PM

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You know, D.A.R.E. has always been an assbackwards thing to me.
I remember when they did the whole drunk goggles thing & came in to talk to my class about drugs in 5th grade.
Funny thing. Very few had even the slightest clue what drugs were. And yet after D.A.R.E., every 5th grader within a 10 mile radius swore they smoked weed & drank beer.

Thankyou for teaching children how to get high officer Laughing
#4 Posted : 3/2/2016 3:08:03 PM

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[f you dig deep into the war on drugs, you will find the CIA and the DEA use drugs to raise large sums if untraceable cash, which they then funnel to foreign radical armies fighting the enemies of the first world...

In the mid-80s, when Russia was involved in Afghanistan-a conflict with United States was not supposed to be involved in, large amounts of hashish begin flooding into the southeast part of the country (maybe more widespread, I don't know I was living in Georgia at the time) which was stamped a large graphic showing a fist holding up an automatic rifle surrounded by the words "freedom for Afghanistan" in English and the Arabic. At this point I realized all the anti-drug rhetoric and frankly most of what my government tells me was BS.

We used to sit around as teenagers smoking the stuff tripped out that we were helping to fund a war with CIA funnel hash.

I'm lucky I escaped there, it's didn't begin until I left high school. We had "Officer friendly" visits when I was young and cops would bring samples of drugs so that we would know what they look like. It all seemed very suspicious to me.
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#5 Posted : 3/2/2016 3:36:51 PM

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entheogenic-gnosis wrote:
The examples go on, I used to have a 3 page list of incidents involving the CIA selling drugs to fund rebels,

Only 3? That would do injustice even to a management summary.

Speaking of injustice, you might also mention the involvement of banks that are not only too big to fail, but also too big to jail. All highly respectable men, of course.
#6 Posted : 3/4/2016 1:56:18 PM
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null24 wrote:
[f you dig deep into the war on drugs, you will find the CIA and the DEA use drugs to raise large sums if untraceable cash, which they then funnel to foreign radical armies fighting the enemies of the first world...

In the mid-80s, when Russia was involved in Afghanistan-a conflict with United States was not supposed to be involved in, large amounts of hashish begin flooding into the southeast part of the country (maybe more widespread, I don't know I was living in Georgia at the time) which was stamped a large graphic showing a fist holding up an automatic rifle surrounded by the words "freedom for Afghanistan" in English and the Arabic. At this point I realized all the anti-drug rhetoric and frankly most of what my government tells me was BS.

We used to sit around as teenagers smoking the stuff tripped out that we were helping to fund a war with CIA funnel hash.

I'm lucky I escaped there, it's didn't begin until I left high school. We had "Officer friendly" visits when I was young and cops would bring samples of drugs so that we would know what they look like. It all seemed very suspicious to me.

That's amazing! I was just listening to mckenna outline all this! And just because it's March fourth, the anniversary of the experiment La Chorrera, I feel that a mckenna transcription on the topic seems fitting:

When I wrote this book, I did a lot of research on an area I didn't know that much about, which is, let's say from 1500 to the present, drugs of addiction. And what I discovered is drug smuggling is like assassination. If the government isn't involved, it never seems to really happen. And governments have been using drugs for centuries as forms of secret revenue. This whole sugar thing that I laid out to you, those were decisions made by the crown heads of Europe in collusion with the Pope. It wasn't common people who set those policies in place.

During the 1960's, when the black ghettos began to come apart, suddenly number three China white heroin was cheaper and more available than it had ever been in any time in this history of the heroin problem in the United States. Why? Because the CIA saw, you know, all these black guys are getting up, a bunch of uppity niggers as the government calls them, you just smother it in heroin. Get everybody either hooked or making money...

And they don't care really about the effects of drugs, and one group, one faction will work against another. For example, I'm a great afficianado of hashish, and hashish became very hard to get in the United States in the late 70's. But as soon as the Russians invaded Afghanistan, suddenly there was massive amounts of excellent Afghani hashish, at prices that nobody had seen for fifteen years. Well, the reason was, the CIA knows that hashish is not really a problem. But what they wanted is, they wanted an income for the mujahadin. And they had to pay for all these weapons. So they just started bringing it in wholesale. And it wasn't even a smuggling operation. I mean, I received reports from people who said, you know, 'Smuggling? They're not smuggling. They're unloading it on pier 39, union local 1030 is taking off, you know, five hundred pound blocks of hashish by the tens of thousands.' And the day the Afghan war ended? They staged an enormous series of interlocking busts on their own infrastructure, and they closed it down, and they pulled it to pieces.

When Khomeni kicked out the Shah, the Iranian heroin business then fell under the control of the mulahs, and at that point, suddenly cocaine emerges as a major problem in the United States, because we just switched our supply lines. We could no longer depend on Iranian heroin, because we couldn't depend on these screwy Islamic fundamentalists, so we just turned toward all of these company assets in Honduras and Ecuador and Columbia. Very, very cynical.

You know, it's only been a hundred and twenty years since the so called opium wars. Very few people know what the opium wars, what was the issue in the opium wars. Well, it turns out the British government wanted to deal opium in China, and the Chinese Emperor told them to get lost. And they flipped. And they sent naval units, and they laid siege to several Chinese cities, and they forced the Chinese imperial court to agree that they could deal as much opium as they wanted on the wharves of Shanghai...

The Japanese, when they invaded Manchuria in the Second World War, they immediately began producing heroin and opium in vast amounts, not then as an economic strategy, but as a strategy to break the will of the Chinese population by encouraging addiction, and there was vast amounts of opium addiction. If any of you saw 'The Last Emperor,' you recall that his mistress was severely addicted to opium, and it depicted it in a number of scenes.

So governments have very cynically manipulated drugs, so that the drugs which make it possible for capitalism to function are cheap and freely available, and the drugs which erode dominator values, or cause people to question their situation, are savagely supressed -terence mckenna. (full lecture in link)

#7 Posted : 3/4/2016 5:15:46 PM

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Wow eg, thanks! I've been relating that anecdote to people ever since 1985. Some folks don't believe me I'll have to send them to that link! Thanks again!

Wish I had a picture of that stamp.
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Cognitive Heart
#8 Posted : 3/4/2016 5:26:52 PM

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Cognitive Heart attached the following image(s):
dare-lion-in-space.png (901kb) downloaded 215 time(s).
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

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#9 Posted : 3/4/2016 11:47:38 PM

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sheesh, it is about time. I remember those SCARE officers, oops, I mean DARE officers coming into the classrooms and poisoning our minds with nonsense and propaganda. Even at a young age, all they did was pique my interest.

I learn much more from Mr. Mackey's way of teaching! Big grin
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anne halonium
#10 Posted : 3/5/2016 12:36:42 AM

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oh relax guys , DARE will be back as some goebbels incarnation under a new name.

next time it will be hunting the latest boogeyman ,
with all the police state tactics you love.

fear not, the psychotics who bring you things like DARE, are alive and well.
just give them a few minits to repackage it.
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
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#11 Posted : 3/5/2016 12:43:51 AM


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I had the most panda bear stickers on my little workbook of the whole class. I bought the propaganda wholesale, so much to the point I tiraded my dad with the alcohol is a dangerous drug rap when he ordered a beer in a restaurant at like 10 years old.

We all can see how well that worked out. Twisted Evil

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anne halonium
#12 Posted : 3/5/2016 1:26:48 AM

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of course DARE didnt exist when i was in school.
but, we gave them plenty of reasons to start DARE.

im glad i missed the school drug persecutions.
had they done that when i was even a freshman ,
i would have been burned at the stake during homeroom first day above a pile of desks.
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.
#13 Posted : 3/5/2016 1:45:53 AM

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We had a stuffed animal as the famous DARE mascot...

Somehow a friends little sibling got a hold of it years later, and it ended up being the life of a big drug filled party Razz

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#14 Posted : 3/5/2016 2:06:40 AM

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we gave them plenty of reasons to start DARE.

Thumbs up Big grin
Right on, sister, you and me both!

Glad you're still waving the flag!

It's funny, I was into drugs, before I was into drugs. A full three years before I tried pot for the first time, in 6th grade I was sent to talk to a school counselor because I was reading Zap comix and Fear & Loathing in LV. My teacher took the Zap out of my hands, opened it and read aloud the title to the R. Crumb full page on the inside back cover:" End Karmic Congestion- GET STONED!" She had to send me out once the class started laughing.

Man,we've been fighting the drug war for awhile, I've got war stories to prove it. Another time, a friend and I got suspended for the days surrounding nancy Reagan's appearance at (one of) my high schools on her "just say no"( just say 'mo!) campaign for handing out revolutionary communist youth brigade newsletters that week. Twisted Evil
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#15 Posted : 3/10/2016 1:49:02 PM
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Nancy "just say no" Reagan ( July 6, 1921 – March 6, 2016 )

Rest in peace Nancy, keep telling them to "just say no" while Ronnie floods the ghettos with cocaine in the after life...

#16 Posted : 3/10/2016 5:50:22 PM

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entheogenic-gnosis wrote:
Nancy "just say no" Reagan ( July 6, 1921 – March 6, 2016 )

Rest in peace Nancy, keep telling them to "just say no" while Ronnie floods the ghettos with cocaine in the after life...


And only two days after I invoked her not-so-highness here!
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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anne halonium
#17 Posted : 3/10/2016 7:37:42 PM

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gawd nancy.......
the bane of my existence.
dont get me started.
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.
#18 Posted : 3/10/2016 7:55:44 PM

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anne halonium wrote:
gawd nancy.......
the bane of my existence.
dont get me started.

One area where we most certainly agree Wink
Doc Buxin
#19 Posted : 3/10/2016 10:43:34 PM

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entheogenic-gnosis wrote:
Nancy "just say no" Reagan ( July 6, 1921 – March 6, 2016 )

Rest in peace Nancy, keep telling them to "just say no" while Ronnie floods the ghettos with cocaine in the after life...

Laughing Laughing Laughing


Oh the hypocrisy!!!

Such is life on this planet.
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#20 Posted : 3/10/2016 11:44:13 PM

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I wonder if the folks who work at D.A.R.E. know that they're laughingstocks, or if they genuinely believe.

Which is worse: it's a bunch of naive, well-meaning busy-bodies who are genuinely trying to help, or it's a bunch of jaded cynics who don't buy it at all but do it for the paycheck?

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