Chronic pain - Ways to deal/reduce it ? Options
anne halonium
#21 Posted : 1/26/2016 7:39:12 PM

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my moms a doctor.
she taught us self hypnosis as kids ,
so if we needed minor surgery we could do it without anesthesia.

it works, but it takes some practice.
me and sister and maid, have reset bones, dozens of stiches , and broken out teeth,
along with dragged ourselves into emergency rooms in bad shape, not even wincing.

dentists and doctors shake their heads at us.
all of us have had teeth pulled with zero opiates.
novacaine and we shake off the rest.
( we have cleared broken teeth from ourselves without novacaine,
and filed broken teeth with metal files even!)

im both handed, so ive stitched either hand, with either hand several times.
and im talking cuts that stop at the bone.

we have all been in BAD accidents,
me and maid were life flighted once, and were joking across the pavement at each other ,
as the chopper landed............
ER peeps said we were an hour from being dead.
we werent too concerned.
a month later , and several operations later we limped out of the hospital,
refusing opiates.............

so yes IMO it works.

mileage varies, youll have to read up.
hypnosis is well documented for centuries, although not fully understood.
and it does take practice.

it also works for sleep.
we party hard sometimes with chems that would keep elephants awake for days,
and ,then fall asleep like babies.

the year " i went broke" me and maid had to sell all our furniture,
so we trained ourselves to sleep on a persian rug on marble floors,
with NO blankets or pillows..........we did that for a yr.

in college, we used it to flash review for tests.
and we hypnotized other students wholesale..........

its highly useful stuff IMO
read about it, and practice.
its not the answer to all problems,
but id strongly consider it as a option.

as a disclaimer.
im really tough, and was trained as a govt contractor in advanced battlefield first aid.
for any serious medical condition, see a doctor.................

were always alot of fun, live the legend.
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 1/26/2016 7:59:54 PM

13.7 Billion Year Old Noob

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This will probably be downvoted to hell. Wait, wrong forum...

Been suffering from all kinds of autoimmune issues for years which had turned into almost fulltime fibromylagia and profound fatigue. They ignore the arthritis in my wrists and screamingly apparent Raynauld's syndrome in my hands. Diagnosed fibro because all my vitals show I'll live long and I can deal with it.

Was immobile half of December. Complete pain, no inch of body spared. Considered ending it all. I had to fight back though.

It's been 4 weeks. I have lost almost 9 fat pounds, built in cupboards some days ago, worked for 12 hours straight. I'm still sore, but it's got nothing on full blown fibro flare-ups. It's a good tired. There are tough times, but I'm still adapting and healing.

Get yourself in ketosis and pump yourself with raw vegetables/juice and good fats. Only whole food. Nothing from a can or packet. Not a grain of sugar. Or any grain for that matter.

I did a 4 mile walk today with an ascend of 1122 feet through bush and rocks in 45 minutes.

Forget fad names and buzzwords like Atkins, Paleo. LCHF, etc. It's just ketosis and you can teach yourself what you need to know in an hour.
anne halonium
#23 Posted : 1/26/2016 8:03:44 PM

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^ what he says also.......
we dont eat grains at all.
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.
#24 Posted : 3/27/2016 12:03:44 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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dtrypt wrote:
This will probably be downvoted to hell. Wait, wrong forum...

Been suffering from all kinds of autoimmune issues for years which had turned into almost fulltime fibromylagia and profound fatigue. They ignore the arthritis in my wrists and screamingly apparent Raynauld's syndrome in my hands. Diagnosed fibro because all my vitals show I'll live long and I can deal with it.

Was immobile half of December. Complete pain, no inch of body spared. Considered ending it all. I had to fight back though.

It's been 4 weeks. I have lost almost 9 fat pounds, built in cupboards some days ago, worked for 12 hours straight. I'm still sore, but it's got nothing on full blown fibro flare-ups. It's a good tired. There are tough times, but I'm still adapting and healing.

Get yourself in ketosis and pump yourself with raw vegetables/juice and good fats. Only whole food. Nothing from a can or packet. Not a grain of sugar. Or any grain for that matter.

I did a 4 mile walk today with an ascend of 1122 feet through bush and rocks in 45 minutes.

Forget fad names and buzzwords like Atkins, Paleo. LCHF, etc. It's just ketosis and you can teach yourself what you need to know in an hour.

I'm curious why you recommend ketosis. I've already eliminated all grains and it definitely helped, but i certainly eat some fruits. Kind of come to a plateu, even a bit of a relapse if i'm honest, and looking for new ways to go forward. But i'm not quite clear on why ketosis would benefit inflammation
#25 Posted : 2/24/2021 2:52:34 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Kratom helps.
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