Mantra Suggestion for Harmonic Hypothesis Options
#1 Posted : 6/11/2009 9:36:15 PM

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Gate Gate
Bodhi Svoha

(Gone Gone
Gone Beyond
Gone Beyond Beyond
Awake Amen)

I'll admit I ripped it out of Be Here Now, but I think it's totally appropriate.

Here's the wiki article on the mantra.

I know not everyone is buddhist, but quite frankly I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what mantra we chant. It's all kind of nonsense anyways (in a cosmic trickster sort of way).


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/13/2009 6:30:38 PM


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I like the mantra, it's not nonsense.
Symbols + voicing intentions definitely create a marker for consciousness.

If the nexus were to use a mantra for a SHE, I would suggest using a new one. One designed specifically for the nexus, that way there is no interference.

#3 Posted : 6/13/2009 6:50:48 PM

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hexagonomicon wrote:

I know not everyone is buddhist, but quite frankly I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what mantra we chant. It's all kind of nonsense anyways (in a cosmic trickster sort of way).

I wouldn't call it nonsense.
But misdirection...yes!

Mantra's are not magic words, they are a way to occupy your mind with one thing & one thing only so you can shut up your inner monologue long enough to reach a meditative state.

Just as in Transcendental Meditation, one is taught to silence your thoughts by just sitting & just letting them go, concentrating on not concentrating.
Getting your thoughts down to a tiny thread of consciousness, small enough to slide under the physical/spiritual door & escape the boundaries of the body.
Some people can not do this all by themselves, so a mantra is employed to give the user a single, repetitave thought to concentrate on & block out any others.
Which is closer to a silent mind, than an active one.
Eventually teaching the person how to quiet their thoughts long enough for beneficial meditation.

All prayer is attempting to be something along these lines, but most have been corrupted over the century's, into "magic words" & "incantations".

Think about it...
Then, don't think about...Wink

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#4 Posted : 6/13/2009 7:29:54 PM


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That is one function of the mantra, yes,

on the other hand
words themselves are tied to memories within the mind, in which we all share.

You don't need words to focus your consciousness, vocalizing just Helps...

Do you want to create a nexus for the nexus or just simply blast off at the same time?
Data is easily transported by the mind, it just takes focus.
I think this would be a great lesson for all those who've never experienced such and are skeptical, to say the least.

Focus thoughts, eyes, words, intentions, time, that is more than enough to start.

This is real. This is not make believe. This is quantum mechanics in action. ;]
I speak from personal experience being able to communicate with certain people over great distances.
I'm very curious to see now how we could create a hub in hyperspace, and what will manifest from such creation.
I have a feeling it might be quite chaotic, with everyone trying this at the same time.

If we want to get anything done, we need to have very clear intentions.

I think something like this might be more effective in the dream world.

Just throwing my thoughts out there...thank you all...

#5 Posted : 6/18/2009 10:33:54 PM

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slidewinder wrote:

If the nexus were to use a mantra for a SHE, I would suggest using a new one. One designed specifically for the nexus, that way there is no interference.

Yeah, that'd be cool, but I don't think that anyone that anyone on this board is knowledgeable enough to create a mantra that I could have faith in.

Then again, if anybody here knows some sanskrit/pali/etc and would like to contribute...
#6 Posted : 6/18/2009 11:35:32 PM

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warrensaged wrote:
hexagonomicon wrote:

I know not everyone is buddhist, but quite frankly I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what mantra we chant. It's all kind of nonsense anyways (in a cosmic trickster sort of way).

I wouldn't call it nonsense.
But misdirection...yes!

Mantra's are not magic words, they are a way to occupy your mind with one thing & one thing only so you can shut up your inner monologue long enough to reach a meditative state.

Just as in Transcendental Meditation, one is taught to silence your thoughts by just sitting & just letting them go, concentrating on not concentrating.
Getting your thoughts down to a tiny thread of consciousness, small enough to slide under the physical/spiritual door & escape the boundaries of the body.
Some people can not do this all by themselves, so a mantra is employed to give the user a single, repetitave thought to concentrate on & block out any others.
Which is closer to a silent mind, than an active one.
Eventually teaching the person how to quiet their thoughts long enough for beneficial meditation.

All prayer is attempting to be something along these lines, but most have been corrupted over the century's, into "magic words" & "incantations".

Think about it...
Then, don't think about...Wink


Thats exactly can make up any mantra that you like and as you see fit.
I have my own mantra that i use on a spice jouney if i need help staying focused.......the main word in the mantra is "thank you".

" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#7 Posted : 6/27/2009 12:04:38 AM


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hexagonomicon wrote:
slidewinder wrote:

If the nexus were to use a mantra for a SHE, I would suggest using a new one. One designed specifically for the nexus, that way there is no interference.

Yeah, that'd be cool, but I don't think that anyone that anyone on this board is knowledgeable enough to create a mantra that I could have faith in.

Then again, if anybody here knows some sanskrit/pali/etc and would like to contribute...

Why would english not be effective? or even gibberish, for that matter? sound symbol with meaning attached.
#8 Posted : 6/27/2009 12:27:05 AM

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slidewinder wrote:
hexagonomicon wrote:
slidewinder wrote:

If the nexus were to use a mantra for a SHE, I would suggest using a new one. One designed specifically for the nexus, that way there is no interference.

Yeah, that'd be cool, but I don't think that anyone that anyone on this board is knowledgeable enough to create a mantra that I could have faith in.

Then again, if anybody here knows some sanskrit/pali/etc and would like to contribute...

Why would english not be effective? or even gibberish, for that matter? sound symbol with meaning attached.

I was wondering the same thing. Rolling eyes
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#9 Posted : 6/29/2009 5:43:14 PM

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okay, well go ahead and make a suggestion... LOL

Let's stop talking and start doing
#10 Posted : 6/29/2009 8:19:29 PM


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the mantra should be a direct reflection of the intention, right?

this is why I started a thread on intent. I am curious what fellow travelers' intentions are.

I want to converge our consciousness together.
I want to create a mark in space/time for the nexus.
I want to leave love there, and bring some back.
I want to explore the possibilities of consciousness.
I want to fully dissolve, and integrate.
I want see how the enneagram effects the space that surrounds me and flows through (this includes hyperspace)
I want who/whatever is watching us to know that I am not afraid,
we are some of the emissary's of the brink. How exciting!

I don't think I am creative enough (albeit I am a bit intimidated by the task) of suggesting a mantra we all use. And I think if we don't have a universal nexus mantra, I'm just going to find myself singing gibberish filled with my intentions and shakti, as the hindu say.

I would love one, though. I will meditate and look forward to any other thoughts//contributions. I think it's interesting in the "what's in a name" thread, many people reported just coming up with the user name right there on the spot.
Maybe we will be given a spontaneous mantra??Cool
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