A Guide to DMT Enhanced Leaf (Changa) Options
#41 Posted : 5/15/2009 8:21:49 PM

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99% iso has always worked for my enhanced smoking blends.
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#42 Posted : 5/16/2009 3:07:28 AM

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so SWIM is kinda done with smoking freebase crystals...he still likes to do it every so often..but rarely..but hes been feeling the urge to smoke it anyway! but he doesnt really want to..he hates the fact that its so fast..and he hates that its so hard to remember everything that hes been thinking about Changa..and also a fairly mild changa..hes not really into the potent stuff..because he wants to be able to roll up a joint and go for a WALK around the woods...and you cant do that if you are being hyperblasted to he came up with a nice formula for some really sweet ...hmm what did he call it....


and here is the formula that he told me..its really quite sweet..he plans on modifying it a bit..but he didnt have all the herbs he wanted to put in some of them will be substituted out..

350mg fairly pure spice crystals
80mg fairly pure bufotenine(adds some nice length to it)
.5g Salvia leaf
1.5g caapi
.5g calea
1g wild dagga

hes probably going to take out the wild dagga and add a bit of peppermint and passionflower but anyways

this is 3.5g of 350mg spice and 80mg bufotenine

and he made it this way because he wants to smoke it in a joint..and not get BLASTED..

that means for every 100mg of herbs..there will be about 10mg spice and just over 2mg bufotenine

and he is going to roll up about 250mg of the stuff into a that will be AROUND 25mg spice and 5-6mg bufotenine PLUS the salvia PLUS the caapi

so he decided to test out around 100mg of the stuff in a bowl...because..for the life of him..he cant find any stupid papers....pissed him off a he slowly smoked the bowl 3 or 4 hits out of it...and got this beautiful high from it...and about 30 minutes later he is still feeling the warm cozy effects of it..he has some nice easy visuals happening..slight shifting and a brightness to things..his pupils are nicely dilated and he feels great..

now all he needs to do is extract from some chaliponga and get some 5-meo-dmt and dmt mix...add that to some bufotenine..and then make a mix of passionflower, peppermint, mullein, caapi, salvia, and maybe some calea(iffy)

this would be all the great drugs mixed into a very pleasant...chill...herby...tasty mix...obviously hes gonna have to change things around a bit...but the point of this post was...

dont forget about the salvia and the bufotenine...they make wonderful addons

so there is the Changalia
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#43 Posted : 5/16/2009 3:59:40 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Sounds like an awesome little mix you got going there Jorkest, very cosmic indeed.

But I'm sorry to say the one time we attempted smoking it in a joint it failed miserably and was frankly a waste. Who knows though it could work a charm, good luck. After you try this fun little mix maybe make a more serious attempt with a stronger ratio.
#44 Posted : 5/16/2009 4:07:42 AM

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oh SWIM has tried it..and at a low dosage..and can say that he felt effects 2 hours after smoking it...rather mild but..nice...

and SWIM has also sprinkled dmt over a joint and it worked great..the reason why it may not have worked well in a joint for SWIY is because there was so much dmt in it...his mix is very herby still and not crunchy like VERY potent enhanced smokes easily and even stayed lit in the bowl..he actually enjoyed it very very was way more pleasant than smoking bufotenine by itself...way more pleasant than salvia by itself..and way more enjoyable..and EASIER than smoking dmt....because hes had way way way too many times when he would want to just knock on the door...and accidentally got thrown around the universe...

it gets to a point where after you have smoked the stuff hundreds of times..its just like...what the hell and i doing this for...and then you smoke it and be like...oHHH right this is why i do it...and then you are gonna smoke tons more...and pretty soon..a few launches start to remember why you stopped smoking it all the time...

and also...the reason why the dmt ratio is so because when you combine dmt with bufotenine..the effects of both are somehow enhanced..and with the enhances it more..and with the gives you a bit of the salvia power to open the space for the other chemicals in there...
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#45 Posted : 5/16/2009 4:13:18 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Oh ok I get it, ye does sound very chilled and dreamy.
#46 Posted : 5/16/2009 5:01:21 AM

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youre SWIMS mix sounds perfect for shamanic work jorkest!..I like changa way better than crystal as well..My elf helper says he is trying to get his mix as close to aya as he can. He told me he just made a mix last night consisting of spice and jungle spice from mimosa, chocolate mint leaves, lavender buds and cappi..he hasnt tried it yet though..he thinks he may sprinkle on some extracted rue crystals just for the hell of it.
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#47 Posted : 5/16/2009 5:07:56 AM

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the salvia is also a good choice..I havent added her to a mix, but I like to smoke my changa on a bed of salvia leaves sometimes, and yes it really can open up the space and increase the visuals quite a bit.
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#48 Posted : 5/16/2009 5:19:05 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Increase visuals.. is that even possible?

#49 Posted : 5/16/2009 5:33:22 AM

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ahh lavender..SWIM has some of that...perhaps he can add some of that too the mix for some extra chill factor..
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#50 Posted : 5/16/2009 9:58:13 AM

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Sooo, i just made a big order on Maya-Ethnobotanicals containing the following

1 x [034-043] 50 g Passiflora incarnata - herb (1) cut
1 x [012-019] 50 g Turnera aphrodisiaca - leaves (1) cut
1 x [170-274] 25 g Heimia salicifolia - leaves (1) shredded
1 x [295-856] 10 g Nymphaea caerulea - flower (3) cut
1 x [128-827] 25 g Justicia pectoralis - leaves and flowers (1)
1 x [042-522] 25 g Peganum harmala - seeds (1) very finely powdered
1 x [013-080] 25 g Calea zacatechichi - leaves and flowers (1) whole
1 x [002-166] 100 g Banisteriopsis caapi - *Yellow* leaves (1) whole

As soon as i get the stuff, i'll try some various combinations of these plants 'n flowers and will report as soon as possible to every kind of mixture.

I've done changa so far only with blue lotus, but it's just not all of it Smile i think with a mix of these herbs, you can definitly reach a state of ayahuasca by smoking changa Smile

yeiii, love you all Smile
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#51 Posted : 5/16/2009 8:25:33 PM

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heres the report

so SWIM says that his changalia is wonderful!

1.5g caapi
1g wild dagga
.5g calea
.5g Salvia leaf
350mg fairly pure spice crystals
80mg fairly pure bufotenine(adds some nice length to it, this is from the d-limo tek)

he weighed out 244mg of the stuff and then mixed in a little add some flavor and as a filler

he rolled this into a nice sized joint twisted up one end and headed outside..he lit up the joint and started puffing..the flavor of dmt mixed with bufotenine hit his tastes buds warmly..ahh the was just right..not too much dmt and not too much bufotenine...and the caapi..mmmmmm delicious! he could taste everything he had put in there and it was anyway..enough with the taste!

he started walking down this beautiful driveway lined with trees and bushes..taking hits and holding them in for awhile and then exhaling..all the while walking down this the time he had finished the joint changalia he was feeling wonderful..the body high so perfect...the colors had brightened wonderfully..the ground was made of circle patterns and the trees looked fractalized...upon closing his eyes he was met with gentle fractal visuals opening up into 3 dimensional spaces and objects..even the sense of movement..all without the overwhelming feeling of blast off..

his mind became very quiet..and he could talk to himself and figure out answers like it was his job the answers just came easily...very he started walking back down the road he would stop and look at the plants and communicate with them..he says it was just like talking to somebody..but all without being totally blasted..he feels that this energy was what the salvia threw in there...

the dmt and bufotenine created a beautiful synergy of visuals that started quickly and endured but without being overwhelming in anyway...SWIM thinks it would be perfect for a beginner..its so much like ayahuasca..but better in many ways...because it tasted beautiful and started quickly and was strong enough to be worth it..but not so strong that it was in anyway scary..SWIM thinks the caapi threw in a nice toned down energy that helped guide the experience with a wonderful did the small amount of weed..

SWIM is so glad he decided to try this out..this is most certainly his new favorite method for consuming all of his favorite one go! and they mesh together ohhh so nicely..a little peppermint would be wonderful in there!

thanks to the OP for starting this thread..SWIM feels like he wasted a lot of spice smoking it the way he use to..

SWIM was sad when the joint ran was just so pleasant to smoke
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#52 Posted : 5/16/2009 10:17:15 PM

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Thanks for your experementation , Jorkest Smile
I'm already taking my notes - as it reads wonderfully ...

This thread develops very nicely.
Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being,
he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced.
They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more...

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#53 Posted : 5/16/2009 11:03:49 PM

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is your THH freebase?
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#54 Posted : 5/16/2009 11:43:12 PM

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I keep wondering what it would be like to add some powdered datura seed or leaf to the mix as well..but I have not tried smoking it alone yet. I know that in india datura seeds and leaf is smoked with cannabis in the charas.
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#55 Posted : 5/16/2009 11:47:35 PM

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LLB wrote:
the goal of this blend is to as in working with aya to create a relationship with the other plant, the spice and aya leaf being a bridge for communion with the flower devas... the goal of smoking this blend is to bloom, to flower... to be a part of spring... to be reborn... clean and new..

beautiful!..its so awesome cus all the plants are green and growing and blooming around here I am going to add so many native plants to my mixes this summer!
Long live the unwoke.
#56 Posted : 5/17/2009 2:43:50 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Jorkest wrote:
thanks to the OP for starting this thread..SWIM feels like he wasted a lot of spice smoking it the way he use to..

SWIM was sad when the joint ran was just so pleasant to smoke

Glad it worked out for you Jorkest. It does feel like a bit of waste in retrospect but better late than never! and oh the pleasantness, oh how I love the pleasantness.

fractal enchantment wrote:
I keep wondering what it would be like to add some powdered datura seed or leaf to the mix as well..

I may be wrong, but adding any form of powder to the mix wouldn't be the best of ideas as it's supposed to be a leaf blend and the powder would simply amount at the bottom of where ever you decide to store it. If however your keen on it you could always sprinkle it on the cone before you take off.

#57 Posted : 5/17/2009 2:52:31 PM

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Adding a few extracted harmine/harmaline crystals from Syrian Rue to the changa recipe sounds like an interesting plan methinks...
#58 Posted : 5/18/2009 10:50:13 AM

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I'm curious about the Pau d'arco. I have really enjoyed the Caapi leaf except that I think that the MAOI effects come back to haunt me sometimes when my diet isn't watched and is high in tyramine. I get an indigestion and slight malaise an hour or so after smoking the caapi when I've been eating foods that are high in tyramine. The Changa is wonderful though. It is even a great base for smoking crystal dmt. I'm thinking about making some with mint leaves and maybe getting some of the Pau d'arco that Smokeydaze likes. I think that something that is very smooth and not harsh is what I'm looking for. The Blue Lotus is a little harsh but it has a nice effect.
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#59 Posted : 5/18/2009 10:59:16 AM

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Pau D'arco tastes wonderful. May even take the damiana out of my future mix and and add more of this.
#60 Posted : 5/18/2009 11:27:09 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Yea I know what you mean memo, you should definietly get some Pau D'Arco. To say its smooth does it no justice, it's like the smoke is having orgasmic sex with your throat as it fills your lungs. It's an overly amazing experience as well, the link of where to get it is on the first page.

Soul I take it those herbs arrived and you had a go already, what leafs and ratios did you use and what did you think? For your next attempt though you should make a Pau D'Arco only mix, honestly.
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