natural remedies for bronchitis Options
#1 Posted : 8/4/2012 8:41:36 AM

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Hey guys, I've got bronchitis now which sucks so badly! I hate it so much.

Well what I basically want is some plant based or something that is easy to get that will help with it. I am on anti-biotics but I don't really enjoy drinking 7 pills twice a day so yeah. Anyone know anything that will help me?

Thanks a lot! Smile
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 8/4/2012 1:35:05 PM

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I've had smoker bronchitis more times than I can count. There's definitely many things you can try, some will be more effective than others depending on your symptoms. Ideas:

- Malva leaves. Boil around 50 g of it in one liter of water, filter and take a cup two or three times a day. It reduces inflammation, coughing and makes breathing easier.

- Garlic, the king of bulbs. I made some chicken soup with a dozen garlic cloves per liter. It has many properties, including antibiotic.

- For coughing, ginger and lemon tea with honey. Also, onion has anti-coughing properties. My grandmother used to leave a sliced onion in a plate on our bed table when we coughed at night. It might stink the room a little but definitely works.

- If your throat gets inflamed, gargle tepid water with salt. It calms the inflammation and helps get rid of the mucus in your throat.

- And if you have a vaporizer, try mullein with some cannabis. It will open up your bronchial tubes and favor elimination of mucus.

Other than that, keep the ambient a little humid, drink lots, and lay face down for a while when going to sleep. It makes expelling mucus easier and favors breathing.
#3 Posted : 8/6/2012 1:18:50 AM

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I would suggest maybe looking into propolis, or honeybee resin. It is a broad spectrum immune system booster with antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects, and has been shown in a number of studies to powerfully synergise with antibiotics. It is also a powerful anti inflammatory and antioxidant.
#4 Posted : 8/6/2012 6:03:10 PM

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I have heard that Mullein works pretty good for clearin that up. You can either smoke the leaves or make a tea out of them.
#5 Posted : 8/6/2012 8:00:45 PM

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Tokapelli wrote:
I have heard that Mullein works pretty good for clearin that up. You can either smoke the leaves or make a tea out of them.

^^Yes. Just keep in mind that if you use leaves and not dry flower, you need a very thin filter. The leaves have somewhat irritating little hairs, you'd rather keep them out of the tea.
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