i ate 3+ feet of t bridgesii, this is how it went...(continued) Options
#21 Posted : 11/12/2011 4:57:58 PM

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Loooved your trip report! Thanks for sharing! I had never heard of bridgesii before, it sounds great, Im definatly going to eat some one day..

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#22 Posted : 11/13/2011 8:32:05 AM


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glad to have been able to share with such an audience

t bridgesii is known as achuma and is a bolivian native (supposedly), it is very simmiliar to the t pachanoi except it has long droopy spines and typically a higher non mesc alkaloid content.

i prefer them because they are fairly potent, regardless the clone. whereas t pachanoi is a hit or a miss. often t pachanoi is confused with non alkaloid containing cacti, consequently jeopardizing an experience to be had. very unlike achuma

hail achuma
#23 Posted : 11/13/2011 8:38:05 AM


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more of the experience is coming back to me each day, sometimes its in my calea dreams, sometimes its in things people say at work. a very bizarre thing happened, that phrase "shminkies" and "ferp and bernies" (those jumbled thoughts) actually worked themselves out as shminkies being the onomonopea of hotdogs squeaking together on a fiar as they are rolled and the ferp and bernies being something relevant to "it aint no fried baloney" (a non "ghetto" mindset) which out of context of my entire life experience dosent make sense but to me it was a translation from hyperspace that got jumbled from a co-worker.... weird things have been happening around me recently, lsa seems to have the potential to let me revisit the dreams since then and parts of that experience...

hopefully the soon to be ayahuasca will clear up anything murky by then, or perhaps deepen this muddled pool of cosmic revelation.
#24 Posted : 11/13/2011 8:46:36 AM


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additionally i wore the same shoes in my first vision as i wear everyday, i hate those shoes, they are very old and worn down. i feel like a lower class citizen by simply owning those tattered old skate shoes, but they are oddly endearing. in my first vision they had faces, cartoon like, perhaps even seasame street, giving rise to the phrase bert and ernie which kept getting jumbled with something about it aint no fried baloney....

ill have an update in logic in a bit...
#25 Posted : 4/12/2012 6:00:43 PM


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Awesome trip report man. Sounds like a fantastic time. I'm surprised you were able to recall your trip in so much detail. Though I have never tried mescaline, on other psychedelics, even medium doses causes my memory to become very hazy.
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#26 Posted : 4/12/2012 7:26:47 PM

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The cactal "tree vision" has been reported on here before, and I've experienced it,'s powerful, it's beautiful, to feel yourself connecting the earth to the sky. And to see your lover as a wonderful is that?!

3 is a big number, achuma-wise!
#27 Posted : 4/12/2012 11:42:44 PM


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3 clearly was as far as this cat ever need go

the auditory hallucination chanting "too many, too many!" still brings chills to me

2 feet is where i find myself bringing the experience back to my day to day life instead of almost vicariously experiencing it through memory. i had to try 3 feet as i had not met my limit with 2, perhaps even 2.5 feet is the sweet spot, for now i am unsure, but man what a great experience!

i had also been working with achuma for 3 years at that point and only in the past year been able to comfortably consistently raise the dosage. now anything under a foot and a half is a nice night of cathartic trancing

hail achuma!
#28 Posted : 7/16/2012 7:08:59 AM


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i have been wondering this for some time now since many people recommend fasting before ingesting cacti. is it not preferable to have a bit of food in your stomach in order to help nausea? i mean, eating a foot or more of cactus is definitely a lot to fit in your stomach, so i was just wondering if it makes any difference. ingestion seems like a difficult affair no matter how you do it.

also i wanted to say hi! hello, everyone. i have not been on the nexus for a while and so i'm checking in. i have a couple san pedro cuttings that are growing rather beautifully right now, i want to post pics soon.

after reading yours and other accounts it makes me anxious to experience the sacred cacti. i have never had mescaline and have been wanting to try it for a while now. i really want to start a lil' cactus collection when i can Very happy

do you prefer to eat the cactus by yourself or with a friend? i would definitely want to trip with someone. with DMT, however, i don't want anyone around.
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#29 Posted : 7/16/2012 7:13:06 AM


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fasting a whole day is essential for the medicine to work fully. ive known a friend to fast 4 days before taking 2 feet, we all agreed this was overkill but for him he had to do it to know.

ive tried eating before and if you get an experience it is vastly diminished

also taking it at night is my preference as through experience ive learned it is when the most effective learning can take place

you should not be anxious with cactus. just start at 1 foot and increase by 6 inches after a few experiences at each juncture.

#30 Posted : 7/16/2012 7:16:06 AM


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i dont do entheogenic dosing with anyone, if its less than full entheogenic effects then no i dont need to be alone, just select your company thoughtfully and make sure everyone is aware of the vibes either by having them dose or having been experienced enough to respect your experience. if youre comfortable enough then public places and interaction can be accomplished, however i do prefer sober friends for that.
#31 Posted : 7/16/2012 7:25:24 AM


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i didnt want to bump this thread but now that it is, let me give a quick update

the newest method of preparation modifies the older ones

an entheogenic dose is 2 feet of achuma prepared like this...

part 1. make outter 5mm of despined, deskinned, darker green flesh into powder by slicing it off/dehydrating/powdering

part 2. make resin out of tea from the remains of the cacti that the dark green flesh powder was made from. first dice the remaining cacti then freeze it solid. make a 2 hour tea out of this with a dash of fumaric acid or a twist of lemon, strain and make another 2 hour tea. combine them and reduce. filter. reduce down to a liter than decant. then carefully reduce until its a few oz and dehydrate it into resin

part 3. mix the cacti powder and resin into a homogenous paste, roll this into 1cm diameter balls, and swallow after a day of calorie free fasting (at sunset)

part 4. for the next 30 min get ready for bed, then lay on your back for about 3 hours to reduce nausea. by this time you are entering pronounced effects and at hours 5-8 youll be in cactus visions

#32 Posted : 7/16/2012 7:30:05 AM


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my last experience was with the above mentioned description (2 feet resin+powder balls)

some interesting aspects were the city sludge/squeezable baloney concept was known again. the heavily bravadoed meat industry seemed to be in the form of elkmen and feminine pump shoe wearing dogs with beer showcasing their beer like some sort of olympic competition. 28 days later theme with zombie virus chinese girls and flesh eating cats. i was made of slithering snakes that were made of every type of animal.

i had amazing revelations when i came to a bit more the next morning and video logged them. i also experienced pure ecstasy as i listened to music while recovering the next morning, literally shaking on the bed.
#33 Posted : 7/16/2012 7:40:07 AM

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mew wrote:

part 3. mix the cacti powder and resin into a homogenous paste, roll this into 1cm diameter balls, and swallow after a day of calorie free fasting (at sunset)

Mew, Why not simply make a reduced tea from the whole cactus, aren't resin balls gonna take a while to digest compared to tea? Do you favor the resin balls cos the cactus powder is not exposed to heat, thus is more potent?

"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#34 Posted : 7/16/2012 8:22:31 AM


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why i dont make a tea from the whole cactus is ive tried this and dont prefer it (i get terrible nausea and stomach pains sometimes) vs resin or cacti powder where the nausea is manageable and not painful.

also the resin needs something to stick to instead of your mouth, whats more is there is less chance of loosing alkaloids/potency by using dehydrated cacti skin and only making resin out of the weaker insides.

resin takes less time to digest than drinking alot of tea, however a shot of tea it will digest slower than, but not much slower as resin water soluble.

the insides are not feasible to eat as powder as they are not potent enough vs the amount of plant matter, so a resin is made from it. vs the outter flesh where it is potent enough to eat alone. because i want to be most effecient about my practice i tried using all the cactus instead of only the outsides like i had done. i discovered i was loosing a couple hundred mgs of alkaloids per foot by not using the core.

on another note
the outter 5mm flesh is roughly 35% of the wet weight of the cacti, and the cores make up the other 65%
the outter 5mm flesh is roughly 70% of the alkaloids whereas the cores make up the remaining 30% of alkaloids
the outter 5mm flesh is roughly 500mg of mesc and other alkaloids and the core is about 200 mgs in achuma
#35 Posted : 7/16/2012 10:30:03 AM

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Is there a reason whyh you prefer to take the cacti at sunset?

Ive usually taken it late at night ie 9-10pm

But this saturday i decided to dose at 3pm instead.

This was for me alot nicer since i could enjoy the whole day outside in the sun meditating and slowly becoming a cactus Smile

Then when i felt the effects becoming to much to be in public i just took a slow walk home and hung out smoking some weed and doing nitrous untill 3-4am when i passed out.

#36 Posted : 7/16/2012 3:48:34 PM

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Very well written,

Your devotion to the cactus is most noble.

I have also had several powerful vision like experiences where I became totally different "other" people in completely foreign cultures doing unthinkable things..

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#37 Posted : 7/16/2012 8:46:59 PM


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The reasons i prefer dosing at sunset are:
1. it is symbolic of transition, parallel to the one i undertake
2. it allows the visions to be more easily seen, due to the lack of light and distractions
3. it gives one ample time to assimilate their intent through a long days fasting
4. by dosing at sunset, breakfast happens at sunrise, yet another symbolic transition.
5. through experience ive become biased to this for the above mentioned reasons.
#38 Posted : 11/10/2012 2:55:43 AM
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J'ai vraiment adoré ce moment. Seule Kourtney, restée à Miami avec son amoureux Scott Disick et leur fils Mason, manquait à l'appel.Qui aura le dernier mot ?2clicsTweetSuivez l'actualité de sac longchamp pas cher. Habillée d'une robe Alberta Ferretti et maquillée en femme fatale et mystérieuse sur le cliché en noir et blanc de la couv', Lea Michele évoque son style minimaliste et révèle qu' possède douze tatouages tous très discrets. Proenza Schouler a été crée en 2002 par Jack McCollough et Lazaro Hernandez, qui se sont rencontrés à Parsons, l'école de design. Carine Roitfeld est venue avec son fils Vladimir et a pu croiser la chanteuse et désormais actrice Soko ou la sac longchamp pliage Alice Taglioni, très souriante. Pour être au top lors de cette séance photo, les trois soeurs se sont dépensées dans une salle de gym.
#39 Posted : 12/27/2012 11:06:24 PM

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Took me about 20 minutes to read this through. Mew you could be a writer! Very well done.
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#40 Posted : 4/15/2013 1:40:28 PM

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i remember enjoying reading this before
maybe even more today. thank you mew
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