#1 Posted : 12/18/2008 10:46:53 AM


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Guys, ILPT found this post today by accidental click. Shame he didn`t spot it earlier. ILPT used to hate GOD, but he was born again few years ago and thank to free gift contained DMT, ILPT could actually feel the GOD, with his soul. After just one lungful hit, his soul become part of holy spirit. No thinking, just feeling the godly eternity.
Only one visual appearance of God is the LIGHT!!! LIGHT and Shining light and light. Just remind you chapter from Genesis 1 v.3,4:
`And God said, let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.`
That is only way God will usually appear(this is solely mine opinion). Even Jesus, has had a big problem describe his father cos it is just so difficult. Like explain theory of relativity to little kids.
Very well done 69Ron !!!
69ron wrote:
God does not look like anything. God can appear in any form you like, but God is a purely spiritual entity made up of only energy. God has no body.

SWIM "saw" God, but not with his eyes, but with his soul. God cannot be explained easily using language. God is an immense consciousness without a physical body. We are all physical beings with visual appearances and we assume God also has an appearance. This assumption is based on our limited view of reality. God is not limited to a visual appearance based on atoms and light. God has the power to create atoms by mere thought. Unlike us, God is not made of atoms. God is 100% spiritual energy approximately the size of the universe.

God told SWIM many things about the future that were completely impossible for anyone to know. All of them came true. Prior to that SWIM did not believe God existed.

God can use words, visions, manifestations of God, telepathic, and many other means of communication. God has complete control over all energy fields in the entire universe and can at will change anything. God is not bound to the laws of physics, but rather the laws of physics are creations of Godโ€™s consciousness, as are you and I creations of Godโ€™s consciousness.

We are all a part of Godโ€™s endless imagination. Every last bit of the universe is something imagined by God.

Anyway, that is how SWIM saw God in an ayahuasca journey.

And you Guys whose don`t believe in God, look at 69Ron. He certainly understand identity of God and he is blessed. his good experience with some ethnobotanicals are very uncommon. ILPT, think only blessed men could be gifted with such a wisdom. God bless. Praise the Lord

Note: People please don`t blaspheme!!! Stop Rather swear fuck then dishonour our Lord (esp. you Coatl )
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!

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The Traveler
#2 Posted : 12/18/2008 3:57:43 PM

"No, seriously"

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Apart from the content of the quoted post, why did you quote it here and not in the appropriate thread?

I'll lock this topic since there is already a thread containing that quote.

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