Minnesota DMT Bust - Officials Claim to Have Confiscated One Pound of DMT Options
#21 Posted : 11/16/2010 1:11:50 AM

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A gallon-sized bag of a brown powdery substance that was found in Uner’s closet had to be sent to a Bureau of Criminal Apprehension lab to be identified. Investigators later learned it contained 438 grams, or nearly one pound, of DMT.

...makes it sound as if it were MHRB, unless it was a horrendous failure of an extraction.:evil: But some details later in the article (the lye and spoon, the reference to another bust of 1.5 lbs of "processed" DMT) seem to infer that the quantity seized was already extracted...

My bet is it was MHRB and either the journalist didn't get his facts straight, or he (or the local police) are using an uncommon hyperbole to sell newspapers (or put their town on the map). Either way, bad news all around... The real truth is irrelevant in these cases, for perceived truth is always crowned.

STOCK UP, and dear nexus chemists, tell us what we need to do to help you figure out how to isolate DMT in an extraction from Phlaris...Smile (leave that evil gramine behind!!)Twisted Evil

JBArk the chemist envier

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.

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#22 Posted : 11/16/2010 1:57:50 AM

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SWIM really hates this having to stock up every 6 months or so :-(
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#23 Posted : 11/16/2010 2:09:30 AM

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I dont want to have to stock up, even though I will becasue I NEED DMT for my personal and spiritual growth...but in the end thats not a solution..phalaris teks arent working for me to any degree of satisfaction so far(with much more than just gramine to deal with) and really im kinda partial to mimosa as it is..even if it is illegal, alot of people seem to still order all kinds of apparently scheduled RC's and I am sure mimosa will still remain available as well, and I will still order it until I have enough growing ever to not need to.

That people really think that they even have the funds to continue this failing "drug war"...the whole thing seems like a bust that is falling apart and what we are seeing now is last hopeless attempt to grasp at any piece of the lie still lingering..

I hope to god I am right here..I am damn glad I live in canada and not the US with how they approach drug use and with everything going on with that shaman they want to give 20 years, and especially with the extradition of Marc Emery of which they accomplished through blackmail..I enjoy the west coast of the US alot and have had some amazing surf trips there and met some awesome people..but I am seriousily concidering never stepping foot on US soil again after watching all of this go down..really there is so much here for me to do and so many more amazing beaches still to explore here, all the islands I could spend a lifetime doing that without ever spending a dime in the US and supporting that bullshit that goes on's getting bad enough as it is here, why would I want to go support
something even worse?

I think people really need to stop supporting these fucked up governments in any way they can..the US is a big one..countries like australia, the UK etc..people have no rights there..they dont deserve my money in they're country and I dont want to be there anyway unless the way they treat humans changes.
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#24 Posted : 11/16/2010 2:10:40 AM


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ragabr wrote:
SWIM really hates this having to stock up every 6 months or so :-(

yup. i bet. i'm new to this but it already frustrates me! i've only been apart of the nexus for a month and a half now and already i've seen numerous posts and threads about busts and just overall bad publicity!

it is to be expected, though! it's recently becoming "popular". more just like there's a lot more info available so more people are hearing about it and figuring out how to extract it. anytime a new drug shows up, the masses abuse it and ruin it for the responsible ones. we could get all conspiracy theorist on this and say it's the governemnt and other higher up elites who don't want the general public to have their mind opened like this. anyway you look at's bad news for the spice world!
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#25 Posted : 11/16/2010 2:45:59 AM

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jbark wrote:
A gallon-sized bag of a brown powdery substance that was found in Uner’s closet had to be sent to a Bureau of Criminal Apprehension lab to be identified. Investigators later learned it contained 438 grams, or nearly one pound, of DMT.

...makes it sound as if it were MHRB, unless it was a horrendous failure of an extraction.:evil: But some details later in the article (the lye and spoon, the reference to another bust of 1.5 lbs of "processed" DMT) seem to infer that the quantity seized was already extracted...

My bet is it was MHRB and either the journalist didn't get his facts straight, or he (or the local police) are using an uncommon hyperbole to sell newspapers (or put their town on the map). Either way, bad news all around... The real truth is irrelevant in these cases, for perceived truth is always crowned.

STOCK UP, and dear nexus chemists, tell us what we need to do to help you figure out how to isolate DMT in an extraction from Phlaris...Smile (leave that evil gramine behind!!)Twisted Evil

JBArk the chemist envier

While I agree that it's probably MHRB they're talking about, I base that mainly on the quantity they claim to have found. Last time I did a bulk extraction using Whatcha's tek on an entire kilo, and the crude product I first came out with was a brown powdery substance. I recrystallized some of it, although I found that the brown DMT was extremely potent and worked just fine as it is, I think the color resulted because of A) the bulk nature of my extract and B) the heat baths I used throughout the extraction.

Anyway, yes Nexians, stock up, I just received a fresh kilo recently even though I have over a gram of DMT and I'm still doing pulls on the last one. But for those of you freaking out how you NEED DMT for your spiritual development, get a hold of yourself. You don't really need it. The way I see it, if all these busts do end up resulting in legislation against MHRB and vendors, I will see it as a synchronicity and a sign that my work with the molecule is done, at least for the time being.
#26 Posted : 11/16/2010 3:05:16 AM

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who are you to tell me me or anyone else what they need or dont need?..this is the internet, you dont know me enough to make that distinction..I would prob be sick right now still in and out of doctors offices if it wasnt for ayahuasca in part, which mimosa played a part becomming scheduled as a sign to end that relationship is like not eating organic because its scheduled, for me anyway. If its a sign for you to stop then you should I guess..
Long live the unwoke.
#27 Posted : 11/16/2010 3:24:03 AM

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i know quite a few people "in the game". i know quite a few people who've had their doors kicked in by police/DEA. you know what? i've NEVER heard of ANYONE who got raided for personal use! ever seen this news story:

"today, a man by the name of Fred Rodgers was arrested today in Atlanta after police and DEA agents raided Mr. Rodgers' house in suspicion that Mr. Rodgers was quitely smoking Dmt in the safety and comfort of his own home.

mr. rodgers is now facing money laundering, possession, manufacturing and distribution charges. he is scheduled for arraignment tomorrow afternoon, where it is now beleived the federal judge will deny Mr. rodgers bond in fear that Mr. Rodgers will go back to safely using his drugs in the privacy of his own home".

It's almost too easy for them to make it look like something completely different without lying:

"He was smoking on his own, in a quiet room with candles in his own private residence"


"He ordered this foreign plant root from a European Vendor with the intent of extracting DMT from it, and possibly trafficking it locally"

Then when they consider 1lb of MHRB to be equivalent to 3/4 pounds of extracted DMT

"The amount he ordered was far greater than that of someone looking to use it solely for personal reasons"

They aren't lying if they ignore the facts...
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
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#28 Posted : 11/16/2010 6:10:49 AM

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“A jug of lye beads and a spoon containing brown residue” were also found in his room, the complaint said.

That line right there...


I love the way they pick out random shit and make it sound potentially bad.
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#29 Posted : 11/16/2010 1:05:54 PM

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“A jug of lye beads and a spoon containing brown residue” were also found in his room, the complaint said.

I bet the brown residue will test positive for chocolate cake (or brownie) leftovers.

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#30 Posted : 11/17/2010 7:45:07 PM
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Fiashly wrote:
Unfortunately federal law (for those poor bastards in the US) says that a "narcotic drug" is defined to include "any compound, mixture, or preparation containing any quantity" of narcotics. (I know, don't get me started on the actual definition of narcotics, it makes me nuts everytime I see some meatheaded cop refer to marijuana as narcotics). Likewise, the prison sentences for possession of cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin are geared to the weight not of the drug itself, but the weight of the "material, compound, mixture or preparation" which contains the drug.

I'm not sure if this link will work but you can see that phrase used repeatedly here

If the link doesn't work you can go here: and search for the phrase "material, compound, mixture or preparation" and then follow the link for the first search result.

This is extremely problematic for people who purchase MHRB or cactus powder because according to the law they could argue that the total weight of the material is the amount of drugs that you had, which is what it sounds like they did here. I have been aware of this dangerous application of the law for some time, as have others, but I haven't seen it stick with either MHRB or cactus yet. I may be mistaken but I think they tried to apply it this way to BBB but were unsuccessful. (Perhaps someone can clarify that or correct me if I am wrong.)

Drug-war logic defies everything that comes even remotely close to reality. This is the contemporary variation on the old witchhunt.
#31 Posted : 11/17/2010 8:20:59 PM

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Fiashly wrote:
Indeed, drug users in modern times are, in a very real sense, what the Jews were in nazi Germany.

This is beyond hyperbolic and is, imo, a ludicrous analogy. I don't want an argument and for that reason I'm not going to call out your specific examples...suffice it to say I strongly disagree that the drug war comes close to engaging in an iota of the atrocious horror that was the holocaust. That being said, the drug war is horrific, illegal, immoral, unethical (in addition to being a failed exercise) and I find its effects on the global population to be sickening.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#32 Posted : 11/18/2010 6:26:06 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Imo, the modern-day drug user is not even remotely represented like a jew in nazi germany. The propaganda was so much more blatant I don't understand how you can compare. Yes, in both cases there is propaganda, the magnitude however, does not even come close. Your analogy blows the degree of propaganda (and the pervasiveness of it) completely out of proportion.

Look, I simply disagree with your statement and don't really wish to get into it as more than likely, we simply don't see eye to eye on it (which is precisely why I said I didn't want to get into specifics). I probably shouldn't have said anything rather than stating my dissent, but that's in the past at this point and I hope we can just drop it.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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corpus callosum
#33 Posted : 11/18/2010 6:42:37 PM

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I have never come across drug-users being made to wear something upon their outer clothes which marks them out as drug users......
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#34 Posted : 11/18/2010 6:51:33 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
I think people really need to stop supporting these fucked up governments in any way they can..the US is a big one..countries like australia, the UK etc..people have no rights there..they dont deserve my money in they're country and I dont want to be there anyway unless the way they treat humans changes.

Just wondering why the UK has a more fucked up government than any other western nation? Also, I have plenty of rights in the UK, what rights am I missing out on by living here? Strikes me as one of the luckiest places to have been born on the planet.

I do see the right to buy mimosa being withdrawn in the UK pretty soon, as more people get into extracting from it, you've got me there Wink
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#35 Posted : 11/18/2010 8:31:59 PM

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Fiashly wrote:
Indeed, drug users in modern times are, in a very real sense, what the Jews were in nazi Germany.

Okay... this takes the cake for the most outlandishly ignorant, immature and ill advised comment I've seen around here in months. I respectfully suggest you reconsider the use of holocaust analogies in future as a means of demonstrating your personal oppression, as this tends to alienate most sane thinking people and expose you as a goof and a wackjob.
#36 Posted : 11/18/2010 9:46:31 PM
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Those comparisons have a habit of backfiring.

Besides, adolf hitler could give a briliant charlie chaplin immitation as i've repeatedly seen on TV. Everything: mimick, gestures, intonation...perfectly done. You can't say that of any narco-buster these days.
#37 Posted : 11/19/2010 12:56:22 AM

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1664 wrote:
fractal enchantment wrote:
I think people really need to stop supporting these fucked up governments in any way they can..the US is a big one..countries like australia, the UK etc..people have no rights there..they dont deserve my money in they're country and I dont want to be there anyway unless the way they treat humans changes.

Just wondering why the UK has a more fucked up government than any other western nation? Also, I have plenty of rights in the UK, what rights am I missing out on by living here? Strikes me as one of the luckiest places to have been born on the planet.

I do see the right to buy mimosa being withdrawn in the UK pretty soon, as more people get into extracting from it, you've got me there Wink

It does look like living in a rather more backward country has its benefits. Like there are countires where the narks by and large do not even know what DMT is.

P.S. On the other hand some of these countries (E.g. Russia) would not bother with such subtleties as outlawing specific plants and just forbid importation of ANY PLANT MATERIAL by personal mail.
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#38 Posted : 11/19/2010 11:38:21 PM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
Fiashly wrote:
Indeed, drug users in modern times are, in a very real sense, what the Jews were in nazi Germany.

Okay... this takes the cake for the most outlandishly ignorant, immature and ill advised comment I've seen around here in months. I respectfully suggest you reconsider the use of holocaust analogies in future as a means of demonstrating your personal oppression, as this tends to alienate most sane thinking people and expose you as a goof and a wackjob.

I respectfully suggest that you go look up the word respectfully since you appear not to know its meaning. If you had experienced being a street junkie and some of the things I have faced you might feel as strongly as I do. But luckily for you, you haven’t had to experience what I have so instead you get to feel all self-righteously offended at my analogy. Well have fun with that. You should check this out when you have some time:
Putting the fun back into dysfunctional.
#39 Posted : 11/20/2010 6:10:42 AM

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Yeah, well, it's another of those "things" sent to test us.

BTW, if it were really a war on drugs, then why not just arrest and imprison the drugs?

Myself, I believe I have a responsibility to users and non users by being resposible and discrete with my choices. It looks to me that the large majority, if not all Nexians, feel the same or similar. I keep certain things to myself and don't throw unwanted beliefs at people. Heck, there are many who consider me to be a "square", or boring!!! I don't see why that should change in the immediate future.

It seems to be generally agreed that selling drugs for profit is a no no. I'm with that 100%.

It would seem to be a great shame to ban mhrb just when I am getting the hang of "jurema soap" making. It is good and wholesome, great for sensitive skin and also assists in one or two skin complaints that I used to have, although I would never make medicinal claims. It is just a great natural soap.

Now, I believe that if others wish to buy this soap because they get on with it, and it fulfills their skin's needs then that is a legitimate use and provider of income, provided that no illegal "add ons" were involved.

It would certainly go a long way to promote the legal uses and even benefits of mhrb. That lye is a major ingredient in soap making is just a coincidence.

What interests me right now is the opinions of others out there on the sale of a good quality mhrb soap - literally - no metaphor for anything else. If there are people out there who might benefit from jurema soap, then they would certainly be a strong and legitimate voice for lawful importation of mhrb for non - drug use. Also, what other legitimate uses can we find and promote? Is it worth the effort?

How much are we prepared to think our way to solutions that can work for all sides?

#40 Posted : 11/20/2010 6:14:34 AM

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By the way - I'm not advertising. If I were to sell the soap it would be a separate issue from this site and would be among a separate group, not Nexians! Just thought I needed to say that!
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