Blue skies, rainbow snake Options
#1 Posted : 3/14/2010 4:59:23 AM

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(Warning - fairly long post, also some cross references as my experiences have some common developing themes)

It's been a while since I posted anything on the nexus so I thought it would be worth posting up an experience I had when I went to the dream place for the only the third time. This was a particularly powerful, beautiful and meaningful experience and as usual I have some (sketchy) sketches to share as well.

My prior mind set was not optimal. I had previously twice refused the journey at the last possible moment over the preceding week, and I was beginning to wonder whether I would ever get the courage to go there again. I decided to go back to first principles and set up a space at home to launch from, rather than a friend's house.

With my partner upstairs in bed, and me sitting half out of the kitchen door and half in the garden, nestled in cushions, I watched my friend go through the preparation ritual of deliberate measurement and dispensement of the sacrement. All I had to do was breathe in, but every time I thought of that taste and the sudden two second switch away into the dream world I felt my heart beat harder and felt a familiar sinking feeling of dread overcome me. Even earlier that day when I received the message: 'Tonight?' my heart had sank, despite my keenness to revisit that place.

I spent much of the hour before on the toilet.

Finally, when the time came, some germ of courage within me took over and taking a deep breath I reached the point of no return. Dread, fear, delirium and commitment. Pixellated glyphs; undulating, twisting, rotating geometric shapes. Cellular strands like complex hyperdimensional rubik's cubes arranged into fractalised temples of data. Constant shifting, rearranging, representing. Information overload moebius-twisted and then folded in on itself.

Then I realised I was flying in the blue sky high above a mountainous landscape striped in the colours of the rainbow. Each colour extended into the horizon and was bordered by a thin sharp white line, and divided into squares. On each square was a symbol so the whole landscape was wallpapered in text. Entities flew towards me which resembled children, babies or cherubs, although I did not see their wings or faces (a common theme for me) and they did not speak or interact with me. Rather they were just curious about me. Somewhere within the sky there was a 'boss' entity but my memory cannot recall its appearance. I soared across the prismatic landscape in joy.

The scene changed. I was back at the road outside my house. For those who have read my reports before, this is a familiar, significant place - although I have no idea why. The 'elves' who previously asked me to 'accept' were there, but this time they were angry at me. they did not want to 'play'. One of them, who unusually actually looked like an elf complete with pointy hat and ears, turned his back and walked away angrily wagging his finger at me. I thought the word 'accept' in my mind, but he was having none of it. Since this time I have learned that their annoyance is not always my fault.

Next vision, a man and a woman stood before me looking like an archetypal European Adam and Eve. I was joined to them by thin white wires composed of translucent light which connected to my face. They smiled at me serenely and I felt completely comfortable in their presence. Behind them, the beautiful deep blue sky was dotted with Magritte-like clouds. They couple were completely human in their appearance and did not exhibit any of the skittishness of the other elf-like creatures I had met in my travels.

I began to withdraw and drifted up to the sky. Before me a vortex-like ribbed tunnel of white light and geometric, rainbow-coloured rotating bands opened up towards me. From far in the tunnel, an odd snake-like creature lazily approached through the sky. Like the mountains it was striped in the colours of the visible spectrum, but lengthways rather than in bands (which is how it normally appears in drawings). It resembled a cross between a stylised snake and a sperm ell, except its head was split lending it also a phallic appearance. As it approached and filled the tunnel I felt no fear whatsoever, only tremendous awe of its beauty and the knowledge I had seen a rainbow serpent.

So that was my third voyage. Particularly meaningful, as my wife had just found she was pregnant three weeks ago. Looking back, the visit was filled with meaning and significance around the miracle of conception. The flying child like entities at the beginning. The archetypal ancestors and my lineage to them. The serpent was most meaningful, particularly after reading Jeremy Narby's 'The Cosmic Serpent' several months later. The serpent showed the entirety of fertilisation, conception and DNA / cell mitosis (the snake also being according to Narby a representation of DNA) but also, I feel, something deeper. It was comprised of the same data/information which formed the entire landscape at the beginning of my journey, which showed to me how while the conception was drawn from my consciousness, the information currently being assembled into a human life and soul was drawn from a deeper more spiritual pool.

I had gone in expecting to be taken elsewhere but I was pointed back to the incredible wonder of my own everyday world. Placid, powerful, soaring and humbling.

majapanix attached the following image(s):
thirdtime1.jpg (343kb) downloaded 321 time(s).
thirdtime2.jpg (282kb) downloaded 321 time(s).

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#2 Posted : 3/14/2010 7:50:42 AM

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majapanix - great report, thanks for sharing it. You seem to have brought so much back from it ... ,lots of powerful, clear symbols. Really has me thinking! Thanks again - and hey wonderful news for you and your wife; enjoy the mysterious bump!
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
The Wizard
#3 Posted : 3/14/2010 3:11:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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beautiful pictures and story majapanix...i think it would be great if more people drew out their experiences..really helps me connect to itVery happy
#4 Posted : 3/14/2010 11:32:09 PM

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Sounds like a beautiful experience brother. I was instantly called to this thread by the title and I know the reason why. About a year ago, I embarked on my first ever journey with the sacred cactus. It was one of the most profound spiritual experiences I'd ever had and certainly was my first "visionary" experience(as opposed to visual). Anyways, in the midst of this trip, I had this vision. The vision came to me with eyes opened, looking up at the vastness of the blue skies above. I saw a number of what you referred to as "rainbow serpents" descend from the skies and pass directly above me. They moved slowly and gracefully through the air, spinning in a spiral as they moved. They were mostly blue and red and resembled the form of a double helix. As they passed above me in the sky, I came to a realization that these were not mere visuals but were indeed, visions. Their presence was powerful and I felt that they were a manifestation of some sort of eternal ancestral energy. I remember calling it "cosmic serpentine energy". I was able to summon some of the energy from above by droning on my didgeridoo. I felt the energy enter my body and immediately felt the presence of warmth, love, and healing. I feel it was shown to me for a reason and I want to learn more about it. I feel confident that if one were to learn to master and direct this energy, it could be used for healing others at the deepest level.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite"
-Aldous Huxley

"Though it seems that I know that I know, what I would like to see is the I that sees me when I know that I know that I know."
-Alan Watts

Please note that all my posts are 99% fictional. The remaining 1% is a direct manifestation of my overactive imagination and exaggerated accounts of things that may or may not have happened. Therefore, I shall not be held accountable for any statements, beliefs, or ideas expressed here. Furthermore, by choosing to accept what I say as fact, you are subjecting yourself to the viewpoints of an individual who in accordance with societal standards, might just be considered "crazy".
#5 Posted : 3/16/2010 10:51:57 AM

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Thanks all for the kind comments, I will continue to post with great pleasure, I love hearing back from people. These experiences are to be shared ! Smile
#6 Posted : 3/16/2010 10:57:13 AM

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Wow, I just saw this picture on another thread which is made of very similar 'stuff' to my landscape.

The symbols are spot on and exactly what I was trying to capture in my sketch of the landscape, but the colours were discrete rather than blending.
majapanix attached the following image(s):
allysongreyandalex-grey.jpg (93kb) downloaded 267 time(s).
#7 Posted : 3/16/2010 11:08:24 AM

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briliant report, excelent use of picture colour and text!!!! One gets a clear scope of your dream, but also its animated enough to even keep the most impatient readers pateint.

Rainbow Snake: like rainbow serpent


Much respect to all from L_Star

Disclaimer: EVERYTHING posted by L_Star is said from the following persons: SWIM. All are hypothetical posts and are not endorsements of any activities, beliefs, and practices stated, that may be correlated with the person stated, or another person posting, or third party user, in anyway on All that is said is for educational purposes and as said is "hypothetical" and therefore cannot be taken for true accounts. SWIM and L_Star abide by the Law in all practices. SWIM would like reader to note that SWIM is blind, and L_Star is a typing assistant voluntering for SWIM. L_Star is bound by legal legislation for customer privacy by Data Protection Act, therefore SWIM will not be identified.

Regards L_Star
#8 Posted : 3/16/2010 1:14:00 PM

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Regarding rainbow serpents, the double helix - have you read The Cosmic Serpent, by Jeremy Narby? Covers this aspect of entheogenic visions through history in fascinating detail. An excellent and enlightening read.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#9 Posted : 3/16/2010 4:15:56 PM

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Majapanix, again I must thank you so much for these drawings! Do you work on them in the recompression phase, or after you have completely returned to baseline?
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#10 Posted : 3/22/2010 11:00:29 AM

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ragabr - I always immediately talk about everything I have seen. The sense of 'what it was like' stays in my mind for about an hour afterwards. Once I've discussed it if paper is to hand I will sketch out the key points. Trouble is with this is you lose a lot of the peripheral information, but given that I've had a couple where I bring back very little as the whole experience was disorientating, I would rather bring back some than none at all! Later I go back and colour in the sketches or tidy them up.

88 - Yes I have read Jeremy Narby's book, thankfully after this vision (otherwise I would have thought I was influenced by it of course). It really helped me understand the 'splitting' snake. As for one of the main themes, that dna is essentially alien or supranormal intelligence, it's a fascinating hypothesis. I had already seen double helixes too back when I had no idea they were prevalent in visions.
Rgeular Dudess
#11 Posted : 3/22/2010 12:06:28 PM
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What a pleasure to read this!
#12 Posted : 3/22/2010 2:36:15 PM

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majapanix, great to know, thank you for the reply! SWIM notices she can bring much more back when talking about it immediately afterwards. Unfortunately, she often doesn't have the option to speak directly to someone. Based off of your technique, she will try using a voice recorder.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#13 Posted : 3/22/2010 4:24:49 PM

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what a great gift and an inspiring idea for all of us. i've been taking a diary and a pen to write immediately upon my returns but in truth i usually only wind up writing a couple key words/phrases and maybe a symbol or two. for me, since i lack the obivious gift our brother seems to have for drawing, a tape recorder has been my best shot at archiving an experience's details.

i am going to do my best to try and draw more. this report has inspired me for sure. it was SO much more engrossing to look at a visual/written report! like reading one helluva cool graphic novel.

majapanix- thank you so much for the very cool report! very inspiring!!

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