Tinctures Options
#41 Posted : 11/6/2021 2:46:06 PM

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downwardsfromzero wrote:
Jameson's 10ml + 1g spice + 1g Yellow Caapi Shipibo vine , under the tongue. It does burn a bit but i put that down to previous damage done with vinegar?
Nah, this will most assuredly burn anyhow - both from the alcohol, and from the DMT freebase which can be considered to be a caustic amine.

That makes sense.. I have been eyeing up some corn starch too..

I have been on this stuff constantly for a few weeks now and I have noticed a change in my personality , for the better. I seem to be able to communicate with strangers much better and faster without thinking. There was already a shift in a positive direction (communication wise) from when I first started on this path years ago but the tincture has taken things up a notch.

I think these plants allow you to be more like yourself or more like who you could be.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#42 Posted : 11/6/2021 2:46:51 PM

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roninsina wrote:
Thanks for all of your work Delta Spice (and everyone else who contributed). Sounds like it would be worth a try for me. I’ll make sure to post here if/when I get a chance to try.

Thank you. Keep us informed.
#43 Posted : 6/14/2022 10:18:53 AM

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About nine months of daily usage have passed. I thought I would report back.

500 grams Vine Alkaloids + 500 grams DMT + 5ml White Vinegar.
4 Drops after breakfast + 2 Drops Midday + 4 Drops Evening Time.

The most important factor which there is no room for change is the Vine type. All different vine types have different strengths or effects, some have little noticeable effects and some are full on. Black vine being near the top but the pinnacle is a Cielo vine from the Shipibo tribe.

I do have some spinal issues . A disc removed and now a bunch of budging discs. I am physically fine now albeit in some pain with issues but I can ignore this and live my life, due to these drops.

As a side effect I have become enlightened. This is enlightenment from my understanding/experience as I have never read a book or watched a YouTube video on enlightenment.
(This is quite hard for me to word)
Emotions have been taken out of my thought processes which means that my thoughts and reactions are not emotionally based. In which case I am now neither on the left nor right but in the middle with a clear view.

I can only be grateful and thankful..
All the best Smile
#44 Posted : 12/26/2022 2:26:09 PM

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I have been thinking to update this post. Some may find some interest or answers here.

The only vine I had access to was my Capuri Vine. This vine in tincture had little to no effects previously, yet when smoked showed itself to be extremely powerful.

As a few weeks passed and with constant use I became sensitive to this vine. "Working" with a particular vine was an expression I had heard before and now maybe understood.
My dosage changed, Two drops in the morning and two drops in the evening. Keeping the substance under the tongue for half an hour made a big difference, the effects were more potent and longer lasting.

Eventually (One kg later) All my vine was gone and I did recall having 1kg of powdered Rue seeds.
What a nightmare Rue is compared to vine, extraction wise.

I made a tincture of Rue Harmala's & DMT. Very powerful but felt like just DMT the lack of vine was apparent and the effects were not pleasurable.

Finally I got a hold of some yellow vine and made a beautiful tincture. The Caapi alkaloids dissolved almost instantly which means no burning sensations during usage.

Life is good Smile
#45 Posted : 12/27/2022 7:09:08 PM

Boundary condition

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Thanks for the update. Would you say the tincture is overall a more efficient way of using the vine?

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#46 Posted : 12/27/2022 9:03:52 PM

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Hi Downwards,
For me personally, Tincture is the only way forward.

I have never had traditional style Ayahuasca. Pharma and Changa, you have less control and who knows what might happen.

Tincture is something i can do 24/7 and go about my daily life and operate heavy machinery. It is apparent as much as you let it be, to some extent. The more you relax the more it comes to the fore. Thus, when i wake up in the mornings i can feel it flowing through my body.
There are no visuals although maybe staring at the floor you may find some movement depending on the dosage.
I may have mentioned before: It (or She) lets me know what is good for me. If i have whole milk in my porridge instead of Almond milk I can feel a heaviness in my stomach. If I eat vegetables I feel very comfortable and if i was to eat something deep fried I would feel "off"
Coffee is very good and alcohol in a complete "no no"
I can find levels of contemplation which gives me insights and my physical pains are next to non.

Without trying to sound like a fool, I can see through people too.(psychologically)

One negative is that my sex drive is down. Probably why a monk on a mountain top is single and not married Smile
I cannot recommend it enough.
Thank you.
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