First steps into Changa country Options
#1 Posted : 10/17/2021 9:58:01 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last night I got a first taste of my self made changa. I decided to try it out on a low dose first, to see how I react. I thoroughly enjoyed the effects and it was interesting to see the differences between freebase DMT and changa. But more on that later...

The last couple of days were rainy even though it's spring over here. As I enjoy my DMT/changa outside in the garden, I wasn't sure if I should postpone my journey, but I looked forward to try it and felt that the time is right. Eventually the rain stopped and left everything clean and glistening with water droplets.
As it was getting dark outside I started to prepare myself mentally. I like to do meditative tasks to free my mind, which could be for example tending my plants, cleaning the house or like in this case, performing a DMT extraction.

Once I was done with the extraction I felt balanced enough. I grabbed the bong that I dedicated to this purpose and made my way through the garden to my smoke spot, which lies in between some lush bushes. Once again I sat down in my camping chair, in which I had my first couple of DMT experiences with freebase crystals about 4 weeks ago.
Music is usually an integral part of my psychedelic experiences and this time I chose the following track to accompany me.

Space explorers

I loaded the bowl with ~50mg and lit it up carefully, making sure the flame only kissed the contents of the bowl. Once I cleared the bowl I held the smoke in for as long as possible, leaned back, closed my eyes and exhaled.

The first thing I noticed was the change of acoustic perception. The sound of the track I was listening to became wider, deeper and it seemed like someone slowed it down. It sounded awesome, even better than before. That was the moment when beautiful colorful, swirling patterns started to emerge behind my eyelids. Often the patterns I see when using N,N DMT remind me of tentacles. The effects built up way slower than I experienced with freebase DMT. I felt very good physically and mentally, so I managed to load my bowl with another 50mg of changa and went deeper. The closed eye visuals became more pronounced. Besides the different nature of the patterns everything reminded me strongly of a strong mushroom experience, with the difference that I had quite a clear mind compared to what I am used to from psilocin.
After a while of viewing these impossible colorful constructions I went on to clear possible remains in the bowl. While searching for the lighter I observed my surroundings with open eyes a little more. Everything was in ultra high definition and I had the peculiar feeling that my eyes were as wide open as they never were before. It felt as if my visual perception was no longer divided into point of fixation and peripheral vision. It was as if peripheral vision no longer existed and my point of fixation was everywhere at the same time. Then I decided to allow the effects to slow down and fade slowly.
After about 15 minutes I was able to move around in the garden and go back inside. I could feel a comfortable afterglow for the rest of the evening.

While this experience was not very intense, it has shown me a few valuable things. I got an idea of the differences between changa and freebase DMT. Changa is much "slower" indeed! It also provides for a longer duration. Interestingly I did not feel a presence of anything else than myself, which was likely because of the low dose. I always felt some kind of presence when vaping freebase DMT so far, even on low dose experiences. Another thing I missed a bit was the taste and smell of pure freebase DMT vapor. It has really grown on me...

However it is way too early for me to review the differences between freebase DMT and changa properly as I lack on experience with either one of them. I love what both have shown me so far though. I believe I will benefit from Changa and freebase DMT in the future as each of them is unique in their own way and therefore will be good for different applications.

This was meant to be just a test. Now that I know a little more what to expect I feel ready. Tonight I will dive deeper.

I intend to document my next experiences in this thread. need to worry...

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#2 Posted : 10/17/2021 10:58:54 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Good read, thank you for sharing Smile

When you say 50mg, do you mean 50mg of your changa itself? Or do you mean an amount of changa containing 50mg of dmt?

Thank you for sharing the track, it sounds suitable for these experiences. My first time i listened to this track from my sleeping karma, but the auditory distortions made it so strange that it became a bit too much. Now i use these drums as a type of white noise, and the simplicity of the track makes it very fitting.
#3 Posted : 10/17/2021 4:24:51 PM

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Kitisha wrote:
Good read, thank you for sharing Smile

When you say 50mg, do you mean 50mg of your changa itself? Or do you mean an amount of changa containing 50mg of dmt?

Thank you for sharing the track, it sounds suitable for these experiences. My first time i listened to this track from my sleeping karma, but the auditory distortions made it so strange that it became a bit too much. Now i use these drums as a type of white noise, and the simplicity of the track makes it very fitting.

That's an excellent choice of music Kitisha, thank you! It adds a tribal vibe, which must go well with the experience. I might try these too, but I will have to download it first to avoid any commercials. I once got royally annoyed by Ford ranger commercials interrupting the flow of a beautiful mushroom trip...

Oh sorry, I should have mentioned that I started out with approximately 50mg of changa, which contains something around 25mg DMT and 12mg harmalas. I feel confident enough now to double the amount and prepare 2x 100mg doses. My scale is actually not very suitable for DMT purposes as it isn't very accurate with such small numbers. need to worry...
#4 Posted : 10/17/2021 8:58:07 PM

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I just returned back to this side! Laughing, with tears of joy running down my face. The difference between of what I experienced yesterday and today... there's literally a universe of a difference. I have seen what I wanted to see and I feel I need to write it down before the memory fades...

But let's start from the beginning. As mentioned above I chose to try a higher dosage. I weighed out 2x 100g and went into the garden, where the bong and chair still waited since yesterday evening. It was a bit chilly outside, but otherwise clear skies. I sat down, put on my headphones on and prepared the first bowl.
I slowly emptied the bowl, inhaled, held it in for as long as I could (the changa isn't harsh at all) and by the time I exhaled, I felt it coming in. I knew already that this time will be more intense than yesterday. So I put the pipe down, leaned back and closed my eyes.

Many of you know that what comes next is impossible to put into words. My description will probably be more of a caveman drawing compared to what I actually saw, but I will give my best. The whole experience is so complex, one would need to write a thick book in order to describe all the little details.

Again I saw a sea of patterns appearing in front of me. Only this time these patterns where much brighter, more vivid, started to flow all over me, penetrating me (in a nonsexual way) until I was part of them. That's when I got slightly overwhelmed for a moment, so I decided to open my eyes.
What I saw was so beautiful, but yet so different from how the world around me looked like, before I closed my eyes. The bushes around me were so transformed, they looked so alien. I felt the bushes presence like never before. I always had the idea that plants are conscious of their surroundings, but in that moment I could actually feel them being aware of me. They formed a perfect round dome around me. Nothing about them seemed chaotic anymore. Every leave and every stem followed a certain geometric order of a seemingly neverending fractal order, leaving and opening above me, through which I could see the sky and the stars. I sensed the bushes trying to shield me from the outside world, while trying to keep me in their middle at the same time. I felt that I wasn't allowed to go, but at the same time I felt protected.

So I decided close my eyes again, thinking that I won't need to smoke the second bowl tonight, because what I saw then was truly otherworldly. The patterns were gone and I found myself inside of something that must have been a bridge of a giant spaceship. I sensed other beings around, but I could only see faint outlines of humanoid looking beings in the distance. They seemed to either not take notice of my arrival or they didn't care much. The ship had a giant panorama window and I could see a huge planet. Everything inside the ship looked like it was made of silver chrome, which predominantly reflected light blue, but also other colors. The ship was designed in a way that there were no corners or edges. Everything was elegantly rounded and curvy. The planet outside looked habitable...

There was something happening in the background that I need to mention. I felt a felt a female presence throughout the whole experience. I felt physically hugged and mentally reassured that I was in a safe place.

...I couldn't stop looking at everything, trying to memorize it, while being in awe of what I saw. Then slowly the ship dissolved into patterns and I knew it'll be over soon. Shortly after I realized that I was back, I opened my eyes. Everything still looked so beautiful, but the dome was gone. The bushes had taken on their familiar shapes again, yet still looked amazing. I felt joy and started laughing. It took a while till I got up and went back into the house.

This was a truly mind bending experience and I am grateful, that I was allowed to see what I saw tonight.
These impressions are all quite still fresh. I might have forgotten to mention something and I hope that what I described makes any sense, as I still feel the afterglow. I will allow for the experience to sink in and integrate. But I can't wait to go back.

One side note, I feel I need to mention. I listened to this album during the experience. I am not sure how much influence music has on the experience, but this was the perfect soundtrack for my adventure. I wonder if I would have seen the same things while listening to something else? need to worry...
#5 Posted : 10/17/2021 9:14:55 PM
WiFfLe In a WaFfLe BoX

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Glad to read you took much from the experience. I like reading first impressions of DMT, a sense of validation I guess. Well written!

Welcome to the weird!
#6 Posted : 10/18/2021 4:55:53 AM

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I am genuinely happy for you Fridge! Thumbs up Laughing Love
"We dance round in a ring and suppose,
while the secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost

#7 Posted : 10/18/2021 10:05:52 AM

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Thanks to both of you Smile! ...and thank you to each member here, helping me along the way!

I had a good night's rest and feel very refreshed today
. The memories of what I saw last night are still very much alive and present, which I am happy about. I hope it won't fade.
Right now I am sitting in my smoke spot, drinking a cup of green tea and let things sink in.
It is really funny how different the surrounding plants look like today, but I feel like I established some kind of a relationship with them.
I love to draw, but had a blockage during the last few years. I want to make a drawing of the dome I saw with open eyes. It's funny, because I always expected to see something dome-like with eyes closed.
Fridge attached the following image(s):
IMG_20211018_102750.jpg (4,704kb) downloaded 139 time(s). need to worry...
#8 Posted : 11/1/2021 5:39:16 AM

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Hello dear Nexians, I want to share some notes I took last night as I wonder, if some of you have experienced a similar thing...

Yesterday I felt that it was the right time for another changa experience. It is nearly 2 weeks since I had my breakthrough experience.
This time I loaded a little less material into the bowl. Three seconds after inhaling, I instantly felt that this is exactly what I needed in that moment. I leaned back and enjoyed watching completely new patterns behind my eyelids. What I saw reminded me of videoclips I saw of the surface of the sun. Everything was colored in pink and purple hues though and I definitely felt the female presence again. She gives me the feeling of comfort like only a mother can give to her child. I knew I am safe with her. I see the potential therapeutic properties this experience holds for the unfortunate ones that couldn't experience the feeling of love a mother can provide. It was a beautiful journey that left me feeling "whole" somehow. Colors remained bright for a long time after the actual experience. I experienced a long afterglow.

Edit: Here's a video of solar activity that resembles pretty much the cev's I saw. Just imagine way more solar flares. Interestingly I just found this clip in my news feed today:
Solar flares

I felt I could attempt another breakthrough the following night.

Tonight I loaded my bong with ~100mg changa after getting comfortable in my smoke spot. I tried to get everything in one hit, just like I did when I first broke through. It looked like the ashes in the bowl turned white, so I inhaled deeply and kept it in for a long time. When I exhaled I could barely see any smoke.
Interestingly I only saw some very faint patterns, so I proceeded to light up the bowl again to see if I maybe didn't finish everything... Again I inhaled deeply and kept it in for a while. When I exhaled I saw way more smoke than the first time.

Then something happened that I didn't expect at all. I felt the usual physical sensations of DMT, but I can't remember any spectacular closed eye visuals. I opened my eyes. The bushes and trees around me were no longer guarding me, like they did during my dome experience.
No, this time they leaned towards me in a threatening way. Still very beautiful, but also terrifying looking. I forgot to close my eyes and I think even if I would have wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to do so. I listened to Tycho, which is music that usually has a very calming effect on me. I sat there wide eyed, thinking "OK, this will end eventually. Just try to embrace it... No need to worry..."
That's when I realized that I hear sounds that were not part of the track I was listening to. The sounds got louder and louder, till I could no longer hear the music from my headphones anymore. It's difficult to describe the sounds I heard, even though I can still remember them very clearly. It sounded a bit like the noise you hear inside your head, when your dentist is polishing your teeth after fixing them up. Just not with one polishing machine, but many. Something was singing to me, rather than talking. It didn't sound comforting at all, it sounded upset. I believe something tried to communicate something in an alien language to me. Something of which I could not understand acoustically, but I knew what it wanted to convey. It made clear that I should have waited and I understood.

The whole experience did not leave me too shook up. I am fine now but humbled in a way. I know now what not to do in future, if I want to reap anything positive from the experience. It has been made very clear to me what I did wrong. I am still grateful to have seen this side of DMT.

I had a look at the hyperspace lexicon and I think what I experienced was a shut-out. A warning that I should take very serious, if I don't want to get hyperslapped. I will wait till it feels right to travel again. need to worry...
#9 Posted : 11/1/2021 1:45:30 PM
WiFfLe In a WaFfLe BoX

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The carrier wave sound can shatter your ego like none other. That sound becomes all that is until it feels like you will burst. The angst builds, it becomes uncomfortable, all encompassing, all pervading and no escaping. It surrounds and muffles out anything else. There is no stopping it, it is coming and you will not survive. Then it ends. Where did the sound go? Where am I? What am I? Oh yeah, I remember this, how could I forget?!

#10 Posted : 11/1/2021 5:15:49 PM

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Yes, yes, THIS ^^ Big grin!

I am glad I am not alone with this experience! So this is the sound of the carrier wave...
I heard it faintly in the background before. I guess I got wiped out good by the wave and could have just ride on it till breakthrough, if I would only be skilled enough. need to worry...
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