Burnt ash medicine Options
#1 Posted : 4/4/2008 2:47:46 AM

Stephen Guptill

Posts: 62
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Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hey how are you all?

Figured this was the appropriate place.

Today I got to thinking about the potential of ashes, they were used by mourning humans in days of old but why?

My quest led me to Google, obviously where I found two pieces of information:

1. There are beans that you can make an ash out of for stomach ailments, wounds, and more.
The link for those who wish to see for themselves.

2. Treated lumbed when reduced to ash is VERY poisonous.


There must be a plethora of uses for different varieties of ash.

Weed ash, I am sure there is enough produced by those of us that smoke the herb here, best to find information and know what will happen before anyone ingestes this.

Ciggerette ash, HORRIFYIG realization. I have been rubbing this crap into my hands for a while now, instead of using an ash tray, thinking "I don't mind being a little dirty". Deffinitly stopping that, and it is advised to other of this habit also.

So where does it go from here? Any ideas?

Right now my own knowladge of plants of a healing nature is limited.

Perhapse the healing spirit of the oak that mythology has taught us is really as simple as plucking a piece of bark, burning it to ash, then apply to open wound?

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/4/2008 10:15:31 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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If you were into further alchemical processes you could always burn the plant material used for production of spice and use the ashes to basify the brew so in essence, the spirit is returned to the molecule Smile
I don't know if it would basify the mix enough for a full extraction but it couldn't hurt to try it.
I am a leaf on the the wind, watch how I soar!
#3 Posted : 4/4/2008 4:20:57 PM

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ash and fat used to make soap. as far as using it for ailments it depends on the plant and what happens to the chemicals after burning. note that burnt stuff like ash tends to contain alot of breakdown products that are potentially carcinogenic but then again so does smoking the stuff.
#4 Posted : 4/6/2008 6:42:16 AM

Stephen Guptill

Posts: 62
Joined: 18-Jan-2008
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Hmm, I have taken that into consideration, but in all the plants of the Earth SOMETHING must do something neat with ashes. Considering what modern things do with it.
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