Mushrooms tolerance question Options
#1 Posted : 10/12/2019 10:19:46 PM

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Hey all. After ten years of intense work with rue based ayahuasca analogues, I am having my introduction and honeymoon with mushrooms - the local growing P. semilanceata which I have been dreaming of for years... Apprenticing to Master medicines of my local land is my greatest passion and way of life, and after some initial experiences I already feel an importance and calling to go deeper with this medicine. Tolerance is something I am not used to and I would like to know if there are ways to work with mushrooms on consecutive days in order to go deeper as with ayahuasca and analogues. How exactly does the tolerance work?

İs it dose dependent, i.e. does one experience a higher tolerance issue after ingesting higher doses?

Also, does mixing mushrooms with rue affect the tolerance experienced at all?

Thank you.
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo

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#2 Posted : 10/13/2019 12:01:00 AM

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Let me try to sum this up as I understand it.
Dosing consecutive days:
1g day 1 : 1g day 2, expect day 2's effects to be diminished.

2g day 1 : 1g day 2, expect day 2's effects to be greatly diminished

I've no experience with tolerance surrounding harmalas+mushrooms, but I would assume it would work in lines with my previous examples, only differing by maybe a little reversal thin there

2g Day 1 : 1g mushrooms + harmalas day 2, I might assume that (although maybe a little different because of the mix) day 1 and 2 to be about equal in strength (??)
#3 Posted : 10/17/2019 9:53:08 PM

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Thanks for sharing your experience, DreadedShaman. Somehow the tolerance aspect of mushrooms does not sound truly clarified in the popular culture to me, as there are people who report no tolerance or even reverse tolerance on their second consecutive days. I have yet to try and see it for myself but I am speculating that there are certain factors that determine the amount of tolerance, possibly diet being one of them...

BTW, with syrian rue and Acacia confusa, the visual aspect is greatly diminished on the second day, and I had always assumed that to be a natural progression in spiritual purification with no phenomenon of tolerance being involved...

I wonder if the tolerance expressed about mushrooms just point out to less visual effects and "trippiness" while the spirit of the mushroom is still fully present and accessible in other ways on the second day experience?

Mescaline is also supposed to have a tolerance but I have come across people reporting reverse tolerance with San Pedro... Really confusing...

An intense period of experimentation awaits me this winter...
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
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#4 Posted : 10/19/2019 9:19:46 AM

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Once I tried taking a small dose of cubensis on day 1, double the dose on day 2, double the dose of day 2 on day 3. Day 2 was weaker than day 1 and day 3 weaker than day 2.

Strong tolerance for me.
#5 Posted : 10/19/2019 3:06:20 PM

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Same here, strong tolerance builds with mushrooms.

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#6 Posted : 10/19/2019 4:05:20 PM

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How many days days does it take for you guys to be cleared from the tolerance?

Also, how does tolerance play out with consuming multiple doses on the same day? İs that a practice ever done with mushrooms?
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#7 Posted : 10/19/2019 10:28:07 PM
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yeh you need at LEAST double to get back to the same point the next day. Most people suggest a week between to revert the tolerance. but 1 day on 4 days off 1 day on 4 days off....seems to be about the equal point. as far as re dosing same day you will be able to extend it or bring it up by taking more no problem during the trip but not sure if you come down then go back up.
#8 Posted : 10/19/2019 10:50:46 PM

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dithyramb wrote:
How many days days does it take for you guys to be cleared from the tolerance?

Also, how does tolerance play out with consuming multiple doses on the same day? İs that a practice ever done with mushrooms?

Hi there

From my own exp you build a tolerance strait away, a 2g dose in the morning will have a much greater effect than a second 2g dose the same day.

Taking mushrooms daily I found that after just under a month, 10g had the same effect as 2g.

It's good to not take them that frequently ... Everything went kinda crazy, things go insane and your life and reality merges into one, and everything, and I mean everything in reality seems to be totally linked to my existence. I felt like I Was the centre of the universe.

One could easily get a messiah complex from taking to much, I almost did.

I hope this helps

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#9 Posted : 10/19/2019 11:35:36 PM

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Thanks, guys. I am looking into the possibility of apprenticeship/dieting and doing two day consecutive ceremonies for deep healing as is done in the ayahuasca traditions. I don't know if mushrooms can be utilized this way yet, I am new to the world of psilocybin.

I believe ultimately we are all messiahs :-)

I have very limited experience so far, and I wonder what you guys have to say about the teaching and guidance aspect of Liberty caps. İt feels to be more advanced than cubensis, though I am not sure if it has an agenda to lead you on the spiritual path as does ayahuasca and rue. What do you guys say?
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#10 Posted : 10/19/2019 11:55:26 PM
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Try Psilohuasca Razz

Idk much about tolerance when it comes to Psilocin, though i do feel when used with Harmalas, you will get more out of it in terms of lengthened duration of the experience, potentiation of dosage, all the Harmala/Aya aspects that add to the experience to make it more Huasca-like, and perhaps may even be able to dose it a little more compared to mushrooms on their own.
#11 Posted : 10/20/2019 9:04:50 AM

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dithyramb wrote:
Thanks, guys. I am looking into the possibility of apprenticeship/dieting and doing two day consecutive ceremonies for deep healing as is done in the ayahuasca traditions. I don't know if mushrooms can be utilized this way yet, I am new to the world of psilocybin.

I believe ultimately we are all messiahs :-)

I have very limited experience so far, and I wonder what you guys have to say about the teaching and guidance aspect of Liberty caps. İt feels to be more advanced than cubensis, though I am not sure if it has an agenda to lead you on the spiritual path as does ayahuasca and rue. What do you guys say?

Hi Smile

Liberty caps are my favourite mushrooms, they are powerful spiritual teachers. I took 7g once and engaged with entities the entire time. They look so nice, and taste great, but they need to be consumed with the upmost respect.

They give a nice clean trip / high / experience and are quite easy on the stomach compared to cubensis.

I would recommend starting with no more than 2g dry. When drying try to use as little heat as possible, I found, when drying them on my dehydrator, that any heat used would lead to some drop in potency vs no heat.

Maybe it was the batch or something else, but it seemed consistent across several heated drying sessions vs air drying (same batch but could only fit a so many in my dehydrator at any one time).

I hope this helps Smile

inf <3

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#12 Posted : 10/20/2019 12:54:42 PM

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In fact, I've never tried them on their own yet, always ingesting my rue brew first 😊 I am most accustomed to A. confusa with rue, and that combination has a strong focus on teachings on my life path, and also has a very well defined energetic progression, from beginning with awakening and purification to a resolving peaceful closure. With P. semilanceata, the energy feels more spiritual in it's own way, in contrast to purely divine Acacia, and doesnt seem to have any specific energetic progression. İt feels like it's never ending, in an infinite loop with no direction, and I just have to decide to finish the ceremony because of time constraints. This is just two experiences though and I was holding space for somebody else, I will study it more thoroughly on my own.

With high dose rue, 32 mushrooms was insanely powerful, as was 16 freshly picked mushrooms. I feel myself locked, not able to move or do anything, with complete ego annihilation. Not so much in the way of facing myself as with Acacia, but more of a primal energetic dissolution of the ego. I can understand how some people find this combo similar to 5 meo.

This mushroom talks and has a powerful presence. Connects to Spirit very powerfully. The world it opens one to is of unimaginable beauty, absolute enchantment. And as you said, it is very easy on the body, very smooth with no nausea at all. The spirit is also gentle, friendly, and kind.

7g libs would probably be like around 10+ g of cubes in strength? Congratulations! 😁❤️ What kind of entities did you engage with, what did they talk to you about?

Thanks for the tips on heating. Perhaps I will have to give up my agenda of treating it like an ayahuasca admixture by boiling.
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#13 Posted : 10/20/2019 7:58:43 PM

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dithyramb wrote:
In fact, I've never tried them on their own yet, always ingesting my rue brew first 😊 I am most accustomed to A. confusa with rue, and that combination has a strong focus on teachings on my life path, and also has a very well defined energetic progression, from beginning with awakening and purification to a resolving peaceful closure. With P. semilanceata, the energy feels more spiritual in it's own way, in contrast to purely divine Acacia, and doesnt seem to have any specific energetic progression. İt feels like it's never ending, in an infinite loop with no direction, and I just have to decide to finish the ceremony because of time constraints. This is just two experiences though and I was holding space for somebody else, I will study it more thoroughly on my own.

With high dose rue, 32 mushrooms was insanely powerful, as was 16 freshly picked mushrooms. I feel myself locked, not able to move or do anything, with complete ego annihilation. Not so much in the way of facing myself as with Acacia, but more of a primal energetic dissolution of the ego. I can understand how some people find this combo similar to 5 meo.

This mushroom talks and has a powerful presence. Connects to Spirit very powerfully. The world it opens one to is of unimaginable beauty, absolute enchantment. And as you said, it is very easy on the body, very smooth with no nausea at all. The spirit is also gentle, friendly, and kind.

7g libs would probably be like around 10+ g of cubes in strength? Congratulations! 😁❤️ What kind of entities did you engage with, what did they talk to you about?

Thanks for the tips on heating. Perhaps I will have to give up my agenda of treating it like an ayahuasca admixture by boiling.


well when I say entities it was not fun, i took 7g by mistake (long story) and spoke with entities that presented themselves as aliens, they told me they where going to take over the world etc, was one of the most scariest events of my life, telling me about how they have spoken with me in the past when I had psychosis and heard voices etc.

I am glad for the experience, it taught me a lot about myself, if I had done it in a more intentional way and not being half asleep at the time then I am sure it would of been a much more positive experience tbh

Normally I don't meet entities, I have on fly agaric's years ago (elves) and on some dmt + nos + mdma but normally on mushrooms I do not meet them.

The whole process was a teaching and learning process that I am glad I went through, thats why I say they must be respected, learnt that the hard way Smile

Peace <3
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention in fact everything I write here is a lie !

I hope in some way, my posts and replies may of helped you, I hope you like what I have said here if not feel free to send me a none flame PM
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