im not trying to knock this would be great!

to apply spice transdermally
but many have tryed [including me] over the years...with not very good results ...
i hope this thread on transdermal works...but read reports below...
read some old posts on transdermal using DMSO ..
DMSO is very harsh and can fall right through your skin and into bloodstream...
But i dont like using something so harsh!
After reading these [failed attemps] older posts on DMSO below....a very potent!
substance...[make up your own mind]! about this currant thread,...
DMSO should be more [fast acting] posibly more potent transdermally than aloe
in my opinion..transdermal dmt might?.. work better and faster .... on these areas of the human body...
the aloe vera combo... might?... work better on body areas that have very ..[THIN SKIN ! ]
like the scrotum/..or arm pits! you also have ..[eye lids] but thats too sensitive and risky...
the ..[lips].. are also fairly thin... webbing in between fingers....
thinner skin.. is easier to penetrate transdermally ..[dmt needs to enter the bloodstream as fast as posible to give action...
their are multable dermal layers of skin in most areas of the body...and if transdermal gets through the thicker skin ..if any DMT got through?...
It would enter the bloodstream too slowly!... to give desired effects...unless you MAOI up first ! [this is just common sense ]...
read below about many failed attempts in past posts...!
DMSO - Transdermal Options
#1 promotion?
Posted : 2/12/2014 1:40:32 PM
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Hi guys,
I have read the 4 year old thread about DMSO/DMT and I would like to know if there is any up-to-date information on this, not only about DMT.
The combo LSD/DMSO was very popular in the 60s-70s.
I wonder why almost noone was able to get any effects with DMT. Anyone has a theory? I don't think a MAOI is needed since it won't go through the stomach.
There is a 7 year old thread on another forum where someone states he had strong effects with about 10mg DMT and 5ml DMSO.
On another, someone said:
DMSO won't deliver DMT into your bloodstream faster than DMT is metabolized.
And then some people suggest that painting DMSO on a larger skin area might do it.
I have a liter of 99.9% DMSO at home.
All input appreciated.
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Posted : 2/12/2014 7:15:52 PM
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I think the general consensus is that dmt will be released too slowly to feel much of anything unless used sublingually. Because dmso seems to get the dmt right into the fat layer which slows down its absorption time considerably.
Edit: but possibly taking an maoi dose as well as diluting the dmso might give more satisfactory results. But why go through all that trouble when its basically pharma at that point.
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." -Thomas Jefferson
#3 promotion?
Posted : 2/13/2014 2:25:26 PM
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Released too slowly...understood. Is it possible that painting the DMSO on the forehead would get the DMT faster to whatever brain receptors are involved?
Can you tell me why would the dmt [go to/get stuck in] the fat layer? DMSO should transport DMT wherever there is water in the body.
Also, I don't get why lacing the solution with maoi would give better results since the digestive tract should not be much involved in this mode of administration (painting the skin). On a side note, DMSO is usually said to increase the effects of drugs, so pharma+dmso might prove a good combo.
I'm a bit scared of approaching MAOI though, after all the warnings I've read online. Embarrased
Posted : 2/13/2014 7:05:11 PM
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Well maybe not an maoi... but rather thh (tetrahydroharmine) would be useful, taken orally before the dmso. It would extend the time that dmt stays in your synapses so you would be more aware of the dermal dmt. RIMA's, not maoi's are very safe to use as long as you understand what medications to avoid. Diet isnt a big deal.
Edit: your forehead is not the best place to paint dmso. It has to be vulnerable areas. Im not sure what areas that would be but its mentioned in several of the other threads that talk about dermal dmt.
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." -Thomas Jefferson
Posted : 2/14/2014 11:35:28 AM
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Transdermal administration of dmt in DMSO has not worked for those who have tried it, with or without MAOI. The only thing you get is irritated skin at the area of application for a day or two. And if you're not getting psychoactive effects from 100-200mg dmt transdermally (meaning that you waster 3-5 breakthroughs), then this method is just doomed to be very unpopular.
Rubbing on the forehead makes no sense either, as things do not reach faster to your brain if you apply them on your head; it's more complicated.
OP, from the (admittedly limited, but nevertheless illuminating) research that has been done in transdermal dmt, you're better off writing this route of administration off. There not much to theorise upon but, if you feel that there is still merit in investigating this further, please feel free to do your own research and come back to us if you get positive results. For your negative results, we wouldn't care less as we've got a bagful alreadySmile
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