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Journal: 50 Sublingual | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | DMT Ayahuasca journeys over a years time Options
#181 Posted : 12/23/2021 2:40:18 PM

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attached: Fresh from plant 0.75ml aloe vera gel mixed with 70mg DMT, mixed for 2 minutes on spoon crushed all together finely, applied to forearm, it works!
ava69 attached the following image(s):
zzz fresh from plant 0.75ml aloe vera gel mixed with 70mg DMT, applied to forearm, it works!.JPG (39kb) downloaded 26

Oh really! is this just a joke??... or are you serious? about transdermal claim above?....

Many Months ago...ive already tryed mixing aloe vera gell 97.7 pure [from Target store].. with 30mgs of the freebase molecule ...[on my wrists..my temples.. forarms... and results were not good....

I could understand it may posibly work sublingually under tounge,,but trasnsdermally?

If what you claim is true...ill try it myself ..transdermally....

Ive always been aware of the potential of aloe vera gell to penetrate the skin...but .[are you saying that simply using the natural juice works better?] [are you using free base spice?]

Aloe vera gell is mostly water...with a small percentage of other natural actives...

how could it carry a drug through the skin .. like the the more risky and more un safe DMSO can?

I hope what is being claimed is really true...and if so? ...its an amazing discovery! Thumbs up


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#182 Posted : 12/23/2021 3:02:57 PM

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physics envy wrote:
@Ava - Thank you for your responses. And I like the idea of trying the forearm DMT method over the spoon-in-mouth method! We have filleted fresh aloe blades and also used store-bought 100% aloe gel to make homemade lotions, but it is somewhat expensive. Not that a lot is used for this particular ROA, but I'm curious as to what you didn't like about the $6/gallon aloe juice that you previously mentioned?

I was planning on doing a couple of tabs for a Tool concert in late January. If I have time I'll try the sherry-LSD over new year's weekend as a first test to see if I notice any difference. I don't have any THH to mix in, so it will just be a straight sherry/LSD experiment. Regardless, I'll report my trials for those who care.

@Starway7 - would you mind giving some additional details regarding your experiment with aloe + spice? How much of each did you use? Where did you use it?

ive tryed mixing free base molecule transdermally months ago.. with 97.7 pure aloe vera gell from a target store ..on wrists..temples..forarms...and very little hapened ..much more than a placebo effect?

[I felt sort of catonic] .. ... as i just got real relaxed...
[like a low dose of the molecule can feel]... and i as sat as still as a statue.. and stared at objects in the room every thing i looked at appeared as if alive...and took on a strange importance ] but that all could have been placebo effect?] or just my imagination?

i didnt notice any major visuals that were remarkable,,was more like activating my imagination...

but never tryed the pure aloe juice method yet/
#183 Posted : 12/23/2021 3:43:16 PM

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ava69 wrote:
Starway7, yes, this works, just like the 2018 study from India, do not use the crappy water juice from Target, it does not work, you need to use fresh from plant aloe vera gel just like the study, read the study. The Target is nothing but water. Buy several pounds of aloe vera cuttings on-line and harvest the gel from it like I did. I guarantee this works, will be using this for the rest of my life transdermally. I felt like I actually got 30mg thru at 45 minutes, and full 70mg thru at 2 hours, tripped very well, blown away, highly recommend.

well this sounds great ! transdermal aplication has always been an unscalable mountain with the molecule!

quote..[ I felt like I actually got 30mg thru at 45 minutes, and full 70mg thru at 2 hours]...

Hmm?Wut? ... But if it takes 45 minutes to absorbe 30 mgs? ..

wouldent that slow rate of absorbtion .. result in a very weak trip? you must have taken an maoi first?

are you using ..[free base].. molecule?

can the spice alone! be experianced.... transdermally using aloe with it ? without THH first?

or is [[THH]] the secret that makes this work?

how did you get the molecule to desolve into the aloe ? that is mostly water/?

If it works .. it must be a much milder experiance than sublingual...? it would be way safer than using DMSO!
i wonder if it would work for lucid dream supliments transdermaly? ?
physics envy
#184 Posted : 12/25/2021 7:56:51 AM

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I gave the transdermal aloe/spice experiment a try tonight, but it didn't work for me.

I filleted an aloe leaf that I purchased today and used .5 ml of the aloe gel/juice along with 45-50mg of spice.

I did my best to mix the two together in a tablespoon, then applied the mixture to both of my forearms.

Initially, the aloe seemed to dry up quickly and left some spice powder on my arms, so I dabbed a finger in some aloe juice and rubbed over the powder. This seemed to help 'eliminate' the powder.

It has now been two hours of doing random stuff (playing music, chatting with the family, etc.), and nothing apparent has happened other than I got itchy forearms.

@Ava - could you provide a more detailed tek of how you actually mixed and applied the combination? Also, did you put the gel into a blender to mix it up prior to using, or did you just use some of the more liquidy part of the fillet? That's about the only thing that I can think of that might help it work better...as maybe the part I selected was more water than gel?
Salvia quid enthusiast
#185 Posted : 12/25/2021 2:13:15 PM

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Try it sublingually it may work that way///cheers..
physics envy
#186 Posted : 12/25/2021 6:24:52 PM

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Thank you for the additional notes, Ava! I will try dissolving in Everclear first for my next experiment. I also ordered some of the Lift mode THH but will likely try the aloe/spice/everclear experiment by itself to make sure I don't confuse THH effects with spice effects.
Salvia quid enthusiast
#187 Posted : 12/25/2021 11:51:10 PM

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im not trying to knock this thread..it would be great!Thumbs up to apply spice transdermally

but many have tryed [including me] over the years...with not very good results ...

i hope this thread on transdermal works...but read reports below...

read some old posts on transdermal using DMSO ..

DMSO is very harsh and can fall right through your skin and into bloodstream...

But i dont like using something so harsh!

After reading these [failed attemps] older posts on DMSO below....a very potent!

substance...[make up your own mind]! about this currant thread,...

DMSO should be more [fast acting] posibly more potent transdermally than aloe

in my opinion..transdermal dmt might?.. work better and faster .... on these areas of the human body...

the aloe vera combo... might?... work better on body areas that have very ..[THIN SKIN ! ]

like the scrotum/..or arm pits! you also have ..[eye lids] but thats too sensitive and risky...

the ..[lips].. are also fairly thin... webbing in between fingers....

thinner skin.. is easier to penetrate transdermally ..[dmt needs to enter the bloodstream as fast as posible to give action...

their are multable dermal layers of skin in most areas of the body...and if transdermal gets through the thicker skin ..if any DMT got through?...
It would enter the bloodstream too slowly!... to give desired effects...unless you MAOI up first ! [this is just common sense ]...


read below about many failed attempts in past posts...!

DMSO - Transdermal Options

#1 promotion?
Posted : 2/12/2014 1:40:32 PM
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Hi guys,

I have read the 4 year old thread about DMSO/DMT and I would like to know if there is any up-to-date information on this, not only about DMT.
The combo LSD/DMSO was very popular in the 60s-70s.
I wonder why almost noone was able to get any effects with DMT. Anyone has a theory? I don't think a MAOI is needed since it won't go through the stomach.
There is a 7 year old thread on another forum where someone states he had strong effects with about 10mg DMT and 5ml DMSO.

On another, someone said:
DMSO won't deliver DMT into your bloodstream faster than DMT is metabolized.

And then some people suggest that painting DMSO on a larger skin area might do it.
I have a liter of 99.9% DMSO at home.
All input appreciated.

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Posted : 2/12/2014 7:15:52 PM

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I think the general consensus is that dmt will be released too slowly to feel much of anything unless used sublingually. Because dmso seems to get the dmt right into the fat layer which slows down its absorption time considerably.

Edit: but possibly taking an maoi dose as well as diluting the dmso might give more satisfactory results. But why go through all that trouble when its basically pharma at that point.
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." -Thomas Jefferson

#3 promotion?
Posted : 2/13/2014 2:25:26 PM
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Released too slowly...understood. Is it possible that painting the DMSO on the forehead would get the DMT faster to whatever brain receptors are involved?
Can you tell me why would the dmt [go to/get stuck in] the fat layer? DMSO should transport DMT wherever there is water in the body.
Also, I don't get why lacing the solution with maoi would give better results since the digestive tract should not be much involved in this mode of administration (painting the skin). On a side note, DMSO is usually said to increase the effects of drugs, so pharma+dmso might prove a good combo.
I'm a bit scared of approaching MAOI though, after all the warnings I've read online. Embarrased

Posted : 2/13/2014 7:05:11 PM

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Well maybe not an maoi... but rather thh (tetrahydroharmine) would be useful, taken orally before the dmso. It would extend the time that dmt stays in your synapses so you would be more aware of the dermal dmt. RIMA's, not maoi's are very safe to use as long as you understand what medications to avoid. Diet isnt a big deal.

Edit: your forehead is not the best place to paint dmso. It has to be vulnerable areas. Im not sure what areas that would be but its mentioned in several of the other threads that talk about dermal dmt.
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." -Thomas Jefferson

Posted : 2/14/2014 11:35:28 AM

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Transdermal administration of dmt in DMSO has not worked for those who have tried it, with or without MAOI. The only thing you get is irritated skin at the area of application for a day or two. And if you're not getting psychoactive effects from 100-200mg dmt transdermally (meaning that you waster 3-5 breakthroughs), then this method is just doomed to be very unpopular.

Rubbing on the forehead makes no sense either, as things do not reach faster to your brain if you apply them on your head; it's more complicated.

OP, from the (admittedly limited, but nevertheless illuminating) research that has been done in transdermal dmt, you're better off writing this route of administration off. There not much to theorise upon but, if you feel that there is still merit in investigating this further, please feel free to do your own research and come back to us if you get positive results. For your negative results, we wouldn't care less as we've got a bagful alreadySmile

Need to calculate between salts and freebases? Click here!
Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!

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[[[[ just copy and paste below address ..find on google search.. ]]]]

Epidermal absorption in male scrotum of topical application of ...http://www.odermatol.com › odermatology › E53...PDF
by P Brzezinski · 2019 — Epidermal absorption in male scrotum of topical application of psychedelic drugs: times and effects. Our. Dermatol Online. 2019;10(e):e8.1-e8.3.
physics envy
#188 Posted : 12/26/2021 11:47:40 PM

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Does sublingual Harmine freebase have a sting to it? If so, any reason not to use a salt version?
Salvia quid enthusiast
physics envy
#189 Posted : 1/1/2022 11:37:49 PM

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I tried the sherry/lsd combo this weekend, but ran into one major problem. I only had gel tabs, and they did not want to dissolve in liquid.

I decided to just try a single one (it was a little oversized as it was the end of a row, so probably ~125-150 ug), and put it in a tiny bit of sherry in a shot glass, then used a hot water bath to try to dissolve. The tab softened quite a bit and when I poked it with tweezers it fell apart into a ton of tiny pieces, but never actually dissolved.

So I don't think the sherry/lsd reaction occurred.

Regardless, I placed the mixture of tiny pieces and the little bit of warm sherry into a cold shot of sherry and stirred every hour for 3 hours before drinking.

I also mixed in 175 mg of THH from Liftmode (and weigh 150lbs).

My general takeaway from the experiment was that I was a lot more 'tweaky' and jittery than I expected, especially on the come-up. I wouldn't have liked being public and wanting/needing to shake my body as much as I did during the first 90-120 minutes. I tend to get jittery with any tryptamine come-up but I'm guessing the dose of THH amplified it.

I didn't notice anything extra/different in the way of visuals, but again I am pretty sure the sherry/lsd reaction did not occur. I had hoped the THH would add something to this lower dose, but it did not have a noticeable visual effect. (Ava has stated he thinks larger lsd doses may be necessary, but I decided I wanted to see if one tab would be sufficient or not since this was an experiment for a concert later this month.)

I also didn't particularly like the feeling of the sherry in my stomach for about an hour or so. I don't drink very often anymore and the shot was pretty noticeable. I think if I try again in the future if I get paper tabs, I will use 1/2 shot just to reduce the amount I need to drink.

At about +2h in, I put on headphones and listened to a Tool album, and it sounded pretty good but probably not as good as if I used 2 tabs.

I don't think I've ever used less than 200 ug before, but the visuals were pretty much the same for me with this one tab as always. I've used up to 400 mics before and didn't really notice a big difference in any of those doses, so I imagine my results are not very standard as many say the visuals are off the charts for them at the 400 mic level.

I hope this
Salvia quid enthusiast
#190 Posted : 1/3/2022 2:03:13 PM

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physics envy wrote:
I tried the sherry/lsd combo this weekend, but ran into one major problem. I only had gel tabs, and they did not want to dissolve in liquid.

I decided to just try a single one (it was a little oversized as it was the end of a row, so probably ~125-150 ug), and put it in a tiny bit of sherry in a shot glass, then used a hot water bath to try to dissolve. The tab softened quite a bit and when I poked it with tweezers it fell apart into a ton of tiny pieces, but never actually dissolved.

So I don't think the sherry/lsd reaction occurred.

Regardless, I placed the mixture of tiny pieces and the little bit of warm sherry into a cold shot of sherry and stirred every hour for 3 hours before drinking.

I also mixed in 175 mg of THH from Liftmode (and weigh 150lbs).

My general takeaway from the experiment was that I was a lot more 'tweaky' and jittery than I expected, especially on the come-up. I wouldn't have liked being public and wanting/needing to shake my body as much as I did during the first 90-120 minutes. I tend to get jittery with any tryptamine come-up but I'm guessing the dose of THH amplified it.

I didn't notice anything extra/different in the way of visuals, but again I am pretty sure the sherry/lsd reaction did not occur. I had hoped the THH would add something to this lower dose, but it did not have a noticeable visual effect. (Ava has stated he thinks larger lsd doses may be necessary, but I decided I wanted to see if one tab would be sufficient or not since this was an experiment for a concert later this month.)

I also didn't particularly like the feeling of the sherry in my stomach for about an hour or so. I don't drink very often anymore and the shot was pretty noticeable. I think if I try again in the future if I get paper tabs, I will use 1/2 shot just to reduce the amount I need to drink.

At about +2h in, I put on headphones and listened to a Tool album, and it sounded pretty good but probably not as good as if I used 2 tabs.

I don't think I've ever used less than 200 ug before, but the visuals were pretty much the same for me with this one tab as always. I've used up to 400 mics before and didn't really notice a big difference in any of those doses, so I imagine my results are not very standard as many say the visuals are off the charts for them at the 400 mic level.

I hope this

this sounds fimiliar ...[lift mode THH]! i used lift mode thh with spice...not acid.....

Have you put your lift mode THH under black light yet? it should glow .[pale blue]

if it glows yellow /green [its not pure Thh].

With my ..Lift Mode THH .. i got more than jittery!... ..as i only used one half of the tiny scoop it comes with of THH..[25mgs?].then vaporized some some spice ..and wham! it hit me hard!

One half of the tiny scoop sublingually first..then i took in the spice vapor ..and it hit me like an earth quake!...i heard this high pitched screaming sound!....and felt as if i were going up fast in an out of control elevator!....it wasnt that enjoyable!

i was so relieved when i came back down to baseline!

you did yours ..[orally].. witch probibly reduced the negative effects.....if it doesnt glow blue under blacklight...it isnt pure tHh..

Many of us..Not having clean THH is wrecking the whole test!
physics envy
#191 Posted : 1/3/2022 6:00:52 PM

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starway7 wrote:

Have you put your lift mode THH under black light yet? it should glow .[pale blue]

if it glows yellow /green [its not pure Thh].

Not yet, but I have a black light arriving tomorrow and will report back then. From yours and other reports, I don't expect it to be pure...
Salvia quid enthusiast
#192 Posted : 1/3/2022 8:34:24 PM

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Lift mode claims iTS almost 100 percent pure THH... but i suspect it was stored wrongly for too long a time..and it converted back to harmine...?\\

If you can PM ...shroomby...he also bought some LM THH...you can get his opinion..it was also [yellow/with green tint] under black light..

Caapi vine has a fair amount of THH in it ...one may try an extraction..

Or just find a better source for pure THH...


also you have a right to return the product..for a refund if it doesnt work right for you......[something i should have done]

JUST HAVING GOOD THH... . MAY BE THE KEY TO ava 69S reported.. success?

physics envy
#193 Posted : 1/3/2022 10:07:29 PM

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@Ava69 - I just noticed that you removed your 'additional steps' suggestions from your 12/25 post for using aloe/dmt transdermally and replaced them with:
I do not recommend the transdermal route, tried twice, too weak and takes 1.5 to 2.0 hour for the weak effects to manifest, too long for anyone to wait.

So did you find that it DID work, just not as quickly as you'd like and not as strong as the sublingual | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |?

And in post #291 (now deleted), you wrote:
In fact, I have switched over to only using the natural aloe vera juice instead of | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | exclusively for sublingual absorption of DMT, this in order to avoid any potential health side effects. It works very well indeed.

Did using the aloe sublingually work nearly as well as the | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |, or did you notice an obvious drop in strength as compared to | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |?


Salvia quid enthusiast
physics envy
#194 Posted : 1/4/2022 6:03:26 PM

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@Ava69 - Thank you for the updates on the failed experiments using aloe sublingually and transdermally.

That's too bad that aloe didn't work well for either application as I know many have aversions to | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |. I have some from my previous attempts to duplicate Loveall's complexation of salvinorin and will likely try the combination at some point soon and see if I can stand the sting ;-)

Thank you for the suggestion to try converting FB harmaline purchased online to THH...great idea since even though I do have a good amount of syrian rue seeds, I haven't felt like going through that extraction process.

Salvia quid enthusiast
physics envy
#195 Posted : 1/4/2022 9:40:25 PM

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Lift mode THH blacklight test:

I used two methods to test the blacklight luminescence of the Liftmode THH.

First, I wet a q-tip, then dabbed it into the THH powder, then wiped it across a piece of paper (I did not have a paper plate as Ava69 suggested, but tried a few different types of paper). In each instance, there was no obvious luminescence under the black light. The powder looked very dark, but did not glow.

I then used the method that I saw Starway7 used, which was to dissolve some of the powder in vinegar. After dissolving my powder, the vinegar definitely glowed YELLOW/GREEN, not blue.

Salvia quid enthusiast
#196 Posted : 1/5/2022 12:34:05 AM

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physics envy wrote:
Lift mode THH blacklight test:

I used two methods to test the blacklight luminescence of the Liftmode THH.

First, I wet a q-tip, then dabbed it into the THH powder, then wiped it across a piece of paper (I did not have a paper plate as Ava69 suggested, but tried a few different types of paper). In each instance, there was no obvious luminescence under the black light. The powder looked very dark, but did not glow.

I then used the method that I saw Starway7 used, which was to dissolve some of the powder in vinegar. After dissolving my powder, the vinegar definitely glowed YELLOW/GREEN, not blue.

I would ca ll them and say your not satisfied with the thh because it failed the black light test. ..and you also could say you didnt notice any improve ments after taking it...[by itself]

I should have made them return my cash..but now ive waited too long i think...

[[ava says its easy to make but...using nasty stuff like [ ZINC ]....im afraid i may poison myself!

i know some things... but im not a first rate chemist...

I did find this add from flowing visions...liquid THH tincture!

I dont know if the add is old or fairly new?

Flowing visions THH may be a better bet!

If you contact Flowing visions for the tincture...let me know how it goes!

get you purchace money back from lift mode..you may not even have to return the product!

flowing visions below is advertizing a one oz THH tincture...the image of the tincture bottle didnt post below but... try them ..i think they have a quality product...

this may be an old out of date add? if so keep scanning the web ?

FlowingVisions : Pure THH (Tetrahydroharmine) 1 oz ...
FlowingVisions : Pure THH (Tetrahydroharmine) 1 oz Glycerite Tincture extracted from B. Caapi Product Type Harmala Extracts (24) Rare Herbs and Extracts (35) Traditional Herbs (125) Herbal supplies (16) pH Adjusters (23) Essential Oils (46) Seeds (21) 3D Glasses (1) Larger View

THH dosage from FlowingVisions - Harmalas - Welcome to the ...
Aug 04, 2020 · Hi, i'm sorry to open up an extra thread for such a noobish question, but here it comes: I ordered THH from Flowing visions, the text sais: 1 dropper contains 100 mg THH (1 ml) below it sais to take 20 drops to make "UV paint". Now, ho

also try,,[[bounty botanicals ]]

paste.. below words..

[[[[Tetrahydroharmine freebase - Bounty Botanicalshttps://bountybotanicals.com ]]]]

Tetrahydroharmine freebase - Bounty Botanicalshttps://bountybotanicals.com › Extracts and tinctures
Buy tetrahydroharmine and other harmalas at Bounty botanicals! Tetrahydroharmine is commonly found in ayauasca brews and the cappi vine.

Buy tetrahydroharmine (bt-315019) - THE BioTekhttps://www.thebiotek.com › product
Sep 10, 2021 — Product Name, tetrahydroharmine. Molecular Formula, C13H16N2O. Molecular Weight, 216.28 g/mol. Appearance, Assay:≥98%A crystalline solid.

tetrahydro-Harmine - C13H16N2O - Bertin Bioreagenthttps://www.bertin-bioreagent.com › tetrahydro-wbr-ha...
tetrahydro-Harmine (THH) is a fluorescent indole alkaloid extracted from B. caapi, a woody vine that is used to produce a psychoactive beverage, ayahuasca, ...

Customer reviews: 200mg Tetrahydroharmine (THH) (CAShttps://www.amazon.com › product-reviews
This is real and extremely pure. The seller is amazing, he gave some gifts with the order. Order came very fast. BUY ALL THE THH YOU CAN BEFORE ITS TOO LATE ...

Tetrahydroharmine (Leptaflorine, THH, CAS Number: 17019 ...https://www.caymanchem.com › product › tetrahydro-h...
Tetrahydroharmine (THH) is a fluorescent indole alkaloid extracted from B. caapi, a woody vine that is used to produce a psychoactive beverage, ayahuasca, ...
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Tetrahydroharmine - an overview ... - Science Directhttps://www.sciencedirect.com › topics › neuroscience › te...
View chapterPurchase book · Read full chapter ... The A is elaeagnine, harman and harmaline, and the P is tetrahydroharmine or harmine (Figure 65).

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physics envy
#197 Posted : 1/5/2022 6:15:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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@Starway7 - Thank you for all of the links. I had found a few of them previously, but you provided many additional ones as well!

I'll post if I decide to try some from another location. Not sure if I'll try making my own - I too worry about obtaining pure enough zinc powder.

My hope is there is enough THH in the Lift Mode can to make for a good sublingual dmt experience, even if some has reverted to harmaline. I will at least give it a try mixing some harmine in as well.
Salvia quid enthusiast
#198 Posted : 1/5/2022 9:11:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Regarding the Liftmode THH...

My THH glows yellow/green, indicating it is probably not pure. However, my understanding is even a small amount of harmaline will cause harmine and THH to glow yellow/green instead of blue. So indeed there might be a small amount of THH that converted back to harmaline.

I think it's a minor amount though, because I've taken 200 mg Liftmode THH a few times and if there was any appreciable amount of harmaline, I think I would feel quite ill. Rather, I've been fine.

Just food for thought.
#199 Posted : 1/5/2022 1:21:39 PM

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[quote=shroombee]Regarding the Liftmode THH...

My THH glows yellow/green, indicating it is probably not pure. However, my understanding is even a small amount of harmaline will cause harmine and THH to glow yellow/green instead of blue. So indeed there might be a small amount of THH that converted back to harmaline.

I think it's a minor amount though, because I've taken 200 mg Liftmode THH a few times and if there was any appreciable amount of harmaline, I think I would feel quite ill. Rather, I've been fine.

Just food for thought.

in my past experiance with lift mode in a very low dose wasnt that great with the shreiking noise and the out of control elevator experiance..

but i took the.. [ faster hitting the super hi way aproach].. by first sublingual ThH ..then vaporized spice on top of it!

I think shroomby took the medicine orally...which probibly made a big difference compaired to vaping spice on top of the sublingual thh as i did... the difference in aplication made a difference in how the experiance felt i think..[hope this makes sense..]

im a believer in going by the book.. when you take the LM thh by itself..you will feel almost nothing...but once you add dmt to it ..its like adding gasoline to a small fire!...it explodes!
I say this because i only used 1/2 of the tiny scoop... it comes with sublingually...then vaporized 15 mgs of spice... and it was like it short circuted my brain! it wasnt a fun experiance...

pure is pure..impure is impure...that slight difference can make the experiance good or bad...

just my opinion...

I think
i remember that ...AvA declined to try Lift mode thh in a past post!

just my thoughts...

#200 Posted : 1/10/2022 7:17:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 25
Joined: 10-Oct-2021
Last visit: 31-Dec-2022
you can weigh and mix | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | + DMT in these and store until you want to dose. then draw from that into a syringe and squirt under tounge .


3ml plastic test tubes - generic ebay brand.
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