The Manske tech extracts harmine and harmaline specifically. I know it doesn’t work with harmalol or harmol, and probably also doesn’t work for THH, so I doubt it will work for 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline. But then again, you never know for sure until you try it. SWIM found that the Manske tech works for DMT, but not that well.
Here are some alternate names for 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline:
Tetrahydroharman (the most popular name for this compound)
Harman, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-
1H-Pyrido(3,4-b)indole, 2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1-methyl- (8CI)(9CI)
Here is the image of tetrahydroharman:

Here’s harmaline:

Here’s DMT:

To me tetrahydroharman visually looks like a cross between harmaline and DMT. Imagine DMT with its tail wrapped around and attached to the indole ring, you’d have something like tetrahydroharman. Like DMT, tetrahydroharman doesn’t have a methoxy group hanging off of the indole ring. Harmine, THH, and harmaline all have a methoxy group hanging off of the indole ring. I’m sure the absence of a methoxy group dramatically changes the effects (for example, 5-methoxy-DMT and DMT have very different effects). SWIM finds the poor visual effects of 5-methoxy-DMT similar to harmaline. Is this because of the methoxy group? Hmmm. Maybe tetrahydroharman is more visual than harmaline because it lacks the methoxy group like DMT? A hydroxyl group on that side increases visual effects (like 5-HO-DMT and 4-HO-DMT), but a methoxy group there seems to decrease visual effects (like 5-MeO-DMT). Is this just all coincidence?
Tetrahydroharman is found in Diplotperys cabrerana and seems to also be found in Mimosa hostilis. It is said to be a weak MAOI. However, both Diplotperys cabrerana and Mimosa hostilis are orally active without an additional MAOI, but at higher doses, and in each, tetrahydroharman should only be present in trace amounts. As I understand it, tetrahydroharman is the only beta-carboline present in Diplotperys cabrerana. It may be a weak MAOI, but may also be itself highly psychedelic like DMT because it lacks the methoxy group. And according to it’s structure, it should be orally active without additional MAOI.
I would love to find out if tetrahydroharman is psychedelically active in humans! I bet it is more visual than the other beta-carbolines.
Here’s the image of tetrahydroharmine (THH):

Here’s an image of harmine:

Here’s 5-MeO-DMT:

Here’s 5-HO-DMT:

Harmaline has an XlogP of 0.8. Tetrahydroharman has an XlogP of 2.0. Tetrahydroharman should therefore be much more lipid soluble than Harmaline. That could mean it’s also many times more potent than harmaline. DMT has an XlogP of 2.0 just like tetrahydroharman. So the solubility profile of tetrahydroharman should be more similar to DMT than harmaline.
What is known about tetrahydroharman:
* Melting Point: 144-148 C (R-form), 179-180 C (-+ form) (see Dictionary of Alkaloids By Ian W. Southon, Geoffrey A. Cordell, J. Buckingham, page 1043)
* Produced as a condensation product of tryptamine and acetaldehyde.
* Acts as an MAOI. Said to be a weak MAOI (see
* Found in the human body (See TiHKAL #44. 6-MEO-THH).
* Said to be a sedative in animals (see
* Found in many plants including: Hammada leptoclada (Pop) Iljin, Petalostylis labicheoides, Elaeagnus hortensis, Elaeagnus orientatesm, Elaeagnus spinosa, Arundo donax, Acacia baileyanna, Acacia complanata, Petalostylis labicheoides, Petalostylis labicheoides (also has N,N-DMT), Peganum harmala, Diplopterys cabrerana, Banisteriopsis argentea.
* Look at this interesting bit of data on it: “…the Gimi of the New Guinea Highlands pass into a trancelike state during divination rites by smoking a mixture of tobacco with leaves of an Elaeagnus species (Glick 1967). The genus Elaeagnus is rich in beta-carbolines such as tetrahydroharman (Hegnauer 1966; Allen and Holmstedt 1980)…”
One problem in researching tetrahydroharman is that some people misspell tetrahydroharmine as tetrahydroharman because the spelling is so similar!
Well, there’s next to no information on the human toxicology of tetrahydroharman. It could very well be active, especially by smoking. Most of the beta-carbolines are more effective when smoked.
Jonathan Ott reports that 7.5 mg harmaline is effective as an MAOI when snuffed or taken sublingually. That’s a very low dose. Ott reports the oral MAOI dose needed for HIM is about 40 mg harmaline. Most people need about 75 mg – 100 mg. But everyone is different. Perhaps tetrahydroharman is active as an MAOI at as little as 1 mg when smoked? That could explain the “Jungle Spice” effect SWIM got from smoking 5 mg of a Diplopterys cabrerana alkaloid extract.
If the “Jungle Spice” effect is from a mix of tetrahydroharman and DMT, and the interaction is from the MAOI effects of tetrahydroharman, then why is the trip so short? Shouldn’t the trip last about 1 hour and have a slower onset? I think it is maybe not MAOI at play here. The “Jungle Spice” effect is not at all the same as harmine + DMT. So I think that possibly tetrahydroharman is itself contributing strong psychedelic effects and it may be much stronger that DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and 5-HO-DMT. It occurs in such low quantities that in order to feel it’s effects it must be very potent.
All of this is of course theory. I would very much like to se tetrahydroharman tested in man. How can you isolate it?
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.