Brainstorming for new vaping technology Options
#1 Posted : 4/27/2023 9:13:27 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Australia
Hello my fellow nexians.

I have recently come into possession of some heating elements which may or may not have been originally destined for the trash. Such elements include old toasters, heaters, and coffee makers. I believe that if I engineer this right, I should be able to extract the heating elements from these machines, and combine them with the MANY spare plastic bottles and other random utensils to create an effective vaporizing device of unnecessarily complex looking and bizarre design.

I have access to:

-A floor heater fan and heating element
-A toaster's heating wires
-Some coffee makers
-Several bottles
-A glass billy
-A sense of humor
-The back light of a car which never got installed and was donated to my place of work, which they could not sell so they gave it to me, it includes lightbulbs
-Spicy spicerino
-Duct tape
-More plastic bottles
-disregard for limitations to my abilities, anything can be overcome with enough focus, effort, and love
-Previous encounters with the rainbow serpent
-A lighter (multiple actually, some jet, some not)
-Several screwdrivers
-A random microwave
-Toilet Paper
-A soldering iron
-A family who loves me
-Several rubber bands
-Several glass jars
-Several paddle-pop-sticks
-A small red bell that says "ring for sex" (not relevant but I thought I'd share)
-An extraordinary amount of overconfidence
-Pants (x2)

How may I combine some or all of these materials into a machine designed to vaporize Dimethyltryptamine to create something new and distinct from existing methods? Any suggestions for extra materials are appreciated and encouraged.

At the moment I am thinking of installing the heat generator and fan from the heater I have into a large container to use them to blow hot air through an increasingly narrow space to condense the heat, and have it strike the underside of the product's housing. The idea here is to heat the product without exposing it to ANY flame or even using flame, only electricity. This may mean that I separate the hot air from the air I will be breathing entirely, and simply use the hot air to heat a glass or other DMT housing area or place to vaporize it. I have some ideas in my head how this may be done, but have neglected to draw up plans as if yet, as my mind is capable of holding the rough idea for now.

I am posting here to gather advice on how likely it may be to be able to pull this off, as I am sure many of you are experienced enough to know whether a small electrical appliance meant for heating is capable of creating sufficient heat to melt DMT.

All suggestions are welcome, as is also any heckling.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 5/4/2023 4:20:17 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Ok you said it buddy here goes the heckling😃

Why reinvent the wheel when there's already tried and true methods of vaporizing dmt. Namely the glass vapor genie or gvg and the mighty+. Not the mighty but the mighty+, can't beat German engineering utilizing convection and conduction simultaneously. Sure it's expensive but you get what you pay for in terms of efficient out of the package product. Oh yeah you can tinker with an emesh method if that's what you fancy but I just want to be beamed up Scotty and never have to take another toke of harsh dmt smoke/vapors ever again which seems like what is needed to dial in an emesh device...bleh!
#3 Posted : 1/22/2024 6:39:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I have to go with Kobranek on this one

I personally use a sky solo from vaporesso. I control concentration by diluting it in terpenes and I am happy with the technology.

Anyways, as a way of collaborating for a brainstorm, I would say that for DMT, specifically, it would be good if it were possible to control the concentration in a separate chamber (like a mixing chamber for e-liquid/terpenes and freebase DMT) for each puff, in addition to the temperature control.

It would be awesome if it has a trip killer that could be inhaled (quicker action).
I think that a DMT vape should be specific to DMT users needs.

Theoretically it would be possible to make a Project of a specific DMT vape. But I think any DIY solution would be worse than the solution that already exists. To be better, it should be a Project executed by a factory on China. But it would be very interesting to make a project of a DMT specific vape.
"Whenever we pronounce something, we singularly devalue it. We believe we have plunged deep into abysses, but when we resurface, the drop of water on the pale tips of our fingers no longer resembles the sea from which it comes. We dream of having discovered marvelous treasures in a mine, but when we return to the light of day, we bring back only fake stones and shards of glass; nevertheless, the treasure gleams, unchanged, in the darkness." (Maeterlinck)
#4 Posted : 1/22/2024 2:12:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'm a mad scientist engineer and applaud your idea Very happy
Some unstructured thoughts:

You'll need closed loop temperature control with a sensor ( a thermistor in the airflow ) to allow control of the energy being fed in properly. Look up PID control, maybe browse some "diy 3d printer design" sites and look at how they control the temperature of the hot end of a printer.

I'd go for electrical heating as it's the easiest to control by far.

I forsee an arduino in your future, don't write your own PID code, grab some from an open source 3d printer controller, get code with autotune function.

It's difficult to have fine temperature control of something with a large thermal mass, there will be under and overshoots if you try to make it too quick to respond, so go for a slow cautious warm up of the heater perhaps...

Consider where the exhaust heat goes, no point burning a hole in your sofa because you weren't paying attention to this universe for a few minutes.

Maybe have a "dead man switch" to cut the heat when your hand relaxes. Be sure not to over dramatise the name of this device when telling the person who is about to trip about it... maybe "very relaxed person switch" is better Very happy

Maybe power it through an RCD the first few times you power up your frankenvape

That's all I have for now, the day job calls, safe tinkering!


P.S. if there's a local "repair cafe" for you then it could be a good source of tinkering bits.
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