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Ayahuasca amount? Options
#1 Posted : 9/9/2010 5:17:27 PM

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Sorry if this is the wrong forum but i didnt know where else to put this.

I have just received 50g och shredded cappi vines and 20G of mimosa bark.

How much of each would be enough for a normal/stong dose?

Or is ayahuasca dosing to individual to say exactly??

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#2 Posted : 9/9/2010 5:37:32 PM

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50 gram caapi seems like a pretty normal dose for most people, some people do report effects from say 20gr.

The mimosa id say start low, like 2-5gr. But maybe you are jumping in the deep end here, why not just start with the caapi tea for the first few tries, and then when you feel familiar with the effects, take some mimosa with it.
#3 Posted : 9/9/2010 9:45:14 PM

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Yeah it´s not for me so that´s why i asked about a stronger dose...

I have a friend who has started experimenting with psychedelics but seems to have a high tolerance...

The only time he got a really heavy trip was the first time he tried it, it was some psilobin tryffels in holland.

That time he said it was preety intense and healing, altough more of the tough love kind of healing, meaning that he was on the verge of a bad trip most of the time.

After that he has taken over 150mc of lsd without any visuals or to much mindfuck, and today he ate 2g hawain mushrooms without getting close to level 3, almost no visuals either...

So i´m thinking about cooking up some aya for him and see if he can get further with that instead for the moment.
#4 Posted : 9/10/2010 12:56:40 AM

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Dont do that. Each person can react uniquely to specific substances. Your friend may have a natural high tolerance for lsd but a very low tolerance to dmt, or so on.. This also changes on mode of ingestion, so for example two people that may need same amount of vaporized dmt for a breakthrough might need radically different amounts of oral dmt for a strong experience.

Start low in either case.

Do check this thread for dosages and also dont forget the health and safety section and FAQ, some useful tips on setting, brewing, etc.

Good luck!
#5 Posted : 9/10/2010 12:59:53 AM

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5 grams mimos is not low..I wouldnt go that high without experience..maybe 50g vine and .5-1 gram mimosa..even 2 grams of mimosa can be too much and be hyperspacy..unless you arent using enough caapi.
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#6 Posted : 9/10/2010 1:07:00 AM

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I like the idea of learning the vine in a way that lets it lead you, rather than letting the mimosa become the dominant force. I recommend a vine only brew until you find a good dosage for the sweet spot at which the vine becomes effective without the need for DMT admixtures. Then once you find that dosage start adding the smallest amount of DMT admixtures then working your way up that way.

It may seem a long way to go about things, but I believe it to be the most worth while if you want to take this seriously.
#7 Posted : 9/10/2010 2:49:32 AM

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soulfood wrote:
I like the idea of learning the vine in a way that lets it lead you, rather than letting the mimosa become the dominant force. I recommend a vine only brew until you find a good dosage for the sweet spot at which the vine becomes effective without the need for DMT admixtures. Then once you find that dosage start adding the smallest amount of DMT admixtures then working your way up that way.

It may seem a long way to go about things, but I believe it to be the most worth while if you want to take this seriously.

SWIM was thinking about taking this route as well. She was thinking about doing a typical 3x3hour brew of 100g of caapi. She has no experience at all with the vine or admixtures. She was thinking about drinking half at first and potentially boosting after a few hours if no discernible effects are felt. Seem reasonable? Based on my research I think 100g would be totally reasonable, but SWIM doesn't mind starting lower.

SWIM is very interested in the traditional use (at least while getting their feet wet in this new area). Would people recommend doing any form of dieta for a caapi only brew? From what I read in a few posts SWIM can expect to purge with the caapi only brew right (well She actually used to purge from mushrooms and even LSD sometimes so she is prepared regardless)? Maybe a little control over the diet will help in this regard.

Also SWIM occasionally smokes Cannabis and knows that many people feel aya and cannabis don't mix. She was for sure going to make sure she doesn't smoke anything for at least 3 days prior but wasn't sure if that was long enough. I'm not sure if that is long enough or not. Any people know of others that use cannabis and aya and have any opinions for her?

#8 Posted : 9/10/2010 10:29:22 AM

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This dude should eat more shrooms next time if he's not going deep enough with 2grams.
#9 Posted : 9/10/2010 10:40:48 AM
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Whatever dose is taken, make absolutely sure you follow the preparation for the ritual and have a good place and setting
first time experiences may be overwhelming, Aya is very direfernt from other plants. Dont take this lightly it may be scary if you are not prepared to let go and face fears and leave (completely but momentarily) this world

No light or very little, icaros music, not repetitive music, no phisical contact with the person, unless requested
if he needs to be calmed down ( if overwhelmed) try to say words like "love" and "care" and lighlty caress the back of the person (one hand only)

bucket and paper for cleaning mouth

Make sure he pays respects to the plant, by talkin to the cup before taking it

ask questions but do not demand answers

never do this if you are depressed or in distress

do the diet and be in peace and humble before you do this, respect all nature -

confortable place to sit or lie, white color clothings

prepare for a good 8 hours of wonder and amazement

I wish you a wonderful experience, whatever it is you learn from nature, dont let it stop at a "wonderful experience" try and listen, listen carefuly and turn teachings into relity in your life
#10 Posted : 9/10/2010 10:53:11 AM
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The diet is very specific, make sure you follow it - the longer you follow the diet, the deeper and "better" the experience will be, as it will not focus so much in cleansing you, but in teaching you and welcoming you
(in my experience)

I recommend a minimum of 5 days of diet - with 3 days you are rushing it and it may not pan out right

dont rush things, take it easy and follow diet for a minimum 5 days I would say

I would not do it for less than 2 weeks though, but that is just me..

diet includes alcohol, canabis, and any and every other similar substance
make sure you read about the medication precautions, if taking any..

make your you follow the AFTER diet too!

afterwars, you pretty much just need to listen to your body..

DO NOT EAT 12 hours before the experience, unless you want to soil yourself..

#11 Posted : 9/10/2010 5:38:19 PM

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SHroomtroll wrote:
After that he has taken over 150mc of lsd without any visuals or to much mindfuck, and today he ate 2g hawain mushrooms without getting close to level 3, almost no visuals either...

Well...first off, two grams of mushrooms really isn't a large dose and I can't say it's surprising he had almost no visuals. At the two gram range with many mushrooms, I find the visuals need to be coaxed out. There are some varieties that will be surprisingly visual at 2 grams, but generally speaking, that's not a dose to write home about (not trying to encourage pissing contests here, just saying that 2 grams is a low to moderate dose, imo). As for the 150ug of acid...how exactly do you know that it was 150ug? I'm not trying to discredit you...it's just that acid on a blotter or a microdot or dropped from a dropper could be any amount...did your friend use pipette set at 150ug? To me, there really doesn't seem to be overwhelming evidence that your friend has a "hard head" and as such, I would not be in such haste to give him a large dose of dmt. When trying new substances, you should always work up doses gradually and I really don't see anything in your posts that would indicate acting otherwise is a good idea in this case.
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#12 Posted : 9/10/2010 10:57:40 PM

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soulfood wrote:
I recommend a vine only brew until you find a good dosage for the sweet spot at which the vine becomes effective without the need for DMT admixtures. Then once you find that dosage start adding the smallest amount of DMT admixtures then working your way up that way.

It may seem a long way to go about things, but I believe it to be the most worth while if you want to take this seriously.

GREAT advice!!! And why wouldn't one want to take this seriously? The more seriously one takes it, the greater the rewards. SWIM, who learned much from Nexians the last six months, finally followed all this advice to the T during the last three weeks, ultimately "scaling up" during the last few days with admixture. Getting to know the vine by itself in larger and larger doses - all four colors actually - and then getting the know the leaves by themselves in larger doses, is really a great way to find out how aya treats you .... perhaps you could say it is a great way to find out how aya wants YOU to treat IT.

For the record, this particular SWIM found that 50mg of a good quality vine taken in two well-brewed doses an hour apart after a 4-6 hour fast can be plenty active by itself, and that by adding four large crushed leaves of each chacruna and chiliponga VERY nicely tryptamizes the experience for another 2-3 hours. The leaf simmered in a vine-only brew for 45 minutes prior to ingestion ... the resultant broth proved to be the smoooothest, most enjoyable tryp he's ever had, a wonderful meditation.

This round 1 experiment was not intended to be a flat-out "pineals-to-the-wall" kind of thing. Round 2 will be to scale up that particular admixture by a factor of 3 (or, a 2:1 vine:chacruna ratio, without chiliponga). Round 3, again in no rush, will be to double the Round 2 dose, as many psychonauts seem to report good results at that level. However, it depends on many things, including quality of product, and one's own personal constitution.
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