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1 year old in tiny vials - quality gone Options
#1 Posted : 8/21/2009 6:39:31 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Is it me or is it the age of my spice? I can't seem to get beyond the lowest-level hazy mild visuals and a major body load.

It's over a year old, has been tightly sealed in small glass vials. I used a bubbler.

I confess even with good spice i am not good at breakthrough every time, but i've tried 3 or 4 times this month, each time with nothing but fuzzy vision.

Can it go totally to shit like that even without exposure to air? Sure looks and smells the same.

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#2 Posted : 8/21/2009 10:06:27 PM

The Enlightend One

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Try recrystalization
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#3 Posted : 8/22/2009 1:10:52 AM
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I agree, recrystallization should fix any potential problems with your spice... happy journeys, report back! Smile
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#4 Posted : 8/22/2009 1:14:47 AM

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DO NOT recrystallize it if you don't want to loose a considerable amount of yield. If the DMT has oxidized, then it's easy to convert it back. Just to a simple reduction with zinc, there's numerous threads up here about it, and if you do it right you can clean it from other impurities at the same time.
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#5 Posted : 8/22/2009 10:26:40 AM

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Swiy can re-x or convert n - oxide back to pure dmt freebase but either way, i would imagine that swiy will lose some yield but swim is a true believer of quality over quantity, plus swiy is just trying to breakthrough,right?
The thing that confuses swim is that there are multiple reports that dmt-n-oxide is just as potent as pure freebase and i've heard it said in some cases that it's more potent (but with a different feel), which leads me to believe that mabey your spice has just degraded with time, in which case a re-x would probably be best, but like west-en said......you will lose yield.

If swiy wants to try and convert the n-oxide without re -x, check out this thread started by 69ron. Post # 26 & 33 will pertain to your situation the most. Swim also has some old spice that's been sitting in his freezer for a yr. and he's been trying to figure out whether he should just r-x or convert aswell. Anyway, here's the link.....again post #26 & #33.

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#6 Posted : 8/24/2009 12:21:49 AM

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Another question.......does swiy take any anti-deprresants? Any meds?
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#7 Posted : 8/24/2009 1:51:33 AM
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Dwhitty76 wrote:

Another question.......does swiy take any anti-deprresants? Any meds?

Nope, no meds, nothing from a doctor at least but everthing else Smile swim is going to try again, if it doesn't work he'll just get some new mimosa, xtraction is half the fun anyways Smile Well actually no...say 20% the fun.
#8 Posted : 8/24/2009 3:48:59 PM

The Great Namah

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flyboy wrote:
Is it me or is it the age of my spice? I can't seem to get beyond the lowest-level hazy mild visuals and a major body load.

It's over a year old, has been tightly sealed in small glass vials. I used a bubbler.

I confess even with good spice i am not good at breakthrough every time, but i've tried 3 or 4 times this month, each time with nothing but fuzzy vision.

Can it go totally to shit like that even without exposure to air? Sure looks and smells the same.

^ these effects do not sound like DMT N-Oxide to me. It is possible that your spice had degraded further than DMT N-Oxide. However in a small sealed vial I find that to be a bit suprising.

You can try the zinc conversion, or just extract more spice. The freezer is a good place to keep spice. It should keep for many years in a vial in the freezer.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
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