Hyperspace Fool wrote:I imagine that for many, anywhere they go outside of this waking life is some kind of hyperspace for them... but seeing as I do a lot of travelling, and a good deal of it without spice, I have to differentiate between the dreamtime realms, the OOBE experience, places reached by meditation and yogic work... and those I arrive at via entheogens.
You've got me thinking about this
Disthinguishing between the different places one can travel looks kind of necessary, because they indeed have there own characteristics. However, they seem to overlap aswell. Experiences I've had with meeting entities (human-entities) in he middle ages somewhere in South Europe (a middle age sealmaker, to be specific) have some overlap with experiences I've had with shamanic trance and meditation.
"The Astral" seems to be the agreed upon term used over the centuries, but I don't see that yet in the lexicon. I'm suggesting 'Astral' as the overlapping term for places that can be visited, other than the physical dimension. I'm not sure if a negative definition is the way to go, so maybe something like "the area's one can reach through different techniques which alter the state of consciousness, like meditation, shamanic drumming, OOBE techniques or entheogens".
Quote:Even within the scope of entheogenic "other worlds" I find there is a lot of variety and a seemingly endless array of possible destinations. Hyperspace, for me, is therefore that very specific, vibrant "Wonderland meets Alien Spacecraft" place where the various machine elves dwell. It feels to me like an in-between place... a nexus of dimensions and worlds... a place where those fanciful living machines are used to manufacture realities.
It is far more colorful than most places, and the amount of novelty there is quite high. Things do not stay put or act inanimate, but rather fold and unfold... flowering and blossoming in a very specific kind of psychedelic glory. Sizzling sounds at you like "Zzuuöaahbrammalangbananäfizzle" as they tweak your perception and see how much you can handle.
Curiously, I don't really find dark entities there. They are numerous in other dimensional spaces, but Hyperspace has a very specific crew of hyper-intelligent beings and seems always ready to put on a show for you. It is as if they know what the most amazing things you've ever seen before are... and like to try to top them.
While I have visited the hyperspace you describe (i have always thoughtis is somehow domelike. Like a huge cathedral sized cave, with walls. Definitely walls, jimjam walls...) and, in addition to that, went beyond it, I just always thought of everything after take-off being hyperspace. Because almost everyone (or most of us) seems to start here, hyperspace seems sort of synonymous with this specific place.
I'm really not sure, even though I acknowledge Hyperspace fool's deep levels of experience on the matter, if I agree on excluding what can be found beyond this as 'not hyperspace anymore'. My thoughts sometimes go in the direction of pinpointing it like "the hyperdimensional nexus" , "the hyperspace welcome dome", "the hyperspace engine room", something like that. The description you make is excellent, in my opinion, HF, so i suggest we definitely keep that
Somehow it always feels like a place, especially set up for us travelers to feel welcomed and safe, which would account for no dark entities being present there.
But I have a hard time define hyperspace as disthinguished from the Astral, at some point they just seem to meet, like a landscape slowly evolving...
So, let us join thoughts an ideas, I hope it helps to sort these definitions out and cocreate omething usefull...