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DMT vaping guide Options
#1 Posted : 7/6/2012 10:54:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Disclaimer: This harm reduction guide is meant to reflect the general opinion of this community. Any forum member that disagree's with any info in this guide please post your concern so that this guide can be updated. Any info that needs to be added please post a reply so this guide can stay properly informative. This guide is to help others in order to not vape a too large of dose while learning how to vaporize DMT.

Chart for common dose sizes wrote:
Threshold: 5-10mg (none to very slight CEV's & OEV's psychedelic thought patterns)
Low: 10-15mg (none to slight CEV's and very slight OEV's possible)
Common: 15-30mg (Most common Breakthrough range)
High: 30-45mg (Pretty insane, can be very difficult to handle for some)
Overkill: 45mg and up (Not Recommended, most who vape this properly NEVER do it again)
Get a good Scale

Step 1: Choose a method.
The following is a list of the currently recommended methods for vaporizing DMT in order of approximate efficiency. (links coming soon)

Classic VG
The green Buddha (gvg alternative)
The firewood 2.1
The Machine
The Sandwhich Method
The Inspirator mkII
The Key V2
Electronic Vaporizers
Meth pipe/Crack Pipe/Oil burner ect.


Devices that do not work well or are not recommended:

Tin Foil
Anything using a plastic bottle
Vapor Genie Glass bat

Other links:
q21q21's thread on making The Machine
Cyb's amazing "custom" Machine - HERE

Step 2: Learn proper technique.

Results will vary considerably if you don't perfect your skills with the device you are using. You may mistake the need for higher dose with improper vaporization technique. Take your time to learn how to properly vaporize DMT so that you can be more accurate with dose sizes. If you vaporize 30mg of DMT and it does not produce strong results, this could cause you to believe you need more. If in fact you failed to vaporize it correctly, and you up the dose to 40mg and vaporize that correctly you may experience a much stronger trip than you can handle.

With proper technique and a good device, GVG or Classic VG for example, your first dose should be between 10 and 15mg. I say this low because of a couple reasons.

1. You probably won't Vape it correctly until you learn how, no need to waste 50mg to learn.
2. It's much easier to tell if your vaping it correctly using low doses because if you don't feel anything your doing it wrong. At 10mg you will have to do a pretty good job vaping the DMT to get a feeling out of it. At 40mg you will probably still feel something even if you do it wrong.

If you don't follow the above suggestions, please atleast, DO NOT LOAD more than 25mg for your first. Yes you MAY be able to handle more, but it's simply not needed, and you should take your time finding the right size dose after you learn to properly vaporize it. It can be a waste of spice in many different ways, and too much can send you through a pretty scary trip. DO NOT LOAD 50mgs or more. If you vape 50mg correctly you will either black out or have a way more intense ride than you were expecting or would ever wish to have.

Note: Dose CAN be variable for SOME people due to natural tolerance or unknown reasons. Start low and work your way up by 5-10mg amounts. If you dont feel anything with 10-15mg DO NOT up the dose, this means you are not properly vaping the spice!

Depending on the persons psychedelic experience and tool this varies alot. I would say to anyone who wants to take it the first time not to load anything over 15mg with a proper tool and techniqúe, there's no problem loading more later and in most cases it's best to get ones feet wet first.

Onset: 15 - 60 seconds
Duration: 5 - 10 minutes
Baseline: 15 - 60 minutes

tele wrote:
New users should also notice that poor technique and tools (such as screen) will require more material for the same results. Also if using freebase on a copper or stainless steel mesh one should always load the dose in the middle of the screen(for example pouring the dose in through a cone), to avoid it sticking to the glass. Pre-melting is also my recommendation.

Snozzleberry wrote:

If you go with a meth pipe, there is a method that works great to avoid burning, but it is significantly trickier/harder than the vapor genie.

Essentially, you load the dmt into the meth bulb and using a torch lighter, begin to melt the dmt. In order to do this, ignite the lighter and move it towards and away from the bulb, the flame ideally should come short of ever making contact with the glass and the oscillations of near and far should be fairly smooth. As the bulb heats up, the dmt will liquefy and collect at the bottom of it.

Once all of the dmt is liquefied, you can hold the flame near the bulb for a slightly longer time and the liquid dmt will kick up plumes of vapor/smoke (depending on how close/how long you hold the lighter at this point). You don't want to start holding the lighter closer/longer until the dmt is liquefied and you are ready to begin inhaling it. As the liquid begins bubbling and plumes of vapor/smoke begin to appear, start inhaling gently and smoothly for as long as possible.

This method is greatly helped by having somewhere designated to put the hot pipe down, such as a plate, as the hot bulb will burn through/melt just about any fabric. I used to work the lighter for everyone I knew who wanted to dry dmt when I was using this method and there were no complaints of harsh vapors and the people who were trying it didn't have to worry about anything but inhaling, so an assistant may help while perfecting this method.

I had great success with this method for a good year before the GVG began to really get hyped and I purchased one. Hope that helps, should you find yourself relegated to meth pipes
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

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#2 Posted : 7/6/2012 11:11:18 AM

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Make a low 10-15mg. 20mg can be a breakthrough if taken in properly which would mean at least medium experience. VG and GVG doses can be considered the same. New users should also notice that poor technique and tools (such as screen) will require more material for the same results. Also if using freebase on a copper or stainless steel mesh one should always load the dose in the middle of the screen(for example pouring the dose in through a cone), to avoid it sticking to the glass. Pre-melting is also my recommendation.

If you don't follow the above suggestions, please atleast, DO NOT LOAD more than 25mg for your first.

Depending on the persons psychedelic experience and tool this varies alot. I would say to anyone who wants to take it the first time not to load anything over 15mg with a proper tool and techniqúe, there's no problem loading more later and in most cases it's best to get ones feet wet first.
#3 Posted : 7/6/2012 11:38:12 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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tele, do you ever partake in Jimjam?

if so, do you find the dosages the same as with NN?

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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#4 Posted : 7/6/2012 2:39:15 PM

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3rdI wrote:
tele, do you ever partake in Jimjam?

if so, do you find the dosages the same as with NN?

I wish I would... But I feel like orange spice already has some "extra flavor" to it... Therefore I haven't tried to extract it.
I don't know how it is with the doses, I guess it depends on how much of the material is DMT.
Electric Kool-Aid
#5 Posted : 7/6/2012 3:50:44 PM

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Good work Anrchy!! Thanks for hearing my call.
Thanks everyone else for the input! This needs to be up there on a sticky when it is refined. Or to be up on a locked sticky as valuable info.
It's funny how devoted we are to extractions, devices, plant research and trip reports. But not one thing about dosing for beginners. And we are surprised when people put 100mgs in the pipe?! Dosing info is a must!

Thanks everyone! Please refine the top post as things change.
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#6 Posted : 7/6/2012 6:42:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Electric Kool-Aid wrote:
Good work Anrchy!! Thanks for hearing my call.
Thanks everyone else for the input! This needs to be up there on a sticky when it is refined. Or to be up on a locked sticky as valuable info.
It's funny how devoted we are to extractions, devices, plant research and trip reports. But not one thing about dosing for beginners. And we are surprised when people put 100mgs in the pipe?! Dosing info is a must!

Thanks everyone! Please refine the top post as things change.

Thank man, you were definitely inspiration to finely make this thread, as I have been thinking about it more and more lately that we need this info up here.

I wanted this info to reflect how the nexus community felt about dosages, so please everyone put in your input!

If anyone has any dose recommendations for JimJam please let me know so I can add.

Thank you nexus.
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

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#7 Posted : 7/6/2012 8:26:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Good thread.

From a noob stand point (me) I also vouch for the 10-15 mg dose for getting your feet wet. more 10 then 15. you'll get minor OEV but no CEV with 10 or 15. (I'm sure this depends on the person. I compare it to a level 2 shroom as for visuals) I'd also say only up your dose +5mg each time. you could go to deep with a 10mg increase...Think if 20mg to 30mg could be a pretty dramatic increase in your sessions.

I started at 5mg and felt nothing. I'm good at vaping thing with out sandwich and with sandwich tech since I smoke a lot of marijuana concentrates.


fill bowl just under half way and make sure its packed nice and semi tight (not so tight you can't hit it but enough so if firmly in the bowl...this helps to keep the liquified/vaped from falling into the bottom of your bowl)

add dose and make sure its IN THE MIDDLE and not layers. you want it as much in a pile in the mile as you can so when you do light it you get it all in the first few hits an you don't have to burn the whole top to get it all. then make sure to pack a more then half (heaping) bowls worth. you want to make sure top layer is thick so if you DO accidentally torch the top layer you don't over heat the spice in the middle.

5mg you won't feel anything - slight high feeling at best.

10mg - high feeling/humming sound/environment around you breaths and textures start to swirl no breath through. you feel centered with your environment.

15mg- louder humming/high with body high/ more intense visual.

Not yet done a 20mg yet but I hope to get my feet through the worm hole with it.

I want to break though gradually.

if your a cautious person like me then only up the dose +5mg each time.

#8 Posted : 7/7/2012 12:07:22 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I appreciate this post! and think this would be great as a sticky seeing as how greatly my ass was kicked by not sticking to the guideline above.

#9 Posted : 7/7/2012 1:05:29 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'm glad this thread is already being helpful, and thanks for the added input cannabinoids I don't personally have experience with the sandwhich method myself, so what I know is from reading posts on this forum and talking with a friend of mine who does it.

Okasha, I agree as it seems that quite a few new members have been DMT-slapped from not doing enough research. When I very first tried dmt I hadn't gotten my scale yet. And due to reading some outdated info on Erowid stating that 50-60 mgs being a common size dose, I had no idea that it was far from the truth. Luckily I still started out low cause I didn't know enough about it to trust that info.
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

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#10 Posted : 7/7/2012 8:47:50 PM

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Thanks, "anrchy", for starting this very important thread.

I would suggest to move this thread to a more visible place - something like one of the first thread in the "Health and Safety" + upgrading it with a "sticky" status...?

I really think that information presented in this thread should be as visible as possible...
#11 Posted : 7/8/2012 12:01:25 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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My thoughts would be putting it somewhere the new comers come to the most. Which I figure is "first steps in hyperspace" if there is a more fitting place for it I have no problem with it being moved. Just wanted to make sure it was able to be seen by the most people possible.
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

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#12 Posted : 7/8/2012 12:18:27 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the post. I just received my bark today and plan to be done with the first pull in a little while. I've tried spice only once before but I loved it. I'm thinking about starting tonight with 20mg.
#13 Posted : 7/8/2012 1:11:16 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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What method are you using? Just make sure that if 20 doesn't do much work on your method before increasing dose. You can imagine if you vaped 20mg incorrectly, then upped the dose to say 30mg then vaped it correctly you would get a very different experience than what you expected.
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

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Electric Kool-Aid
#14 Posted : 7/8/2012 1:16:07 AM

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Great work guys n gals!

One thing I can suggest. Colours are not needed as they can screw up the theme settings.
Example, I am using the nexus reverse and I cant for the life of me read the yellow words!

Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#15 Posted : 7/8/2012 1:18:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Roger that! How does it affect links? As links are yellow for me.

[edit] NM, i switched to reverse theme so i could see what it looked like. Then i changed the colors to be more pleasing on the eyes with BOTH themes. I like to use colors to accentuate certain things, but if it bothers a good amount of people I will gladly make it all one color if you nexians prefer. Just let me know!
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

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#16 Posted : 7/8/2012 3:26:26 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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looks good! only thing else to possibly add would be some pictures. having a gif of dmt vapor entering a gvg and then being cleared would be awesomee for some to see technique.
Electric Kool-Aid
#17 Posted : 7/8/2012 3:50:33 AM

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MooshyPeaches wrote:
looks good! only thing else to possibly add would be some pictures. having a gif of dmt vapor entering a gvg and then being cleared would be awesomee for some to see technique.

Totally! And then the next pic with someone passed out cold in hyperspace with drool. Hehe (J/K!)
But yeah animation / video of the gvg in action would ROCK!! Just no faces in the vid and no YOUTEWB (trying to keep dmt away from there)
Mooshy, have you gone to the gvg site? they have a video with the VG in action, well the proper lighting technique. Actually, never mind. It is for the regular lighter. But might be helpful to some.

BTW. Colours are great now! Thanks!
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#18 Posted : 7/8/2012 4:58:43 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for all the positive input guys. As for the pics, I would rather try to keep this more of a dosing guide rather than a smoking/dosing guide. The thread I linked to for the gvg is a pretty informative as it is. I also want to try and keep it as short and to the point as possible cause some people will end up not reading it if it becomes too long.
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

"Energy flows where attention goes"

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#19 Posted : 7/8/2012 3:09:45 PM

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And there I was thinking 'SMOALK MOAR' was the only advice needed for first timers Laughing
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#20 Posted : 7/8/2012 7:00:19 PM

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Cannaboids explained it pretty damn good right on point with. Level 2 shroom trip at 15 mgs but the humming point haven't heard, more like vibrations in your head
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