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Minnesota DMT Bust - Officials Claim to Have Confiscated One Pound of DMT Options
#1 Posted : 11/15/2010 7:25:57 PM

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Here's the article. It's fairly ambiguous as to whether they got poorly extracted dmt or plant material containing dmt. The end of the article seems to indicate there were extraction materials and suggests they may have been used (based on their cleanliness) but it is not clear as to whether the cops actually have an extract or plant material in their possession.

Dan Nienaber @ The Free Press wrote:
Spring pot bust yields pound of ‘businessman’s LSD’
By Dan Nienaber
Free Press Staff Writer

MANKATO — Drug investigators working a marijuana sting involving three Minnesota State University students allegedly found more than just pot when they searched their apartment near campus in May.

One of the students, 20-year-old Daniel Jonathan Uner, was charged last week with felony second-degree drug possession for allegedly having about a pound of powder DMT, a powerful hallucinogenic. Uner is no longer a student at the university, but his address is still listed as being the apartment in the 1800 block of Monks Avenue, the complaint said.

Uner’s apartment was searched after an informant and an investigator with the Minnesota River Valley Drug Task had bought small amounts of marijuana from two other students living at the apartment in April and May. Only one of those men is still listed as a student at the university, but neither is being named because charges haven’t been filed against them.

When investigators went in to search the apartment, Uner and the other two men were there. Each was searched and asked to identify his room in the apartment before being told to leave until the search was completed, the criminal complaint said. A fourth roommate was not home.

More bags of marijuana and two marijuana plants were found in the room of one of the men, the complaint said. Baggies of marijuana also were allegedly found in Uner’s room.

A gallon-sized bag of a brown powdery substance that was found in Uner’s closet had to be sent to a Bureau of Criminal Apprehension lab to be identified. Investigators later learned it contained 438 grams, or nearly one pound, of DMT.

The drug is commonly found in plants, but is difficult to extract. It is usually smoked or ingested to create an hour-long high that includes intense hallucinations, according to information provided by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

“Its use as a recreational drug is relatively recent and disturbing development,” said a DEA news release that was issued in January 2009. “Some street names include ‘45-minute psychosis,’ ‘businessman’s LSD,’ ‘businessman’s special’ and ‘fantasia.’”

The release was for what was described as a “groundbreaking seizure” of DMT. New Jersey state troopers stopped a suspected drunken driver and found about one and one-half pounds of the drug, which was then believed to be the first distribution-sized package of processed DMT. The release also said the drug is becoming popular in clubs in large east coast cities, where it sells for about $200 per gram.

Mankato investigators also found several pans with a brown residue in Uner’s dresser, the complaint said. “A jug of lye beads and a spoon containing brown residue” were also found in his room, the complaint said.

Three freshman at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., were arrested last month after investigators there found what they believed was a methamphetamine manufacturing operation in their dorm room, according to news reports there. Manufacturing DMT can be a toxic process, so other students were tested for toxins.

Uner is charged with possessing the drug, not manufacturing it. Task force investigators could not be reached by The Free Press, so it’s not clear why prosecutors waited until now to file the charge against Uner. It often takes several weeks to get results from tests completed by at the BCA lab.

Uner is scheduled to make his first court appearance on Dec. 6.

The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
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#2 Posted : 11/15/2010 7:37:15 PM

Stiletto Stoner


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"Drug investigators working a marijuana sting involving three Minnesota State University students allegedly found more than just pot when they searched their apartment near campus in May."

You can get a warrant on one small marihuana purchase ? And call it a sting ? Very happy

"Uner’s apartment was searched after an informant and an investigator with the Minnesota River Valley Drug Task had bought small amounts of marijuana from two other students living at the apartment in April and May".

Fuck snitches. Seriously.

"When investigators went in to search the apartment, Uner and the other two men were there. Each was searched and asked to identify his room in the apartment before being told to leave until the search was completed, the criminal complaint said."

So in America, your place gets search without you being present ? Who guarantees that the police won't plant something ?
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

Pandora wrote:
Nexus enjoys cutting edge and ongoing superior programming skills of the owner of this site (The Traveler), including recent switching to the .me domain name.

I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

Ignorance of the law does not protect you from prosecution
#3 Posted : 11/15/2010 7:41:46 PM

No.. that can't be...

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Everything mentioned herein has been deemed by our staff of expert psychiatrists to be the delusional rantings of a madman who has been treated with Thorazine who is hospitalized within the confines of our locked facility. This patient sometimes requires the application of 6 point leather restraints and electrodes at the temples to break his delusions. Therefore, take everything mentioned above with a grain of salt...
#4 Posted : 11/15/2010 7:43:55 PM

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How comes that pound of mimosa (brown powder) is pound of DMT? Boy is facing serious charges I guess. wtf? Scary shit.

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#5 Posted : 11/15/2010 7:59:53 PM

I Eat Plant Magic

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Yeh, no kidding. Having mimosa and getting charged with DMT possession is NO GOOD. This is just wrong... !


#6 Posted : 11/15/2010 8:00:24 PM

Stiletto Stoner


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zubidlo: If you get caught with cut cocaine, on what do you get charged ? On % of pure cocaine or on cocaine mixture ? I know this is not the same as MHRB/DMT but I'm pretty sure DEA likes to think that way.
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

Pandora wrote:
Nexus enjoys cutting edge and ongoing superior programming skills of the owner of this site (The Traveler), including recent switching to the .me domain name.

I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

Ignorance of the law does not protect you from prosecution
#7 Posted : 11/15/2010 8:09:07 PM

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Shaolin wrote:
zubidlo: If you get caught with cut cocaine, on what do you get charged ? On % of pure cocaine or on cocaine mixture ? I know this is not the same as MHRB/DMT but I'm pretty sure DEA likes to think that way.

The thing that is concerning here is that cut cocaine is cut cocaine and has no other use than being sucked up into sinuses. The loophole we all rely on is that MHRB is sold to us, and we buy it, ostensibly as textile dye. If people are beginning to get charged with possession of MHRB it is setting a new and very troubling precedent.

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#8 Posted : 11/15/2010 8:17:49 PM


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jbark wrote:
The loophole we all rely on is that MHRB is sold to us, and we buy it, ostensibly as textile dye. If people are beginning to get charged with possession of MHRB it is setting a new and very troubling precedent

thats is very true jbark! and wont take long for other countrys to jump on the bandwagon 2 Rolling eyes
#9 Posted : 11/15/2010 8:29:17 PM

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What else we could claim we do with bark? I read it's one of ingredients of makeup being good for skin. Any other use?

'Life is an illusion designed to keep your mind occupied while you are digested by God.'
#10 Posted : 11/15/2010 8:43:08 PM

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Same similar thing happened to a vendor in the UK


They claimed in the article it was hundreds kilos of DMT, but someone else posted in the thread from an email they received from one vendor that the MHRB was being shipped too.


Greetings All,

Sorry you're orders are late, this is due to a load of problems we didn't expect.

For those of you buying mimosa, we had 15kg seized by customs, and we think they have put our wholesaler on a watch list, thus stopping his parcels coming into the UK. However we are now redirecting them via another place in the EU, in the hope that we can resume business in a week or so. In the aftermath of the Home Office's 'anti DMT crusade' we are being accused of importing illegal drugs into the country, which is total bollocks (you know that as well as I do), and we've had to respond to a 'notice of seizure'. We got off lightly, because we know of two other sellers who have been arrested, detained, raided and bailed. Ultimately I think we'll win this because mimosa hostilis is not illegal, but it won't stop the bastards from being overzealous. Wish us luck.
#11 Posted : 11/15/2010 8:57:46 PM

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If he gets a good lawyer he might get the charges dropped on dmt possession. I hope so because that totally sucks. Fuck the drug war. Sounds to me like he just had plant material which is not in itself a crime.
I am.
#12 Posted : 11/15/2010 9:02:58 PM


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this is shitty. thing is, kid brought it on himself! he was trapping drugs out of his college dorm room! wtf???

i'll go ahead and let it be known: i am a felon. sold drugs for years. i know the game. i've been to prison (4 1/2 years). for drugs. i've never had a problem buying mimosa. never had the cops kick in my door for that shit. in this case, they were able to get a warrant over a couple of petty purchases cuz this is how it works (trust me...experience):
they don't even need a police officer inside. what they (can) do is:
have some snitch in the car with them. search him before he comes into your place to make sure he (the snitch) doesn't have any drugs or other money on him. the snitch will go inside and come out with the weed. all it takes it's a 10th of a gram! having a 10th isn't that big of a deal. selling a 10th of a gram is a felony, though. so, this kid made a big name for himself and got busted.

i bet he was "the man" on campus. sounds like he had a lot going on. sounds like, quite honestly, he deserved it. it also sounds as if he had already extracted it. all those other drugs in his place, it was only a matter of time. he probably had hundreds of people on campus talking about his business. yes, i hate snitches. NO DOUBT. but...you must remember...the harder you shine, the quicker you burn out! if you sell drugs, you're probably gonna get caught one day. he probably pissed some kid off and they ratted him out. it sucks but it's "the game".

so the lesson people: keep your business your business! rule number 1: NEVER TELL ANYONE YOU'RE COOKING. rule number 2: never tell anyone that you're selling! tell them that you can get it. that way, your buddy doesn't feel some sense of entitlement and thinks he should get it cheaper than everyone else and then gets pissed when you don't. i mean honestly...rule number 1: don't sell drugs. but, if you're gonna, don't be fucking stupid! trust me...the cops don't wanna waste thousands of dollars to surveil and bust some petty dork who's cooking up DMT in their basement and keeping it to themselves! they want the baller who's got their name all over town (or campus).

not trying to be a dick or take the cops side, just saying be smart people! don't sell drugs and if you do, remember that the more you sell, the more likely you are to get caught.
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#13 Posted : 11/15/2010 9:28:17 PM

Not I

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burnt wrote:
If he gets a good lawyer he might get the charges dropped on dmt possession. I hope so because that totally sucks. Fuck the drug war. Sounds to me like he just had plant material which is not in itself a crime.

I agree this war is way way out of control.

People this is a war and every single one of you on this board is a target. DEA members takes great pride in ruining your life. After you are carted off to jail they go out for beers talking about the stupid SOB they just locked away.

So very very sad.

They will never have a shot of stopping the supply of DMT what with some 2000 species of plant containing it. The only hope they have is to convince people not to do it....since the DEA never utters a single true word no one will ever trust them about drugs. They lie. They cheat. They enjoy knowing you are in jail.

Fuck this war. Fuck anyone that won't get off their couch and vote to end it. Fuck anyone that supports this war.

Very Very sad.

Stories like this make me ashamed to be an American....
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#14 Posted : 11/15/2010 9:58:37 PM

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This article seems to contain so many half truths, exaggerations, and sensationalistic statements it's not even funny. Just throw in the word drug, sprinkle some other semi-generic statements (it's becoming popular in the club scene, it's relatively new, DEA is disturbed), then you just sit back and watch the public work itself into a frenzy as the witch hunt begins. Rinse and repeat...Crying or very sad

The Mind lets in the light, then the dark, in interaction; so time is generated.
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I am.
#15 Posted : 11/15/2010 10:53:14 PM


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i know quite a few people "in the game". i know quite a few people who've had their doors kicked in by police/DEA. you know what? i've NEVER heard of ANYONE who got raided for personal use! ever seen this news story:

"today, a man by the name of Fred Rodgers was arrested today in Atlanta after police and DEA agents raided Mr. Rodgers' house in suspicion that Mr. Rodgers was quitely smoking Dmt in the safety and comfort of his own home.

mr. rodgers is now facing money laundering, possession, manufacturing and distribution charges. he is scheduled for arraignment tomorrow afternoon, where it is now beleived the federal judge will deny Mr. rodgers bond in fear that Mr. Rodgers will go back to safely using his drugs in the privacy of his own home".

NO! the cops don't go after users...they go after dealers. yeah. they want the money from users probation and court fees but they will not raid your house if you keep to yourself! they will only hunt down the dealers. so...here's a hint...

DON'T SELL DRUGS PEOPLE! it's illegal! you might go to jail!!! is that so hard to understand? we shouldn't be mad at the police, in this case. we should be mad at the dumbass who was doing sooo much stupid shit so as to bring negative attention to DMT. like i said, i am not siding with the cops but let's use reason here people: if it is illegal to buy drugs and use them, and extremely illegal to sell them, can you really be mad at the cops for going after dealers? i can't. in fact, i'm glad they do. people like this dumbass kid make drugs such a HUGE problem in today's society. if people like him didn't exist, our MHRB wouldn't be under surviellance.

yes, reagon's war on drugs is a bunch of shit. no doubt but so is being a stupid fucking college kid, trying to make a quick buck any way you can and making tons of careless mistakes. let's not only chastise the police. let's chastise this dumbass. hell...even the NEXUS itself is opposed to making this drug for profits, correct? obviously it happens but if it's God's gift to the world to save us from ourselves, is it not kinda karmatic that some kid gets arrested for selling it? yes. cops suck. but let's not overlook the shortcomings of those they arrest...
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#16 Posted : 11/15/2010 10:55:43 PM


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joedirt wrote:
Fuck this war. Fuck anyone that won't get off their couch and vote to end it. Fuck anyone that supports this war.

i would totally vote if i could. good thing they don't allow felons to vote...otherwise we might corrupt the government!!!
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#17 Posted : 11/15/2010 11:08:09 PM

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Ice it could be possible they thought they had a pot dealer found some plant material and decided to make a news story out of it? I guess by powder they really meant powder and not powdered plant material? Its so vague I can't tell.

If he was selling pounds (a pound!?) of dmt then yes hes an idiot. I completely agree how utterly stupid it is to sell dmt. It really pisses me off whenever I hear stories about people doing it. Its going to ruin it for everyone who is responsible.

Still shouldn't make someone a criminal though.
I am.
#18 Posted : 11/15/2010 11:19:36 PM


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burnt wrote:
If he was hustling a pound (a pound!?) of dmt then yes hes an idiot. I completely agree how utterly stupid it is to sell dmt. It really pisses me off whenever I hear stories about people doing it. Its going to ruin it for everyone who is responsible.

Still shouldn't make someone a criminal though.

no. it doesn't make you a criminal but it does make you a potential target for the police. i seriously doubt the cops made a huge to do over a little college hustler. i know people who've done what he is doing: turn their dorm room into a trap and make THOUSANDS of dollars. hell...college students are infamous for being dead broke. if he had 3 room mates (from the article, i'd say that all 4 of them sold dope) there's a good chance that these aren't just petty weed dealers. i doubt they had some huge sophisticated operation but i bet they were moving a good bit of drugs through the campus. i hate that drugs are illegal but they are. we can squabble about how they should be legal or we can adapt and safely use drugs in an intelligent, secluded manner, so as not to draw attention to ourselves or our drugs.

it's like i tell people all the time (in reference to "the way things are" ) : whether it's right or wrong, it is. deal with it. turning your dorm room into a distribution center isn't a smart way of dealing with it or "sticking it to the man" and with all the recent stories of big busts, DMT related (especially in college settings), i wouldn't be surprised to see a ban put on MHRB in some countries over the coming years. we have got to start acting right and encouraging nothing but safe, responsible use. thing is: most humans are too stupid to not abuse everything within arms reach. sad but true...
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#19 Posted : 11/15/2010 11:25:02 PM

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^^Well I totally agree with keep it to yourself and don't bring unnecessary attention as well as don't distribute drugs. Its stupid and irresponsible. Your right that is how it is.

I just find the story vague. I think it sounded like he just had powdered bark but I guess it really was a pound of dmt. Which is insane. No one should have that much dmt for any reason.
#20 Posted : 11/15/2010 11:51:42 PM

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There's almost no way he had a pound of crystal DMT. I'm fairly sure they meant a pound of powdered MHRB. A pound of DMT would take something like 50 kilos of rootbark to extract. Where was he able to find a supplier of that much root bark, who was also willing to sell him that large of a quantity knowing he was likely to get caught if he made that much DMT? And where did he get the money to pay for all that root bark? I suppose he could have had the money from dealing pot, although I doubt it, because IME pot dealing is not THAT profitable unless they were way up in the supply chain, which I doubt.

I'm sure they also found a small amount of crystal DMT, and left it to the media to assume that since the pound of powdered material contained DMT, that's the same as them having a pound of powdered DMT. Rolling eyes
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