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#1 Posted : 12/29/2023 4:17:52 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 28-Sep-2023
Last visit: 13-Feb-2024
Location: USA
Okay so I have been using/some may call abusing DMT for years. Lately as in the last 5 months I have tripped every single day sometimes multiple times a day and my perception of DMT is getting somewhat clearer. To me it feels as if every time I vape it's kind of like switching the channel of reality, and never knowing what is on the next channel. Sort of like there are a bunch of altered States of reality out there and some of them welcome you and show you unbelievable awesome things and some of them are pissed off that you're there and make it extremely hard on you. I just come to realize I have to take the good with the bad.

Well then some channels almost feel like I'm targeted by someone, something or? It's really hard to explain but it feels almost like it's controlled by something almost like television. Like the channels anyone that does DMT could possibly land on the same channels and have the same experience. I read a post about telepathy and I have thought that myself in the past and also felt as if it would be possible to bring an item back from hyperspace.

Anyways just curious if anyone else gets the same feeling. Also, has anybody ever seen the grim reaper at the beginning of a trip? This recently happened and scared the shit out of me but then it became a really good trip.

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#2 Posted : 12/30/2023 9:35:13 PM


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Well, I have had the very explicit understanding on my first breakthrough that this is the DMT breakthrough, and everyone who ever went there experienced (is experiencing) the same thing, and are possibly in some way also the same entity beyond time and space.

I have heard and read others have very similar thoughts on DMT. I wouldn't say it's necessarily true, but variations on it do seem to come up an awful lot.
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#3 Posted : 12/31/2023 2:31:39 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: USA
I have never thought of it to be like that, I always figured it was different for every user. There may be a lot of similarities but never completely the same. I can't really say that I've ever had an encounter with an entity that seems so prevalent in people's journeys. I have noticed that about every third or fourth trip ends up being rather challenging.

I also noticed that what you're currently thinking about or interested in seems to play a big role on the trip. Like say you was watching a bunch of rock climbing videos or something, and then you trip and it seems to have something to do with rock climbing ect. ect. Sometimes I can't stand that it does that, I've also had trips that was just about like watching YouTube videos with real people doing normal stuff.

I will say seeing the grim reaper at the beginning of a trip is not what I call a good start but luckily it turned out to be a great trip. Still ain't really figured out the reasoning for that though.
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