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Caapi and Passionflower MAOI properties Options
#1 Posted : 10/19/2023 7:50:07 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 18-Jul-2023
Last visit: 13-Feb-2024
I have been trying to research how smoking Caapi or Passionflower would activate its MAOI properties to no avail.

In a changa blend I assume that the MAOI properties make themselves more noticeable in conjunction with the DMT powder. So smoking a joint of Caapi should be enough to activate its MAOI like alkaloids?

Also if so, should it be treated like MAOI medication? That is avoid all other substances and specific foods. I have read that before consuming any MAOI, medications that pose a risk for serotonin syndrome must be stopped for 5 half-lives before starting an MAOI.

However I have also read that after a MAOI regime one should wait 14 days before consuming any other drugs, should it be approached the same way when smoking a single joint of caapi?

Perhaps it is too confusing of a post, but would love to be directed towards some relevant studies or information

Thank you very much

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#2 Posted : 10/19/2023 8:16:58 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Spirit_bender-420 wrote:
I have been trying to research how smoking Caapi or Passionflower would activate its MAOI properties to no avail.

In a changa blend I assume that the MAOI properties make themselves more noticeable in conjunction with the DMT powder. So smoking a joint of Caapi should be enough to activate its MAOI like alkaloids?

Also if so, should it be treated like MAOI medication? That is avoid all other substances and specific foods. I have read that before consuming any MAOI, medications that pose a risk for serotonin syndrome must be stopped for 5 half-lives before starting an MAOI.

However I have also read that after a MAOI regime one should wait 14 days before consuming any other drugs, should it be approached the same way when smoking a single joint of caapi?

Perhaps it is too confusing of a post, but would love to be directed towards some relevant studies or information

Thank you very much

I've smoked Syrian Rue pretty often before DMT, 5Meo, mushrooms. Smoked Passionflower 3X in Changa.

I've never worried about dietary restrictions. If you smoke Syrian Rue by itself, you only really feel it for an hour or two. So, maybe I've tried not to eat restricted things, drink too much coffee, etc. for that hour or so.

Anyway. I wouldn't worry as much about all that if smoking the stuff. Certainly not 14 days.

And, Passionflower is a pretty weak MAOI.
#3 Posted : 10/19/2023 8:23:46 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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The MAO-A inhibition from Harmalas is reversible and selective and as such doesn't require dietary restrictions of any kind, still need to avoid certain drug to drug interactions though, as well as to be mindful of the CYP1A2 as well as CYP2D6 inhibition of Harmalas which can potentiates substances/medicines metabolized by those enzymes like Caffeine for example with CYP1A2 which when inhibited by oral Harmalas especially from a low to high dose but especially so with a high dose of oral Harmalas necessitates the reduction of Caffeine down to a quarter to a half of the usual dosage, so anything metabolized by CYP1A2 or CYP2D6 can be potentiated as such if consumed alongside the Harmalas and their active CYP inhibtion but if the CYP substrate is taken some time beforehand there would be no potentiation.

As far as smoked Harmalas go, they're not an issue really, one can certainly have some MAO-A inhibition in the brain and possibly liver from smoked Harmalas but they won't inhibit gut MAO-A to any degree that i've been able to tell.
#4 Posted : 10/19/2023 8:41:55 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 13-Feb-2024
ShamensStamen wrote:
The MAO-A inhibition from Harmalas is reversible and selective and as such doesn't require dietary restrictions of any kind, still need to avoid certain drug to drug interactions

Regarding avoiding certain interactions is it solely when consuming Harmalas or also before?

From what I understand smoking these substances would not be in sufficient quantities for this to play a role, but to have in account when consuming something like ayahuasca, which precautions should be taken in account regarding drug interactions, both before and after?
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