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The Messages from the Other Side... Options
#1 Posted : 9/6/2023 2:09:08 PM

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I wanted to report something that has been questioning my ideas and thoughts for a while now.
Back in 2014 I had a very strange experience where I was watching a tv show. As I was kicking back and trying to unwind I was also doing some stuff on the computer with my headphones in listening to music and watching tv while I work away on the laptop in front of me.

Without warning my music cuts and so does my tv. Then a poorly drawn skit starts playing on my tv (not the laptop). My headphones sync up to the actions on tv as well so I have visual and auditory interactions happening at once, synchronicity like pink floyd and dark side of the moon with wizard of OZ. It sounded like they were meant to go together. But there was no way they could be connected, I checked after... As the skit starts playing it starts looking eerily similar to my life, and what i did earlier that day. I think they wanted me to know that it WAS ME in the skit. I see what looks like my body falling down, and then hits the bottom of whatever it was falling, then I realise that body, was mine on the tv. The body laid lifeless after the impact to the ground. Then all of a sudden the EYE appeared over my lifeless body on the television. The eye started glowing a deep purple and then my lifeless body was picked up by the energy, stood upright and was breathed back to life. Death and rebirth?

Also in the skit I saw a prism with light being thrown through it and a rainbow coming out of it, pouring over my being. I knew what this meant.. I was terrified from what this all meant, also very curious as to how this all happened. The skit keeps playing, then my body shifted into a train, a freight train that the front was facing me and could not see the rest of it. As the train is barrelling what looks like towards me, a bunch of bad and evil beings come into view, and me as a train just run them over, not flinching, not slowing down.. not giving a inch to just demolishing what was in front of me which was a train now. Keep in mind I'm watching this all happen, on my tv, with my headphones on, and the tv and headphones sounded like they were connected. The skit ends and I have a pretty good idea what they were trying to tell me...

Whoever they were, Im guessing they were telling me Kundalini was starting, that's when I started tripping for about 3 months straight as my energy tried to settle after roaring awake. I believe kundalini has happened, all the reading I have done leads me to believe its kundalini...

I hope you enjoyed the read, this was the experience and the ones that followed that changed me forever, and for the better. Many many other things happened after that has put me on the right track. As I was on a destructive one, but i was looking for answers and trying to solve my problems, i didn't know how to solve in the first place.
I took a leap of faith, I asked. I got answers...

Thank you for the read. No psychedelics were used in this experience, but DMT and conversations happened before this has happened with other beings.

Best wishes to all of you and may you find what you seek.

Please feel free to ask any questions regarding this, you will jog my memory and i can give more info to what has happened, I feel like it's time for me to talk about this.

As we tumble through time, we meet. We share, We grow..
LSD, DMT, Mescaline and Psilocybin 👁️

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#2 Posted : 9/6/2023 7:36:29 PM

Got Naloxone?

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This WAS a good read. Thank you for sharing such a fascinating and I suspect very symbolic experience.

I don't know much about kundalini but an awakening of new energies and perspectives sounds wonderful.

If you were to take a very strict, reductionist, physicalist approach, what do you think happened to you on this fateful day such that this experience was generated? I can think of a few things but would love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you again. My day is looking better after reading this.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#3 Posted : 9/7/2023 1:48:30 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Pandora wrote:
If you were to take a very strict, reductionist, physicalist approach, what do you think happened to you on this fateful day such that this experience was generated? I can think of a few things but would love to hear your thoughts.

Now I remember, I performed a altar ritual. My items contained were an acorn from an oak tree, symbolized wisdom. An old shoe from me as a baby, symbolized growth. A drop of my blood, symbolized my soul essence. These Items i put in a special ritualistic tea cup that I use for my mushrooms. I left the gathered things by my window so whatever stopped by saw my message and intent what i wanted with these items. Set and Intention just like psychedelics. With these items i have asked the universe to give me knowledge, understanding and growth, on a spiritual level. With all of this symbolism, i hoped happiness and peace comes after I have obtained what i was looking for, wisdom. There are still problems, but that's life. Good and bad are nessicary, but evil is something entirely different, it does not belong.

It is, magick is real. It's not a toy, i did suffer for those three months as I was in a limbo mentally due to the energys. The other trip report that i made with the snake is also what happened during a dmt trip before this all happened. Preemptive warning?

My thought process is different, more accurate. I don't anger so easily. I have way more discipline than i did, i was really impulsive, but now no more. I think about the actions first.

All the side effects from the kundalini are minimal, if non existent now.

Could be because i'm older now, but i'm not dismissing that magick had a lot to do with it..

If something is hard to describe or understand its called magick. Until you understand it, its magick Smile

Thanks Pandora, you jogged my memory, that's an important detail I have left out before the story lol.
As we tumble through time, we meet. We share, We grow..
LSD, DMT, Mescaline and Psilocybin 👁️
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