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A Few Tips for New Folks from a Regular Member... Options
#61 Posted : 10/10/2017 7:46:03 PM
Hello all. My name is Dustin. I am 37 years old and am new to the Nexus. I know all of the rules and terms. I am by no means a nuisance. I am here to broaden my horizons and gain further knowledge. If there are any tips that anyone can share with me about becoming a member I would greatly appreciate it.
Welcoming committee
#62 Posted : 10/18/2017 3:57:34 AM
dustin37 wrote:
Hello all. My name is Dustin. I am 37 years old and am new to the Nexus. I know all of the rules and terms. I am by no means a nuisance. I am here to broaden my horizons and gain further knowledge. If there are any tips that anyone can share with me about becoming a member I would greatly appreciate it.

Hello and welcome to the Nexus!

Be sure to have a look through the FAQ as well as searching through the forum in general:

Why can't I post in some threads as a new member ? How do I get promoted?

Some other related threads:

(NEW FUNCTIONALITY) Promoting new members!

(QUESTIONNAIRE) for new members to get a faster promotion to full membership

Good luck!
New to The Nexus? Check These Out:

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

Space hopper
#63 Posted : 1/3/2018 3:43:43 AM
Hello and happy new year dear nexicans. I just joined on new years eve and I am very excited to be able to communicate with like minded people.
DMT is the most powerful hallucinogen there is. If it gets stronger than that I don't want to know about it.

Terence McKenna
Cactus Man
#64 Posted : 4/23/2018 12:49:27 AM
Hello everyone! Long time lurker first time poster! Looking forward to learning and sharing knowledge with yall.Big grin
#65 Posted : 8/21/2018 7:49:45 AM
I have less of a question as I haven't found any threads in here talking about what I've been on about .... so I guess it's more of an add on I've been toying with the idea that we are batteries and need to be charged for a successful launch I've been having trouble and ruled out methods and such and I've noticed wetting the top of my head slightly noticeably increases effects.. I'm also going to be doing experiments with charging by sun gazing and actively avoiding fluoride and other chemicals that tarnish the gateway of the soul. Although not widely accepted by what facts I could figure out and a lot of study I'd say the lungs via blood to the pineal gland via sight or sight and back all have interconnected Ness with Dmt. Glad to be here a lot of good people and information.
#66 Posted : 9/14/2018 6:43:51 PM
Hello guys, happy to be here and gain a lot of info's from ya all, much love !!
#67 Posted : 11/5/2018 10:55:18 AM
Understood sir! Pretty straight forward common sense I see to be required to be part of DMT nexus 😊
#68 Posted : 11/5/2018 4:15:38 PM
I was referred to this site by a friend/member and finally decided to sign up after reading a bit. I have a lot of knowledge and experience in many other areas. Glad to be a part of the forum and hope to learn more about all of this! I have been doing a lot of my own research on acacia/DMT and will be actively browsing the forum for any and all information I can get. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated. I'm not sure where to start as a newbie here.. but I am eager to learn as much as possible. Happy to be a part of DMT NEXUS!
#69 Posted : 5/8/2019 8:14:44 AM
A tip for new members who browse The forum with a smart Phone: activate The mobile view in your profile settings.
#70 Posted : 5/10/2019 5:56:32 AM
It would be pretty cool if the recent threads that are on the bottom in pc view also showed up at the bottom of the mobile view.Cool
#71 Posted : 8/3/2019 8:52:36 AM
I like the Attitude guidelines. Very smart approach.
The Universe is full of mysteries: UFOs, Infinite Outer Space, psychedelics, ghosts, Bigfoot, dream experiences, psychic abilities. They are actually all interrelated: https://www.consciousnessandcontact.org/

Long Live the Shroomery! www.shroomery.org/forums
Cheese Sandwich
#72 Posted : 10/25/2019 2:49:29 AM
Do or do not, there is no try
~ Yoda ~
Cheese Sandwich
#73 Posted : 10/25/2019 2:50:54 AM
Lurking, ha...I like it....
Do or do not, there is no try
~ Yoda ~
Cheese Sandwich
#74 Posted : 10/25/2019 2:53:00 AM
Vibes of a positive nature coming forthwith....
Do or do not, there is no try
~ Yoda ~
#75 Posted : 1/22/2020 8:26:51 PM
d*l*b wrote:
A more efficient site search using Google uses syntax as follows:

The whole site:

"required string" optional string site:dmt-nexus.me

The forum:

"required string" optional string site:dmt-nexus.me/forum/

The wiki:

"required string" optional string site:wiki.dmt-nexus.me

nice youre a very knowledgeable guy it seems! <3
#76 Posted : 2/28/2020 3:42:50 AM
I would love to become a full member just to interact with certain posts so i can get help with some questions and steps i might have done wrong. But for now as a rookie i can read most of the things i needed to know so its all good for me :-) . I understand that just allowing everybody willie nilllie full member ship wont be a sustainable idea and its a good way to avoid ignorance and give people the chance to actually read topics to understand how to avoid these mistakes.

much love and respect
when the doors of perception are open we can experience the full scope of reality
#77 Posted : 3/30/2020 6:07:36 PM
Will try to search before asking something that has already been answered! I read the attitude thoroughly but am stubborn and fault ridden.

I assure you I come in peace, goodwill, and openness though.
#78 Posted : 2/18/2021 11:04:31 AM
Thanks for all the guidelines, folks. I'm browsing here for a cpl of months and I find this forum very well structured. Not a single post so far because all questions were answered and - already succeeded on a TEK Thumbs up
#79 Posted : 2/19/2021 6:19:22 AM
JamHot wrote:
Thanks for all the guidelines, folks. I'm browsing here for a cpl of months and I find this forum very well structured. Not a single post so far because all questions were answered and - already succeeded on a TEK Thumbs up

It was exactly like that for me: all your questions are answered here if you take your time and do a little bit of research Smile Besides, knowledge obtained in this way has better structure and benefits the seeker more, than if everything is chewed for them and layed out on a silver plate.

Please post about your experiences with molecule when/if you have any Smile
#80 Posted : 4/18/2021 2:50:58 PM
As a new member it's great to see this reminder. To many groups on all kinds of subjects are overun with the same posts. The searxch function is a valuable tool.
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